Nikon Z8 Firmware 2.0 Released

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Umm... There's a NEW option called Cycle AF Area Mode that allows you to toggle between AF areas by pressing a button - and you can select which ones to put on the list! This might be second only to Bird AF for usefulness and the Z9 does not have it!

This was one of the things I've been requesting forever and they did a great job (I'm not sure if they got the idea form me or just grabbed it from Sony, but I'm glad it's there either way!)
Great. Was one of the edges the A1 had.
Umm... There's a NEW option called Cycle AF Area Mode that allows you to toggle between AF areas by pressing a button - and you can select which ones to put on the list! This might be second only to Bird AF for usefulness and the Z9 does not have it!

This was one of the things I've been requesting forever and they did a great job (I'm not sure if they got the idea form me or just grabbed it from Sony, but I'm glad it's there either way!)
Fantastic news!

That's something I've wanted for a while as well. The ability to quickly cycle through a circular list of options is really powerful.
I just did it - quick and easy. However, there is one misleading statement on the instructions on Nikon USA's download page. It says after copying firmware update to a card from your computer, to insert the card into slot 1 on the camera. This I believe is the CF Express slot, but I only use SD cards (slot 2). I did it with SD in slot 2 and it worked fine, so I am not sure why they say this. Maybe it's from a different camera model and they didn't bother to change it?
if you have both cards in the camera, it won’t upgrade from the sd card i think. maybe it should say “primary” instead of “1” or something like that
Umm... There's a NEW option called Cycle AF Area Mode that allows you to toggle between AF areas by pressing a button - and you can select which ones to put on the list! This might be second only to Bird AF for usefulness and the Z9 does not have
Steve, feel free to merge this thread into your own thread on Z8 update!
Ok, so the Z9 guys that have had bird detect for a while now: I heard Auto Area AF is the preferred mode to use, is that right? I’ve relied on 3D since jumping to ML, but it’s always been a bit shaky, easily gets knocked off subject.

Excited to try this new hotrod out tomorrow!
No incremental updates, lets just go right from 1.0 to 2.0, but given the amount of updates this one packs a wallop, almost feels like a new camera. Based on Z9 use, sounds like bird AF may be very beneficial for birders, but also looks like AF acquisition and tracking is improved for subjects outside of subject detection which could also prove to be beneficial. Looking forward to seeing how many of these improve performance and experience.
Ok, so the Z9 guys that have had bird detect for a while now: I heard Auto Area AF is the preferred mode to use now, is that right?
It depends, I suppose. I’ve had better success with wide large or a 19x7 custom AF area. Others have told me that auto area works well for them.
Umm... There's a NEW option called Cycle AF Area Mode that allows you to toggle between AF areas by pressing a button - and you can select which ones to put on the list! This might be second only to Bird AF for usefulness and the Z9 does not have it!

This was one of the things I've been requesting forever and they did a great job (I'm not sure if they got the idea form me or just grabbed it from Sony, but I'm glad it's there either way!)
I think it's the same as FX/DX switch
What changes? New behavior?
The wording “Improved” has a wide gamut…
  • Improved the accuracy of [3D-tracking] for small, fast-moving subjects when [Auto], [People], [Animal], or [Vehicle] is chosen for [AF subject detection options] and no subject of the selected type is detected.

  • • Made other improvements to the autofocus operation and its reliability.