How to use Group Area AF properly

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For critters like in Yellowstone we set up with single point and D9 on the PV button w/BBF. For ospreys, eagles and sandhills in flight we set D9 and Group on the PV. At long distance we find Group will sometimes pick up the water with the bottom focus point when the birds are low so we use D9. Only when the birds are relatively close or super fast moving like terns do we use Group most of the time. Almost all of our small bird shots are single point w/D9 on the PV button for lift off so we change the settings by location and situation instead of two settings for everything.
My head is spinning, but I’ve got the concept after the third read through this thread. Thanks to everyone for the education. This solves a multitude of problems I’ve faced in the field with rapidly changing circumstance. Much appreciated.
I am set up to use single point, but I have my Pv button set to toggle over to group AF. You can get a solid lock then press the Pv for group if you need it for tracking. This method has worked pretty good for me so far.
Struggling to figure out how to reply or otherwise use a forum ... never have done it before. However I have my D500's and D850 set up the same way ... have been using group AF like this since my old D4s and find it very effective.