Zemlin Photo now at B&H - Thank you BCG community

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Well-known member
If this comes across as spam, please delete, but it is sincerely a thank you for all the support my little biz has had here at the BCG forums. This has been a stronghold of support for my products. The growth I've seen has far exceeded all my expectations, and I'm now moving into retail distribution. Today I got word from B&H that they are listing my complete line of lens caps and Nikon eyepieces. Sorta' feels like I'm hitting the big-time.

There have been so many customers over the years who mention BCG forums as the place they found out about my products. The support from this community has not been taken for granted. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wouldn't be where I am without you folks.

My second full time employee is starting next week, and I hope to pass off most of the day-to-day grind to him so I can get back into the piece I do best - new product development.

We've outgrown the garage, so we'll soon be looking for a bigger & better home.

Happy New Year to all, and thanks again,

If this comes across as spam, please delete, but it is sincerely a thank you for all the support my little biz has had here at the BCG forums. This has been a stronghold of support for my products. The growth I've seen has far exceeded all my expectations, and I'm now moving into retail distribution. Today I got word from B&H that they are listing my complete line of lens caps and Nikon eyepieces. Sorta' feels like I'm hitting the big-time.

There have been so many customers over the years who mention BCG forums as the place they found out about my products. The support from this community has not been taken for granted. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wouldn't be where I am without you folks.

My second full time employee is starting next week, and I hope to pass off most of the day-to-day grind to him so I can get back into the piece I do best - new product development.

We've outgrown the garage, so we'll soon be looking for a bigger & better home.

Happy New Year to all, and thanks again,

Congrats Karl!
Karl, as a relatively new customer I’d like to add my congratulations to those above. I bought a lens hood and lens cap for one of my telephoto lenses purely because of the effusive recommendations I read here at BCG Forums.

I couldn’t be happier with my purchase and I expect to buy more in 2025. Thank you, Karl!
If this comes across as spam, please delete, but it is sincerely a thank you for all the support my little biz has had here at the BCG forums. This has been a stronghold of support for my products. The growth I've seen has far exceeded all my expectations, and I'm now moving into retail distribution. Today I got word from B&H that they are listing my complete line of lens caps and Nikon eyepieces. Sorta' feels like I'm hitting the big-time.

There have been so many customers over the years who mention BCG forums as the place they found out about my products. The support from this community has not been taken for granted. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wouldn't be where I am without you folks.

My second full time employee is starting next week, and I hope to pass off most of the day-to-day grind to him so I can get back into the piece I do best - new product development.

We've outgrown the garage, so we'll soon be looking for a bigger & better home.

Happy New Year to all, and thanks again,

Congratulations and happy new year. Well deserved.