Z9 Update: Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System!

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To add to my post above, Nikon may make it so it's just too tough to keep putting all the cameras together anyway. The keep changing this (as Thom Hogan says, "moving the cheese"). Right now, its fine, but if they keep making radical changes the book will become too disjointed with the next several model releases. So, the update problem may solve itself.
To add to my post above, Nikon may make it so it's just too tough to keep putting all the cameras together anyway. The keep changing this (as Thom Hogan says, "moving the cheese"). Right now, its fine, but if they keep making radical changes the book will become too disjointed with the next several model releases. So, the update problem may solve itself.
I just realized, Steve, that I'm thinking about the book with a bit of a murder mystery sense -- "Will BBF die as preferred shooting mode in this edition!?" LOL
Thanks for the update Steve. I have been waiting patiently, and appreciate your efforts. 10 points for the addition of every new corny SP joke that somehow you are able to pull off. For the most part, I always speak up with friends or on social media about what you offer. I will make a point of promoting your website over the next few days.
I just realized, Steve, that I'm thinking about the book with a bit of a murder mystery sense -- "Will BBF die as preferred shooting mode in this edition!?" LOL
No worries yet, I'm still rocking that back button :)

I don't actually need to anymore, I just like it better. For me, that's reason enough. :)
Probably. We were talking about that this time. There were literally hundreds and hundreds of hours put into this between testing, shooting, and updating the book. It's a lot of work for a free update, but thankfully people are posting about it on other forums and that helps sales.
If you had an option to contribute an additional $10 for the update, I'll bet a lot of folks, like me, would do it. Heck, the initial price is so inexpensive to begin with! Something to consider....
Thank you for the (free!) update Steve! Just got my Z9 on Friday. I guess Nikon was just waiting for you to release this update before sending me my camera, knowing that I would be hopelessly lost without it. :) I just wish you could have released it about a week earlier, cause I just got back from a Costa Rica trip and really could have used my Z9 with focus tracking there! ;)
It's finally here - the Z9 update for my e-book, Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System, Mirrorless Edition!

This update is MASSIVE and added over 90 pages to the book! It's primarily an update for the Z9, but it also includes quite a few new tips and tricks every Z shooter will love.

The Z9 updates are the bulk of it and they are extensive. The section on Z9 subject detection alone is 46 pages and includes critical information for getting the most from the Z9's AF system. The book also covers the new 3D AF mode in the Z9, the new custom functions, using AF modes on buttons, and so much more! If you want to get the most from your Z9's AF system, this book is a MUST READ!

Of course, the book covers more than just the Z9, so ANY Z user will learn everything they need to know to get the most out of their camera.

This update is free for existing users of the mirrorless edition of the Nikon AF book. You can access the update by logging into the My Account area at the link below. After you log in, you can download the current version of your book and replace it with this update.


Note that this update is NOT for the DSLR version of the book, only the mirrorless edition.

If you're a Z user and don't have your copy of the book, what are you waiting for? Now's the time to start getting the most from the AF system on your camera!

Outstanding, I purchased the book this morning, thank you Steve! The timing is perfect my Z9 arrives this Wednesday.

LOL, I think the fastest way to get Nikon to release major firmware updates is to update my books!!
Sorta like how best way to get Nikon to release a new camera was for me to finally purchase one that had been on the market for 2-3 years!! :giggle:

I got my Z9 about a week ago, and figured that they would have announced the "enthusiast's version" (Z8?) by now!!
I just took a quick scan, initially just looking for details on how the cameras were using PDAF and CDAF together. I was quite pleased to see that discussion was actually in there! I'm guessing it was already in there pre-update, and I really should've read this earlier but I was waiting for the Z9 update before reading it.

But I'm a little surprised and confused now. I've been noticing that my Z9 tends to rack focus in a big way (all- or nearly-all the way from end to end) a LOT, certainly way more than my D850 and D6. That's been one of my biggest issues/gripes is that even if I had the focus fairly close, it would often rack the focus at which point I'd lose the target completely because I couldn't see it to track it and then I'd have to get the focus "close" again (manually or picking a point nearby), then re-acquire the target (if even possible) and try again.

I had assumed that was a result of using more CDAF than PDAF. But it sounds from your description like it primarily uses PDAF (except for pinpoint). So now I'm at a bit of a loss as to why I see this behavior on the Z9 much more than on my DSLRs. FWIW, in case it makes a difference, I use primarily the Wide-L and 3D. I usually start with the Wide-L and once it has locked, I switch to 3D (I have Wide-L+AFON on a Fn and I leave the main focus on 3D and use the AFON for BBF). Although that brings up another point/question - I sometimes have trouble in that "transfer" from Wide-L to 3D/BBF. I'd get the lock in Wide-L, then hit the AFON and it would then rack focus and I'd lose it completely. I'm curious if I'm doing something wrong here, or if this just isn't a good method. But I'm guessing this (or something similar) is covered in one of the chapters I haven't gotten to yet.

I also need to sit and think about why there isn't much of an issue with PDAF and small apertures. I had thought that the reason the MILCs handled small apertures better was because they would rely more on CDAF in that situation. With PDAF comparing things from opposite sides of the lens, it would seem like it would be subject to similar limitations at small apertures even though it's reading off the main sensor instead of a separate sensor. It would seem like you would similarly lose focus points on the periphery as the aperture gets smaller. But I guess I need to think about it more and maybe draw out some pictures.

Also, I apologize if some of this is discussed elsewhere in the book - I haven't read the whole thing yet - just that specific section. But I'm definitely looking forward to a full and thorough read!