Z8/Z9 with diving birds

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I would imagine it wouldn’t be but you could focus on the perched bird and use pre capture to try and grab it as it takes off but if it goes in Amy direction where the focal length changes even by a little the camera will likely not keep up. If the light is good maybe open up the aperture a bit, or is it close? What I mean is go to a higher number for more depth of field
I too would love to have raw pre-capture. But even if pre-capture was available in raw, forgive me if i am wrong , but I don't think the AF would be any different.
It’s difficult to say. At least one might have a couple images in focus. If one is planning on shooting take offs, changing the af response to erratic, may and I say may improve success. I’m frequently frustrated with the Z8’s af system for certain BIF scenarios. It can track and follow large birds and raptors easily in some circumstances, and at other times fail. It can follow a diving pelican or tern, but struggles to keep up with passerines headed towards the camera (that’s difficult for most systems). Other times, I’m pleasantly surprised when it captures a string of a couple in-focus frames when a large bird blasts off. The af system is pretty good, though there is a lot of room for improvement.
I would imagine it wouldn’t be but you could focus on the perched bird and use pre capture to try and grab it as it takes off but if it goes in Amy direction where the focal length changes even by a little the camera will likely not keep up. If the light is good maybe open up the aperture a bit, or is it close? What I mean is go to a higher number for more depth of field
Totally agree with you!
I find the AF on the z8 to be predictable in terms of being only able to do so much. In other words, if I am on the subject and it is not too far away or small and there is not much clutter around it can do a superb job. However if i don’t have as good a lock on the subject and there are distractions in the area like branches, grass or otherwise then things can go south very fast. But to honest I expect this and it is so superior to the dslr I had in the past. I think for me lots of practice and experimenting with various situations have given me a better awareness of what I can hope to get. That being said I often go out and miss what should be an easy mark because I’m just a little slow. It doesn’t take much. Usually if I can get the little green box on the eye or at least the body I have A pretty good chance of getting something worthwhile. I’m sure those like Steve are way better at this than I. But I like a challenge. Lately I’ve been going out with the 600pf with the 1.4tc to practice BIF etc. my hit rate is poor but as I improve when I go back to the bare 600 it gets easier.