if you can keep a single point exactly where you need to focus, then you not only don't need subject detection, but you are probably better off without it. or rather, you are the subject detection, so use whichever works best.
as someone who shoots fast action almost exclusively, i can say that even when subject detection isn't perfect, when i do the math, subject detection is still very much a net win for me.
1) perhaps other people are much more talented than i, but with the dslr, i spent a large amount of computational overhead trying to figure where the point needed to be and keeping the subject under that dot. i'd much rather spend those mental cycles on other things.
2) related to #1, the only way you make this work is prediction. where the point needs to be on what you expect to happen. this means that when things don't happen as you expect, you simply miss. the camera can re-adjust much faster and almost always get some of a sequence.
3) even when i have focus misses in a sequence, usually the keepers are better than i could previously get (you don't put the af point on an eye of a dog running 25mph and suddenly jumping into the air, but the camera sometimes can)
4) you can still use single point, or a NxN custom point with subject detection turned off and use it like a dslr. and i tell folks, when in doubt, shoot it (exactly) like a dslr. subject detection is an additional tool you have, not a replacement.
5) you are always going to need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your different modes.
i used group a lot with the dslr. having that big, coarse, fast, spotlight of af works very well for fast moving action. however... it's also a big and coarse and absolutely not the right thing in certain cases.
with the new systems, we simply have more tools in our toolboxes, and you're still going to need to pick the right tool. knowing how each tool works (or doesn't work) in different contexts is still going to be a thing. how does the subject detection work with these types of subjects or with this kind of foreground/background clutter? how does it work with this kind of animal, or whatever is still a thing. and each brand has strengths and weaknesses across subjects and contexts and likewise, each mode of each brand does as well.
as they song says, you need to know when to hold em, and know when to... use your programmed button for single point