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Have to admit I was initially stoked about the idea shaving some size and weight off my Z9 by pickup up a Z8, but after walking a lot of trails yesterday with my Z9, 100-400+1.4xTC attached to a Black Rapid sport strap, I have to say I really didn't notice the weight, but sure appreciated holding the big Z9. And today I was out shooting Eastern Bluebirds video and stills all morning off a tripod. For some unknown reason I kept looking at the battery indicator which hardly budged all morning long. Kinda nice not to have to worry about batteries. Anyway, sooner or later I'll probably end up with a Z8 (maybe pick a used one up in a year or two) but for now I've decided to table that idea and instead put the money I "saved" not buying a Z8 towards a 600TC, which for me is better bang for the buck, I think. :)
Have to admit I was initially stoked about the idea shaving some size and weight off my Z9 by pickup up a Z8, but after walking a lot of trails yesterday with my Z9, 100-400+1.4xTC attached to a Black Rapid sport strap, I have to say I really didn't notice the weight, but sure appreciated holding the big Z9. And today I was out shooting Eastern Bluebirds video and stills all morning off a tripod. For some unknown reason I kept looking at the battery indicator which hardly budged all morning long. Kinda nice not to have to worry about batteries. Anyway, sooner or later I'll probably end up with a Z8 (maybe pick a used one up in a year or two) but for now I've decided to table that idea and instead put the money I "saved" not buying a Z8 towards a 600TC, which for me is better bang for the buck, I think. :)
Yes I feel there is a weight difference, but well, for me i have to agree its not that big a issue if at all.
I prefer the body comfort feel features synergy of teh Z9 if i have a choice.
To be honest, i actually prefer the weight, its like a Leica solid heavy for a reason, stability, feel, its not just all about IBIS.
I have always liked the full Pro body over everything else.
Its either real small like a D500 or smaller size or its large like a D6 Z9.
On smaller cameras i usually hang a very light very small mono pod shorted for balance, a bit like the Bow and Arrow principal.

Only an opinion