I've just ordered a star tracker

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Here's an interesting take on the Plena for astro.
Cool, thanks.
The very video that was the final push for me. And another video by a UK photographer who uses four other trackers and in the end likes the Move Shoot the best in most situations, for its simplicity and portability. And simple I am, so.... :)
Dp you remember the name of the UK photographer?
Here my input.

1. Allyn Wallace
This man passed away earlier this year but even today he is still an inspiration to many. His book is so good and _for me_ a must-have for any astro photographer.
A video was released last week to promote his book in a special edition:
I also advice to check his various videos on YouTube

2. Peter Zelinka
Very good courses (bought a few) and also organiser of workshops (never done one)

3. Lamce Keimig
And maybe you find this gentlemen his course something interesting:

Hope this can help.
I wasn't aware that Alyn passed away. How sad. He will be greatly missed. By all means, yes, buy the book!