Nikon 800mm PF - 'long-term' experience

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I photographed this barn swallow tonight. It was probably about 20 feet away. Glad I had the 1120mm reach ;).

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Had an order for one and cancelled it. For my purposes…the lack of flexibility compared to zooms and shorter primes with or without a TC was a consideration, and since my output is screen and the occasional print for my wall…and considering the excellent state of noise and sharpening software…made the difference. I could easily have afforded it…or it’s more expensive brothers…but for me it came down to bang for the buck…the IQ gains are offset by the loss of flexibility and the weight and the affect on whatever else I’m carrying today. I don’t go out saying I’m only interested in Great Gray Owls…I go out to the swamp 9r refuge or whatever with some expectations but mostly it’s a matter of you get what you get today. I’ve tried…over and over…to get my bride of going on 47 years to be my Sherpa…and for decades now she’s refused…so if I was going to carry the 800…I’m only going to have a light lens like the 24-120 or maybe the 100-400 in addition, and the latter only for a short hike…and that’s just too limiting for a slight increase in IQ which won’t be visible in final output after downsampling for the screen.
Good points. It’s not a lens for everyone, and you seem to have pretty good grasp on what’s important to you.

Interestingly, while I own and enjoy it now on a Z9, recognizing the limited MFD for general nature photography, I had ordered and cancelled it once before. I ordered it from Nikon a minute after it was announced. However, I cancelled a week later. In my case, I already had a 500 f/4, and with the FTZ2 I could shoot the bare lens or convert it to 700mm@f/5.6 or 850mm@f/6.7 with TCs on the Z9. Despite the 800 PF being more than 2lbs lighter and probably offering better IQ than the 500E and 1.7x TC, it was still hard to justify the expenditure and single focal length. However, I eventually succumbed to the 800 PF’s significant weight advantage and better IQ, and appreciated the ability to recall a saved focal position with the tap of an Fn button on the Z9.
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Many different needs and the Z800 not the best fit for many.
Yep…completely agree and for me and my screen output the weight just isn't worth the loss of flexibility…there are lots of birds down here where 800 is just right…but then there are also lots in the same locations that the 100-400 is a better lens for…and I've even used the 24-120 for a couple ofd wading birds and it wasn't at 120.
One of my recent bird ID photos with Z800mm on Z9. Western Sandpipers. I was photographing Baird's Sandpipers that were foraging in the shallows. Small birds at about 70 feet sow I was in DX mode when these guys suddenly came flying in from the side at about 50 feet.
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Ken…I know it’s not true…but something in the PP maybe makes it really look like the birds were pasted in. They’re nice and sharp and with a shallow DoF the grass would be blurred…but it just looks a little off to me…perhaps toning the birds down after selecting them would work. Not picking on the image as I actually like it…but something seems a bit off.
Ken…I know it’s not true…but something in the PP maybe makes it really look like the birds were pasted in. They’re nice and sharp and with a shallow DoF the grass would be blurred…but it just looks a little off to me…perhaps toning the birds down after selecting them would work. Not picking on the image as I actually like it…but something seems a bit off.
Good eye !

For ID use in Ebird I want the focus on the birds with as much ID detail as possible. High bright 10:30 AM sun from the wrong angle shadowed the birds detail. Also since in DX mode effective focal lenght of 1200 mm in play :cool:

So the birds were selected with the masking tool and shadows opened up to show more detail and yes that makes them stand out from the more shadowy background.

I do not shoot for pretty but for ID so for that purpose would not want them toned down :)

If I was shooting for pretty I would take an entirely different approach to light, position, aperture etc.. but in the run and gun ID world the birds are where and when I find them :)

So with an opportunistic ID shot like this while shooting a different bird, this time a Baird's Sandpiper which was a life bird for me, if I modify anything in those situations it is to bring out the ID features in the bird.
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One of the first things you'll learn when you start shooting with 800mm is how much you were cropping with 500mm. I never thought of myself as a heavy cropper but shooting the same subject matter with 800mm I rarely feel like I'm too close. Go figure :unsure:
I’m surprised how much I am still cropping at 800 mm (used to crop a lot at 700 and 840 too). It has a lot to do with the subject matter and access where I shoot 99% of the time. Travel to FL, Alaska, Galapagos, and elsewhere where the birds/WL are often tame and frequently a 70-200 is too long.
Good eye !

For ID use in Ebird I want the focus on the birds with as much ID detail as possible. High bright 10:30 AM sun from the wrong angle shadowed the birds detail. Also since in DX mode effective focal lenght of 1200 mm in play :cool:

So the birds were selected with the masking tool and shadows opened up to show more detail and yes that makes them stand out from the more shadowy background.

I do not shoot for pretty but for ID so for that purpose would not want them toned down :)

If I was shooting for pretty I would take an entirely different approach to light, position, aperture etc.. but in the run and gun ID world the birds are where and when I find them :)

So with an opportunistic ID shot like this while shooting a different bird, this time a Baird's Sandpiper which was a life bird for me, if I modify anything in those situations it is to bring out the ID features in the bird.
No worries…shooting for ID is fine…
One of the first things you'll learn when you start shooting with 800mm is how much you were cropping with 500mm. I never thought of myself as a heavy cropper but shooting the same subject matter with 800mm I rarely feel like I'm too close. Go figure :unsure:
You may have something there…think on my next outing I might just put the 2x on the 400/4.5 on one body and give it a whirl both for “do I need an 80p” purposes as well as a “does IQ suffer enough to notice for screen output” purposes. Trouble is…it’s just too darned hot down here in the summer to get out much…and even if I do there’s not much to see and shoot with the heat. Of course…if the answer is I need the 800 I then have the argument with myself about what else I don’t carry…and it gets back into that whole wide won’t Sherpa thing.
Happened to be in CHI this weekend and given that I am new to Nikon and building up my lens collection, I am rather limited in FL choices (all I have is wide/short and the 800 PF). Though I was in town to photograph some birds, serendipity would have it that there was an opportunity to try out the Z8 and the 800 on the mechanical variety. Normally, for airshows, I'd use a zoom like a 100-500, 200-600 (come on already Nikon, I'm waiting for the 180-600) or a prime on one body and if there is a ground show, a wider lens for that work. The skies were hazy, but I still managed to get a couple of decent images and was incredibly impressed that I could track so easily with the 800 and that it would yield some in focus images at the lower Tv's. Additionally, the "airplane" tracking on the z8 was phenomenal and it easily recognized the jets as well as prop planes. From a technical standpoint, it was a success and while, I wouldn't want to use the 800 for this application, given a clear day, I could expect some really good results. Way to go Nikon!
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Happened to be in CHI this weekend and given that I am new to Nikon and building up my lens collection, I am rather limited in FL choices (all I have is wide/short and the 800 PF). Though I was in town to photograph some birds, serendipity would have it that there was an opportunity to try out the Z8 and the 800 on the mechanical variety. Normally, for airshows, I'd use a zoom like a 100-500, 200-600 (come on already Nikon, I'm waiting for the 180-600) or a prime on one body and if there is a ground show, a wider lens for that work. The skies were hazy, but I still managed to get a couple of decent images and was incredibly impressed that I could track so easily with the 800 and that it would yield some in focus images at the lower Tv's. Additionally, the "airplane" tracking on the z8 was phenomenal and it easily recognized the jets as well as prop planes. From a technical standpoint, it was a success and while, I wouldn't want to use the 800 for this application, given a clear day, I could expect some really good results. Way to go Nikon!
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try to use airplane detection on different background than sky like this.
Im very interested this situation on Z8.
Z9 is weak sadly.

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I was out on my property yesterday with the 800mm PF lens and photographing small birds. I was reminded how light the lens feels with a Z9 and I do not feel the need to use a lens carry strap with the Z9 body. Very different than using the 180-400mm lens that weighed 7.7 lbs and where I used a tripod 100% of the time.

I do wish someone would make a less tall replacement foot for the lens but it is a niche market with few players.
I was out on my property yesterday with the 800mm PF lens and photographing small birds. I was reminded how light the lens feels with a Z9 and I do not feel the need to use a lens carry strap with the Z9 body. Very different than using the 180-400mm lens that weighed 7.7 lbs and where I used a tripod 100% of the time.

I do wish someone would make a less tall replacement foot for the lens but it is a niche market with few players.
Have you looked at the Hejnar foot?

try to use airplane detection on different background than sky like this.
Im very interested this situation on Z8.
Z9 is weak sadly.

Haven’t filmed from another plane in many years. Understand completely under the challenging conditions you illustrated, every camera would likely be challenged.
I was out on my property yesterday with the 800mm PF lens and photographing small birds. I was reminded how light the lens feels with a Z9 and I do not feel the need to use a lens carry strap with the Z9 body. Very different than using the 180-400mm lens that weighed 7.7 lbs and where I used a tripod 100% of the time.

I do wish someone would make a less tall replacement foot for the lens but it is a niche market with few players.
I use the Hejnar foot it is great ! I hand hold with the foot resting in the palm of my hand target rifle style. More length lower proile. Allows for reversal of hood for storage no problem.

I posted a cell phone shot of my Z9 and Z800 with Hejnar Foot here. Chris makes some of his feet in low and regular profile and I have one of each for Z100-400 but personally for the way I use it I would not want a low profile for the Z800.
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Yes, but I said only about Z9 3D tracking.
On busy background this mode not working completely (like rocks, buildings, and every others multicolors and multi texture objects).
But in another mode - Group AF for example, AF working perfectly.

Thats my observation.

Yes, but I said only about Z9 3D tracking.
On busy background this mode not working completely (like rocks, buildings, and every others multicolors and multi texture objects).
But in another mode - Group AF for example, AF working perfectly.

Thats my observation.
Z9 does not have Group AF ??

Group AF supported of course.
And working perfectly on planes with busy background.
But 3D tracking....very weak and unreliable.
Im affraid to use 3D - when I have only one chance with plane.

Group AF supported of course.
And working perfectly on planes with busy background.
But 3D tracking....very weak and unreliable.
Im affraid to use 3D - when I have only one chance with plane.
To help clarify for readers you must mean some other AF Area mode .... check your Z9 and the Z9 reference guide pages 113-118 for the AF Area Modes available. Group is not one of them. Do you mean one of the dynamic wor wide area modes?

I use 3D on flying birds, running around birds and sitting birds in bushes and with a lot of busy backgrounds with no issue usually with hand off from half press on shutter focus with AF Area mode wide area custom 5x3 with A7 focus point persistence on. Z9 firmware 4.0 AF-C Manaul auto iso, subject detection animal.

I have only photographed occasional planes that happened to come by so have never used vehicle subject detection.