Fedex | B&H

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They did arrive and the box looked like hell. I didn't let the driver leave until I was sure a lens was inside. Fortunately, it was in a sea of foam... I'll post photos of the box.


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FedEx often won't bring the package to my front door, even though if's just a 50 foot walk from the street with wide open parking at all times.

Must differ per locality. I have a long driveway and FedEx (whoever the person is, changes every delivery) make the walk and ensures it's on my doorstep. Local policy/training I guess. But I still have the issue of no signatures, even when the value of the package is high. My 600pf was the first time I ever had to sign and I was caught by surprise :) Kinda like my credit card with "ASK FOR ID" written on the rarely happens so I'm caught off guard when someone actually asks me for my ID.
I just now received my 180-600 from B&H-FEDEX. Our FEDEX driver has always been good. As usual he brought it through the gate, to the door, and took the required signature. He immediately noted that the box was a bit crushed and asked if it would be a problem. The box was way too big and allowed for some exterior damage, hollow inside, but there was ample bubble wrap around the lens so all looks fine. He noted the damage in his report just in case.
This is as it should be.
When a signature is required and FedEx is the shipper, I have them drop it at the local Dollar General store that is 4 minutes away. I live in the country with our house 80 yards from the front gate. Getting the signature at home is nearly impossible. They give you 5 days to pick up your package.
Ordered Z8 from B&H yesterday and had shipment redirected to local FedEx store. Worked like a charm and am charging the battery now. Also ordered (economy) CFexpress B but did not redirect shipment. It came right away but was stuffed in the mailbox on the street instead of being delivered to the front door as instructed. Thanks to all for all of the tips.
I always have issues with FeEx, and consider myself lucky if they deliver within 1/2 mile of my house. My neighbors and I routinely get each other's packages. That is if FedEx even attempts delivery. Often they claim address does not exist and make no attempt.

I have no issues with UPS and USPS. They find my house every time. FedEx is so bad that I rarely do business with B&H any more, since they charge you to use a different carrier.
Heads up! I ordered a Zf from B&H lat week. Today Fedex delivered the box and did not ring the door for a signature. The box was tampered with because the B&H tape was broken and the box was taped up. Upon opening the box, the Zf and the lens are missing. Since B&H is closed today, I filed a report with Fedex and emailed B&H the details.

Just posting for awareness, but also wanted to know if anyone has had this experience or knows what the customary procedure is for this kind of sick debacle?
Well, you're making me nervous now. I currently have a $2,700 pkg enroute to MPB by FedEx ground. I noticed on the MPB FAQ that once it's boxed by me and sent with their pre-paid label that MPB guarantees the contents. That gave me some confidence but Libra-me can think of a number of potential gray areas that could arise anyway. I'll be tracking hourly, I guess. Thank you, Juliette, for your posting.
Heads up! I ordered a Zf from B&H lat week. Today Fedex delivered the box and did not ring the door for a signature. The box was tampered with because the B&H tape was broken and the box was taped up. Upon opening the box, the Zf and the lens are missing. Since B&H is closed today, I filed a report with Fedex and emailed B&H the details.

Just posting for awareness, but also wanted to know if anyone has had this experience or knows what the customary procedure is for this kind of sick debacle?
One thing I do regularly now with a delivery from B&H (for FedEx deliveries) is have them delivered to a Walgreen's (I have a store just 5 minutes or so away). You don't have to be home and don't have to worry about someone snatching it off your porch, so that eliminates those issues. If someone has stolen it before it gets to you (or Walgreen's) all you can do is notify FedEx and B&H.
I have had mixed results with FedEx recently. I had a lens ordered from B&H that required signature. The box was left on the porch by FedEx and no one rang the doorbell. I found the box crushed on one end. Fortunately the inner box was undamaged and the lens was fine. I’m positive the delivery person didn’t ring, as I would have refused the delivery. I notified FedEx and B&H. If I have the opportunity to select the delivery method, I stay away from FedEx.
In the course of the last year I have been reading of more and more instances like yours and in the vast majority of the reports the carrier is FedEx. I plan to avoid them if I am ever given the choice.
FedEx has been poor at times. They never bother with a signature, even from B&H. I had pre-ordered the Z 180-600 from B&H in mid July and hoping to have it for a week in SC birding. A couple of weeks prior, I went to the Nikon website and pre-ordered one. I was out-of-town when FedEx tried to deliver twice on a Saturday, but kept it. On Monday night, before leaving for SC, they showed up, needing a signature. Nikon may be more demanding of a signature. Love the lens and the price.
It’s easy to have your package redirected to a FedEx location like Walgreens or who ever they use in your area. Then you go there, show your ID, and get your package. Eliminates the stress of waiting at home watching for the FedEx to make sure you actually receive your package.
Over the past 5-7 years I have had FedEx and UPS deliver dozens of packages safely, but not always on time. However, many of these were photo equipment, computer or stereo equipment. Not one was damaged, and all that required a signature were indeed signed for by me. When wine was being delivered some drivers (the ones I didn't know) asked for ID.

As they say, YMMV, but I celebrate one of the joys of small town living!
I can also say that I have only good experience with FEDEX in the past five years or so. This is included numerous packages that required signature for both the Nikon Z9, as well as several expensive lenses, iPhones and cases of wine. I received text messages consistently from FEDEX prior to delivery and, when I have been unable to be present, they will make up to three attempts on subsequent days to deliver. My home in Wisconsin during the summer is in a rural area. My home the rest of the year is in a gated community in Lauderdale by the Sea. My experience with FedEx has always been positive.
It’s easy to have your package redirected to a FedEx location like Walgreens or who ever they use in your area. Then you go there, show your ID, and get your package. Eliminates the stress of waiting at home watching for the FedEx to make sure you actually receive your package.

You are correct in that it is easy to have your deliveries redirected to another commercial location and pick it up there. However, FedEx is being paid to deliver the packages to our homes. Not some store down the road or in the next small town over. Doing so excuses the horrible customer service by FedEx and does not hold their drivers accountable for providing the service paid for.
So I had ordered a non-photography item from a company in the UK. It was being delivered by TNT Express which has been bought out by FedEx. Once the package hits the states FedEx takes it over. It was held up for 3 1/2 days in customs just due to the amount of packages. It was delivered today by FedEx. The item was supposed to require a signature for receipt. So to my surprise I found the package on my front porch. No doorbell, no signature. I looked at the tracking and there was a note that said it was delivered per my instructions. That is a flat out lie. I have notified the company that I bought the item from as well as FedEx. I will be shocked if I get a FedEx response.
When a signature is required and FedEx is the shipper, I have them drop it at the local Dollar General store that is 4 minutes away. I live in the country with our house 80 yards from the front gate. Getting the signature at home is nearly impossible. They give you 5 days to pick up your package.
I actually had a package with a camera I sold shipped via FedEx and dropped at a Dollar General. The item disappeared from the Dollar General - and no signature was obtained (although signature was required). I made a claim to FedEx with good supporting documents and was quickly reimbursed. Normally I'm sure the process works fine - but nothing protects from a thief in the wrong place.

On the other extreme, earlier this week I was notified by FedEx of a pending delivery with a four hour window. I waited more than two hours after the window and then had to leave on a trip. Sure enough, the package was delivered an hour later. What's worse is it was dropped in the lobby even though the instructions state delivery to the second floor. Since it's a 65 pound package, I can't easily get someone to hold it for me.
FedEx ground is terrible in this neck of the woods. Their drivers are contract labor and they go home after 8 hours even if they are not done with deliveries. I've had this happen twice where the driver just went home. On truck for delivery means nothing.
And then last year I sent a Blue Ray player to CA for service. It sat in the Bufflao distribution center for 3 days before it got on a truck. And then it took 11 more days to get to the SF Bay area. The return trip home also had incredibly stupid routing and took 10 days. (from SF to the gulf coast and then back north again only to travel South again after that...??? (it was like they just put it on a truck to anywhere and no place in particular).
Two days ago FedEx delivered an overnight delivery package of perishables. No signature required, but the delivery guy rang the doorbell and said since it was perishable he just wanted to make sure it "got in to good hands ASAP". Our local guys are great! The delivery window was 10:30 —12:30; he came at 11:05.
Two days ago FedEx delivered an overnight delivery package of perishables. No signature required, but the delivery guy rang the doorbell and said since it was perishable he just wanted to make sure it "got in to good hands ASAP". Our local guys are great! The delivery window was 10:30 —12:30; he came at 11:05.
Lucky guy. My delivery window is always the same - 10:40 to 2:40 but he never gets here before 5...if he stops.
OTOH, The UPS guy just did something similar to ensure i was aware of the delivery...:)
I was going to suggest, if you haven't already done so, posting on DPReview as well because I've seen Henry from B&H frequently taking notice of people's issues and reaching out to them regarding their problems. He did so for me for one thing. I don't recall if he posts here or not.
Posting on DPReview could definitely increase visibility for your issue, especially if Henry from B&H is active there. His involvement could help address the problem effectively. best gyro