Master Nikon AF Handoffs on Z8, Z9, and Z6iii

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Technically, it's not a handoff, it's just using an AF override. For a handoff, again technically, the camera has to be actively using the AF point and then passing to the override. That's not to say what you're doing it wrong in any way though.

What's happening is that Subject Detection will put a little white subject recognition box around anything it thinks is a subject when a compatible AF area is selected and then, if you activate AF, it'll use that box as a starting point for Subject Detection. When you focus with Wide and the camera identifies the subject, then release AF, Subject Detection still keeps track of the subject if it can with that white box. As long as it doesn't lose the target, when you press any override with a compatible AF area compatible with Subject Detection, it'll pick up from that white box. I mean, it's similar to a handoff, but not technically one - but again, that doesn't mean it doesn't work :) As I mentioned in the video, people sometimes get really obsessed with making sure they are doing what's technically a handoff when it's not usually necessary.

PS - also, I'm not trying to be overly pedantic here, I promise. :) I just want to differentiate between what's technically a handoff vs an override. It's overly complex for sure, but it is what Nikon made it.
Thanks Steve, fully understand the difference. I should try the AF handoff technique as, as you say, it retains the active AF point. :)
There’s no real confusion, it’s a disconnect I’ve been speaking about for a while. SD and tracking are correctly identifying and following the subject and as soon as AF is initiated, it frequently overrides SD/tracking and moves the af point somewhere else. I’m convinced that this is related to some of the confounding af difficulties we’re reporting. Also the inability to adjust the af sensitivity and stickiness is an equally vexing issue.
Ajrmd- yes, that describes my experience and frustration: the tracking (white box) seems to find what I want to focus on, yet when engaging BBAF the actual focus (green box) often jumps somewhere else. "Stickiness" is an appropriate description for what seems to be missing.
I never knew what the white box meant. I just tended to assume the camera was still searching for a focus lock. I find stickiness varies a lot on the situation and sometimes can be very fleeting. I know Steve probably doesn’t approve but I still often tend to focus and let off a lot shooting short burst in these situations waiting for the green box to get close to the eye and shoot off a quick burst. I’ve had some success doing this especially with small birds in thick cover. I miss a lot but some do come out sharp. 20fps helps!
I really don't like using front buttons on any camera. Just one of many reasons why I leave shutter AF active (especially on Nikon) as I can then have shutter do Wide AF and AF-ON do AutoAF. Way more ergonomic than a front button push.
I’ve been a BBF shooter since the D500 and I’ve been contemplating trying shutter release. Not sure why but your comment inspired me to give it a go.

I just set up custom banks D to be shutter release and I’m going to see how it works. I’ve assigned Wide AF on the shutter and for now Auto AF on the AF-ON button. I added 3D to function 1 replacing single point AF which has been a holdover from the D500/D850 days. I might swap 3D back to the AF-ON and move Auto AF to function 1.
I tried it to have an extra button on the z8. The problem I found was as soon as you hit the shutter to shoot the af shifts and this was a problem especially in tight complex backgrounds. I now only shoot BBAF even though it aggravates my thumb a bit.
I can’t remember what the situation was that caused me to switch back. It was significant though. Using the release button to also AF prevented me from doing something very important. Sorry I can’t remember what it was. It’s been more than a year. Maybe something to do with framing. I don’t move AF points around. Way too slow. Anyway if it works for how you shoot it is certainly a good option, just not for me.