Nikon 600mm PF 6.3 lens, foot mount (mount base) coming loose

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the pitch is different in the JIS screws which are the japanese industry standard heads .

the screw head is a cross slot and not tapered like a philips head .

a philips appears to fit but does not seat all the way down .

so when you torque it you are not deep enough and risk damaging the cross slits

I am still trying to find small JIS bits for a small torque driver.

I ordered some from vessel (brand recommended in the link) but they ended up being PH and not JIS.

I can find Vessel JIS + #0 and other small screw driver sets but not separate bits for a torque driver.

@JAJohnson @zemlin @maxxus46 and anyone else know where I can buy JIS bits for this driver that does go low enough for the recommended torque 0.18 N-m.

The Wheeler driver I could find has PH bits not JIS bits.