Martial eagle with prey, Botswana

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Spot on. Frankolin according to my guide. He ate it like a light snack. Awesome experience, one of the highlights of my trip to Botswana! Are you from SA? What a rush to see the incredible wildlife!

Regards, Andrew

Thanks Andrew,

I live in Australia, but fortunate to travel to East/Southern Africa 3/4 times a year, although CoVid has put the kibosh on that recently but will return to the Serengeti
late FEB, now that our Govt has unlocked International travel. (y)
Andrew, I've just added a pic of a Martial taken in the Kruger Park. Nowhere near your standard but it gives an idea of the suffix 'bellicosus" in the latin name
" Polemaetus bellicosus "
Andrew, I've just added a pic of a Martial taken in the Kruger Park. Nowhere near your standard but it gives an idea of the suffix 'bellicosus" in the latin name
" Polemaetus bellicosus "
Cool, I will check it out! Thanks, Oosty.

Regards, Andrew
Martial eagle, Polemaetus bellicosus, the largest bird of prey in Africa. Preys on small antelope, monkeys, birds, using it's powerful long legs and 7' wingspan. It's all business. Shots taken with Sony a1 200-600mm G OSS ISO (auto) 400-500 1600sec f/8 580mm handheld. View attachment 27475View attachment 27476
That is one evil looking raptor!!!Tucks that prey in like he's running with a football. Great pictures.