A Z-mount 600mm PF prime? Design Possibilities?

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Z-mount 600mm PF prime: What is your prediction of the Minimum f-Number (lens window)?

  • f4.5 - ø 133mm

  • f4.8 - ø 125mm

  • f5.6 - ø 108mm

  • f6.3 - ø 96mm

  • f7.1 - ø 85mm

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Some relevant specifications (mass incl. tripod foot) of Nikkor telephotos:

400 f4.5S = 1.25kg, ø 89mm, 104 x 234.5mm

500 f5.6E PF = 1.46 kg, ø 90mm, 106 x 237mm

180-600 f5.6/6.3 = 1.955 kg, ø 95 mm, 110 x 315.5mm

800 f6.3S PF = 2.385g, ø 128mm, 140 × 385mm
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To follow on a recent discussion (with links to earlier PF threads), there seem to be quite a few wildlife photographers who live in the hope of Nikon releasing a 600 PF in the Z System.

This is pure speculation as there's no hint of even another Telephoto prime (yet?) on the Z System roadmap. Nevertheless, one certainty is that demand for a 600 PF will be unprecedented, especially among birders; it could well exceed demand for the 800 PF!

One possibility is Nikon designers decide to "scale down" the 800 f6.3S PF (385mm long) - yet keep the 128mm window in a shorter 600 f4.8S. Or they may decide (have finalized) on a 600 f5.6S PF. This will follow up the existing 2018 patent.

A Z 600 PF should weigh well under 2kg, even as a f4.8S prime: being shorter overall. This suggests dimensions of 112mm x 314mm (based on the F mount patent of ~283.5mm length (less 46.5mm throat depth, see Nikon's 2018 patent). Note the patent specifies a 500 f5.6 PF of 28 cm to the focus plane, which is realized in its final length of 237mm (+ 46.5mm throat depth)

Besides being 10cm shorter than the 800 PF, another reason for a lighter 600 PF is a prime has fewer glass elements than the lighter tele zooms, pertinently the 180-600 f5.6/6.3. Whatever eventuates, if ever, in a 600 PF, we can expect its final specifications will set an unprecedented benchmark for a light, short supertelephoto prime, compared against any of the super tele zooms, let alone the exotic primes.

Another lesson from the rumours (that kicked off in September 2021) until final launch of the 800 PF is how its official price was widely overestimated, across the internet. The predictions by some merchants of gloom even invoked the exotic price of the 800 f5.6E FL.... overestimating the RRP by several thousands of $$ in some cases :D While window diameter is the dominant factor in price of a telephoto, (see comparisons by Photography Life), avoidance of fluorite elements and/or an Internal Teleconverter also reduce production costs.
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Excellent summarizations and thoughts, Fenton.

It all comes down to what Nikon feels is necessary for best sales without cannibalizing other lenses too much and a probable desire to keep it in line with other optics in the range as well as a decent price point. In other words, where will it fit for best results for Nikon and we users.

I voted a 600 f6.3 but it could very well be a 600 f5.6 or even f4.8(f5). Like all things, it depends on price, size and weight and where Nikon want it to fit in the grand scheme of things. What I would like, is a 600 f5.6 or f6.3 for probable best size/weight/price ratio with a slight penalty for a 600 + 1.4x TC with a max aperture of f8 (f5.6) or f9 (f6.3).

A 600 f5 would be an 840 f6.3 with the 1.4x TC and thus be a smaller lighter version of having an 800 f6.3 PF but with the benefit of being a 600 f5 and then adding the 1.4x TC, an 840 f6.3. This certainly has it's advantages for fitting in a smaller backpack/bag etc than the 800 f6.3 PF. Is this what Nikon want?

A 600 f5.6 could cannibalize 800 f6.3 PF sales as it would mean people opt for the 600 and use a TC where required for a smaller lens than the 800 pf. Is this what Nikon would want?
The two main pieces of evidence, each pointing to 5.6 are 1) the patent and 2) the 4.5 of the Z lightweight prime. The patent shows Nikon’s previous thoughts regarding a lightweight 600 mm lens. And the 400 f/4.5 lens shows Nikon’s current thoughts regarding how they want to fit and market a lightweight prime lens in their lineup when they have less expensive zoom lenses that cover that distance. They make it noticeably lighter, slightly faster, and optically better to justify the expense. Hence my vote for it being a 5.6.
i'd be interested in a 600 pf (or something like the 400 4.5). i'm not a wildlife guy, so it doesn't make any sense for me to shell out for something like the 600 tc, i probably don't have the need for something as long as the 800 pf, but i wouldn't mind having something that's a bit longer than the 400 4.5 for the occasional wildlife

i really love the 400 4.5 and i think the lightweight, handy, semi affordable, and awesome image quality is a great combo and i'd like to see them use it in more configurations
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Forget about the first two option on the list. I can't see them introducing a lens that's a quarter the cost and functionally competes with the 600mm f4. Logically either f5.6 or 6.3 make the most sense. My bet is 6.3 just to stick with the 96mm. Although with recent designs Nikon does seem to be ignoring any "standard" sizing criteria.
I didn't vote because I just don't see Nikon producing another new telephoto lens for a long long time. After 5 years of Z-Mount, 3 of which were without a real telephoto option, Nikon has unleashed an army of telephoto optics that include the: 100-400, 180-600, 400 f4.5, 400 f2.8S w/ converter, 600 f4S w/ converter, and 800PF. One has 5 legitimate ways to get to about 600mm... 100-400 + 1.4x = 560 f8, 180-600 = 600 f6.3, 400 f5.6 + 1.4x = 560 f6.3, 400 f2.8 + 1.4x = 560 f4, and 600mm f4.
While Nikon may introduce a smaller and lighter 600mm lens in the future, I think we are a long way off... as it appears that there is something for everyone when it comes to price, speed, and portability.

I am a birder and bird ID photographer and my 600mm focal length lenses was always a bit to short for what I do (last was my 600 f/4E).

My Z800 pf has hit the sweet spot focal length for me on my Z9 where I can toggle between fx/dx with the push of a button on the lens.

The Z180-600 is on order and that should take care of those times I really prefer need a variable focal length lens an one with a shorter minimum focusing distance.

At this point a 600mm pf has pretty much no appeal for me, but I did vote for the f/5.6 given the patent and it being the logical step below the 800pf.
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Just build this and be done with it. Throw a built in 1.4TC to sweeten the pot. I’ll switch to whichever brand does this first. I don’t care what camera I’ll have to put up with (as I’m certain it won’t be Sony making this lens).

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