Nikon 600PF - Share Photos & Discuss!!!

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Well I wasn't going to buy this lens. But the discounts this month plus funds I've accumulated from selling used kit brought the out of pocket cost down to a reasonable figure. So I gave in :confused: . Next morning a moose showed up in the yard to give me something to christen the lens. So here's my first image with the 600 6.3. Barely fit it in the frame. Never seen one with freckles on its nose like this.

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Beautiful shot Dan👍👍👍 I’ve been waiting for your moose shots.
I hope it will become mine as well. We'll see if it's up to the task of taking the place of my all time favorite, the 500mm PF.
In all honesty Dan I loved the 500PF but the 600PF really outshines it in my experience. The extra reach is more useful than the narrower max aperture especially in the denoise era, and it’s extra control ring, lack of FTZ, better VR, better sharpness, better bokeh, equal lightness and manoeuvrability, and incredible ‘cropability’ have won me over entirely.
I really hope you have the same experience
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A few from this past week.

1)On the ground (pushing MFD)
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2)On the water
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3) In the air
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So where is the underground shot? :unsure: 😂
What do you think so far?
Your images answer some of the questions, but how do you feel about using it.
Loving the lens. So much so that I'll likely sell the 180-600. Like its predecessor 500PF it's crazy small and light for so much reach. I am having to train myself on how I grip it. I keep touching the MF ring. Fortunately the Z9 warns you with the colors in the display when MF is activated.
And now for something different with this resident American Bullfrog came out for a photo this morning...soft overcast light. Cropped to 3840 x 2160 from full-frame.

While the MFD of this lens isn't particular outstanding, when used with a 45MP camera it certainly helps get some photos of skittery subjects.

After some quick research I've determined this is an American Bullfrogette...:) White throat indicates female...male is yellow-throated. My apologies to the lady...

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Loving the lens. So much so that I'll likely sell the 180-600. Like its predecessor 500PF it's crazy small and light for so much reach. I am having to train myself on how I grip it. I keep touching the MF ring. Fortunately the Z9 warns you with the colors in the display when MF is activated.
I did sell my 180-600.

Agree on the MF ring. Yesterday I tried something new. I turned the MF off and changed my L-FN2 to pinpoint, as there was lots to see other than birds. Worked pretty well but did have a number of OOF shots too. Didn't matter in the end. Honestly the King Snake was the hardest to shoot since he was in a bunch of low plants that obscured him until he came out for a drink.
And now for something different with this resident American Bullfrog came out for a photo this morning...soft overcast light. Cropped to 3840 x 2160 from full-frame.

While the MFD of this lens isn't particular outstanding, when used with a 45MP camera it certainly helps get some photos of skittery subjects.

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Love it, cute. Its always smiling..
From Yellowstone NP. As I turned a corner going downhill on Tower Rd. I saw in front of me a pair of coyotes. I left a good distance between my car and them, turned on my blinkers, and they escorted me down Tower Rd. for about a 1/4 mile, finally turning off into a meadow where I got some quick shots from the car window. I felt like I was the lead car in a parade! Someone in the opposite lane yelled "thank you" to me from their car, I assume because I patiently followed the coyotes down and they got to see the coyotes trot past them.

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I have been watching this thread for a while. Seeing all the fantastic pictures posted here played a large part in my decision to finally get myself one , a couple of days back.
This is one of the first few pictures taken . I am blown away by the sharpness of this lens, in such a small package

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I have been watching this thread for a while. Seeing all the fantastic pictures posted here played a large part in my decision to finally get myself one , a couple of days back.
This is one of the first few pictures taken . I am blown away by the sharpness of this lens, in such a small package

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Wow amazing right. This and the Plena are just crazy fun.
One more plane.
I am posting it, because I have managed to have it on full sensor. There are only 180px added at the top above the wing in order to give it a little space and the result is cropped to 5:7.
First picture is export to 1920 px long size
Second is 200% crop of the cockpit, exported 1:1 (1320x942)
Questions welcomed.
Z 381.jpg
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Z 381 200 pct.jpg
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Haven't posted much here over the summer, but it's good to see more people getting onboard the 600PF train!

Sold my 800PF a couple weeks back, and haven't missed it one bit. 600PF does everything I need. I've kept my 400 4.5 around, as it's a great sidekick lens for wider+more closer up shots, but it doesn't see anywhere close to the amount of use the 600 does. Sometimes a 100-400 feels like it'd make more sense, but nah..

It's been a pretty down year for my birding efforts, have just kinda lost the spark for it, but I try every now and then to make it out in the field (and most often times end up deleting entire card of photos). This year was a spectacular Spring migration, along with a dream trip to Ft. DeSoto, and since then anything else pales in comparison... sort of like eating a can of Chef Boy-R-Dee after a trip to Italy, if you know what I mean. When you see how stupid easy it can be to get amazing bird shots, it just doesn't feel worth the effort when every outing is a struggle to come back with anything remotely passable.

Anyhow, enough with the pity party :) Here's an Ovenbird that's passing through during the start of Fall migration:
NIKON Z 8untitled_20240905_145-Enhanced-NR-2.jpg
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NIKON Z 8untitled_20240905_269-Enhanced-NR-2.jpg
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Haven't posted much here over the summer, but it's good to see more people getting onboard the 600PF train!

Sold my 800PF a couple weeks back, and haven't missed it one bit. 600PF does everything I need. I've kept my 400 4.5 around, as it's a great sidekick lens for wider+more closer up shots, but it doesn't see anywhere close to the amount of use the 600 does. Sometimes a 100-400 feels like it'd make more sense, but nah..

It's been a pretty down year for my birding efforts, have just kinda lost the spark for it, but I try every now and then to make it out in the field (and most often times end up deleting entire card of photos). This year was a spectacular Spring migration, along with a dream trip to Ft. DeSoto, and since then anything else pales in comparison... sort of like eating a can of Chef Boy-R-Dee after a trip to Italy, if you know what I mean. When you see how stupid easy it can be to get amazing bird shots, it just doesn't feel worth the effort when every outing is a struggle to come back with anything remotely passable.

Anyhow, enough with the pity party :) Here's an Ovenbird that's passing through during the start of Fall migration:
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I know how you feel. I spend winters in Florida and it is always tough making the transition back to Pennsylvania, less targets and more skittish subjects. I too love the 600mm PF. It is lightweight and the IQ is fantastic, worth every penny!
I know how you feel. I spend winters in Florida and it is always tough making the transition back to Pennsylvania, less targets and more skittish subjects. I too love the 600mm PF. It is lightweight and the IQ is fantastic, worth every penny!
Wow! Where in PA are you? I'm in the western part of the state, north of Pittsburgh and I'm rarely in need of subjects to photograph. Between the nesting Bald Eagles and Ospreys, in the spring and early summer we get lots of migrating birds and ducks passing through. Between Lake Pymatuning, Lake Wilhelm, Geneva Swamps, and the Volant Strip, along with the many Gamelands I'm very busy all summer. Winter too.

I love my 600PF and post a lot of my photos on Facebook, on my own page and many group pages.