Nikon 600PF First Look Field Review!

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Wonderful video as usual Steve, while I am extremely impressed with the optics of the lens, I am happy that I bought the 180-600 last week. It is no slouch and the price difference is quite large. If I were to spend $5,000 on a super tele prime, I think I would rather buy a faster F mount lens. Can't help but wonder if a Z mount 500 F4 is a possibilty! Perhaps even in PF avatar without a TC to keep prices accessible and weight low. In any case, the system is quite mature now, and as you say, if I find myself cropping the 180-600 down, it might just open up a window for me to consider the 800 PF in the future.

Incidentally, did you use a flash for some of these images?
Outstanding video Steve, I especially liked the running and shooting section! 🤣 Awesome!!

Will I get this lens? Not yet! I'm kinda set now with the 24-120z, 100-400z, 400/2.8tc z, 180-600VR z, 800pf. I'll need a z mount macro one day to replace my micro Nikkor 200/f4 though. I will say as I get older (which I guess I am already 🤷‍♂️) and if I need to lighten up the weight I'll get it. For now I'm set but damn that's a nice lens!

Kudos to Nikon for this awesome lens and for getting you Steve to review it first! As always thanks Steve!!
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I'm curious about comparisons with the 400 f/4.5 + TCs. The 400 f/4.5 + TC14 combo gives you a 560 f/6.3 that is cheaper & lighter than the 600 PF while not having any drawbacks/concerns on PF background rendering, and it is still sharp. And with a TC20, I feel like 800mm f/9 is much more useful and practical than a 1200mm f/13.
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Thanks for the detailed (p)review, Steve.

At first sight, it does sound like it's time to replace my trusty 500pf now.
Quoting myself for double the fun.

Price here in Europe is €5799, a fair bit more than I was expecting. That puts it at roughly triple the price of the 180-600 and a few hundred away from the 800pf. Decisions decisions...
Quoting myself for double the fun.

Price here in Europe is €5799, a fair bit more than I was expecting. That puts it at roughly triple the price of the 180-600 and a few hundred away from the 800pf. Decisions decisions...
The 800pf is handholdble, but its a workout. The new 600 in DX isn’t.
I own the 800, and sometimes I’m simply not in the mood of shlepping it. The 600pf should fit the bill.


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The 800pf is handholdble, but its a workout. The new 600 in DX isn’t.
I own the 800, and sometimes I’m simply not in the mood of shlepping it. The 600pf should fit the bill.

That's also what I'm currently leaning towards. I've gotten really used to (and spoiled by I suppose) shooting the 500pf the last years. I think it would be hard to give up the maneuverability I've gotten so used to.
Ordered from Park Cameras UK just now for delivery end of October.
They’ve been reliable and quick for delivery dates on 800PF (September 2022) and 180-600 (5th September 23). I ducked out of 800PF and cancelled last minute, and returned after brief try the 180-600 - too heavy for me for daily hike and shooting. For some reason Nikon lens availability has been better here than USA, but Nikon Z9 was much slower here - the following March after release.
Thanks for the great review, as always. To me the most interesting comparison to this new lens is the 400mm f/4.5 + TC1.4, which even with the TC is lighter weight, slightly smaller, the same f/4.5, almost the same focal length, and won't have funny PF background effects. And it's less expensive even with the extra cost of the TC. Maybe sharpness is a bit better without the TC, but I don't know if I'd be able to tell the difference.
What an awesome lens! It’ll be great seller I’m sure. Anybody have an idea on how they made it just a little lighter than the 500 PF?
It's lighter than the 500 with an FTZ adapter attached. Remove the adapter and it's the same.
Otherwise easy answer: It has the same 95mm front lens diameter and therefore a smaller aperture.
So, everything can essentially stay the same, just with some focal length tweak.