Nikon z9 just froze, what is with that?

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Can't say I've seen that before, it looks like the camera locks due to a card issue to me, and once it finishes doing whatever the card it finally shuts off and restarts.

I've seen this sort of issue before with computers (where it'll freeze due to HDD writing, and then finally shut down/restart).

It could be a hardware fault somewhere, but if a different card doesn't solve it then I'd say send it to nikon with video you took of your own camera doing it, with the card(s) it happens with, and see what they say.

Thanks, I will try a different card. I ran a dskchk on the card and found 0 bad card sectors. Even still, I'll try a diff card.
I tried a different card (same size and mfg) last night and the camera worked flawlessly all evening. I will take it out again over the next few days and see what happens. Being my 1 year Warranty expires here in the upcoming weeks, I went ahead and emailed Nikon just to document the issue and have it on file in the event it turns out to be something more serious.
Anyone know why this may have happened.
Brand new z9, latest firmware, battery fully charged, fast Belkin black 325 gb card with tons of room on it, shooting horse images at 20 frames per second; then the camera mid session just stopped firing and would not turn off. Quick internet search back in hotel room , suggested to remove the battery and put it back in and this seemed to work.
My question why did this happen as this really was an issue? Having your kit in a workshop freeze up in the middle of a session is a hassle. Now I don’t trust it not to do it again , anyone else have this Z9 issue or know why it might have happened?
Never happened with my d 850 .
Hi, New here but looking for others that have their Nikon Z9 freezing also, I found your forum.

I shoot very high volume sports and runway fashion 5000 to 10,000 shots a day for SI and others and my Z9 has frozen on many occasions during important shoots.

Im shooting full size RAW and JPEG to same card. All my cards are on Nikon's approved list for the Z9.

I was recently with over 50 fellow professional photographers at an event and those with Z9's I spoke with all had the freezing problem and since this was recent, all of us have ver 5 firmware.

Has anyone else contacted NPS? They know of the problem but no fix as of yet.

Anyone here here back from NPS?

Thank you, Tony


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Hi, New here but looking for others that have their Nikon Z9 freezing also, I found your forum.

I shoot very high volume sports and runway fashion 5000 to 10,000 shots a day for SI and others and my Z9 has frozen on many occasions during important shoots.

Im shooting full size RAW and JPEG to same card. All my cards are on Nikon's approved list for the Z9.

I was recently with over 50 fellow professional photographers at an event and those with Z9's I spoke with all had the freezing problem and since this was recent, all of us have ver 5 firmware.

Has anyone else contacted NPS? They know of the problem but no fix as of yet.

Anyone here here back from NPS?

Thank you, Tony
I had issues with 4.1
Reinstalling the firmware fixed it.
5 has been fine for me.
I take 2000ish shots once a week
Hi, New here but looking for others that have their Nikon Z9 freezing also, I found your forum.

I shoot very high volume sports and runway fashion 5000 to 10,000 shots a day for SI and others and my Z9 has frozen on many occasions during important shoots.

Im shooting full size RAW and JPEG to same card. All my cards are on Nikon's approved list for the Z9.

I was recently with over 50 fellow professional photographers at an event and those with Z9's I spoke with all had the freezing problem and since this was recent, all of us have ver 5 firmware.

Has anyone else contacted NPS? They know of the problem but no fix as of yet.

Anyone here here back from NPS?

Thank you, Tony
Some have suggested that using quick format most of the time, instead of the full format is also helpful. I used to have maybe a half dozen freeze ups a year shooting over 5000 frames a week. Since the 5.0 firmware and quick format, I have not had a problem. When I charge my battery in the camera, I pull it out for 15 secs and replace after charging. I do a full format maybe monthly.
My Z9 has been freezing up after the latest FW, I re updated the FW and it even got worse. Now I have updated to the latest FW 3 times and it seems to be working fine.
Are you sure the camera was locking up with different memory cards and not the same one? All of my Z9 lockups in recent years were tracked to one problem card that I retired but it took me a while and labeling my memory cards with a Sharpie to see the pattern.
I have started noting the defects
Here is a screenshot of moisture seeping in Z9 display Nikon claimed that it is weather sealed ( it happened after some rain)
I had Sony 1 exposed at the same time & nothing happened to it( it’s another story that Sonys battery cover is very fragile & broke recently)
I hav yet to take it to Nikon service centre
View attachment 60710
The moistur did go away after some time . How the it failed the weather sealing test
Forgive me if you already do this, but after my camera (from the D 200 to D3 to D6 to Z9) gets soaked in a rain (or snow) I always (of course) wipe it dry with a cloth when I get home but also remove the battery and then put the camera in a dry pack with a couple of large silica sand packs (I've got the rechargable ones). Water getting into the gear (through the weather sealing) is one thing; condensation forming (e.g. water vapour) getting into the camera is quite another -- e.g. the gear is weather sealed not air tight. Cheers!
I have been experiencing this behavior since the days of floppy data disks. The device is engineered to write data as quickly as possible and so there is no write verification taking place and if the device is unable to write to a sector it simply stops at that point in the process.

Even with my "modern" computers if they cannot access a network drive they may fail to boot or take many minutes to time out and recover. This is especially true for computers using the Microsoft operating system with its lack of a controller mechanism as is found in Mac OS and with OS/2.

If a new card resolves the problem then return the card for replacement by the manufacturer. One advantage of ProGrade CFexpress cards at this time is that they will immediately send you a replacement memory card and not wait for the defective card to reach them first.
Hi, New here but looking for others that have their Nikon Z9 freezing also, I found your forum.

I shoot very high volume sports and runway fashion 5000 to 10,000 shots a day for SI and others and my Z9 has frozen on many occasions during important shoots.

Im shooting full size RAW and JPEG to same card. All my cards are on Nikon's approved list for the Z9.

I was recently with over 50 fellow professional photographers at an event and those with Z9's I spoke with all had the freezing problem and since this was recent, all of us have ver 5 firmware.

Has anyone else contacted NPS? They know of the problem but no fix as of yet.

Anyone here here back from NPS?

Thank you, Tony
Looks like you shoot more than I do but hasn't happened to me. Just a thought, maybe try only shooting RAW and see if it helps?
Are you sure the camera was locking up with different memory cards and not the same one? All of my Z9 lockups in recent years were tracked to one problem card that I retired but it took me a while and labeling my memory cards with a Sharpie to see the pattern.
Good question. I’ve been using the same meory cards, Delkin Black, since I bought the camera.
So far it looks like the third upload of the FW has fixed the issue. But I have been shooting with the Z8 lately, really enjoying a lighter camera 😉 I will take the Z9 to the test to really see if the freezing issue is gone.
Hi, New here but looking for others that have their Nikon Z9 freezing also, I found your forum.

I shoot very high volume sports and runway fashion 5000 to 10,000 shots a day for SI and others and my Z9 has frozen on many occasions during important shoots.

Im shooting full size RAW and JPEG to same card. All my cards are on Nikon's approved list for the Z9.

I was recently with over 50 fellow professional photographers at an event and those with Z9's I spoke with all had the freezing problem and since this was recent, all of us have ver 5 firmware.

Has anyone else contacted NPS? They know of the problem but no fix as of yet.

Anyone here here back from NPS?

Thank you, Tony

This freezing matter is not brand or camera specific, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, Canon and so on have the issue.

Today avoiding issues is like a lucky dip, some loose many win, when that ratio tips the wrong way manufacturers may act.
The issue is a combination of camera design and card manufacturing design, in both areas QC is a critical component, and sometimes it lapses on both sides.
Is it a faulty card or the camera synergy imperfection cause the card to become corrupted, is it unreasonable to ask why should the customer need to deal with all this and the consequences ??

Bottom line there shouldn't be an issue at this level of product and price point, sorry many will disagree with me and that's perfectly fine.

I feel many users simply have been desensitized to the issues and tolerate freezing as that's what computers do or computer oriented cameras do, Z8, Z9, A1, Fuji, Canon, yada.

Its not till a disaster hits you that hey things really matter, living in fear going forward that the moment your waiting for may suddenly be effected, that's the real issue.

Excuses, ignorance, perceptions, don't fix things. Your Clients ask you why did you miss the key moment, OH why did we have to do several video takes over again because you camera froze, Or we cant re do our wedding vows again...........

The issue clearly is
1) the camera's
2) the cards
3) a combination of both

The common element is they both need to work together, In Nikon s case i have been led to believe that they did their card research and development work with Pro Grade, unless i misunderstood. After a while they gave approval to some other brand cards to be used in Nikon cameras.

The issues of the Z9 turning to a brick has diminished with significant firmware updates, some cards have had their share of hit and miss issues.

The problem is Not the camera or card as much as its the customer being effected at a critical moment.

Ok the camera manufactures say its the cards and user protocol or card quality, HMMM.
Card manufactures keen to keep the reputation in tact a quick to give a replacement card HMMM.

Pro Grade has a Refresh Pro card tool, FREE as i was told in BCF, its a very clever tool.........
Will it fix my issues, time will tell.

Has card use protocol changed, well i learnt a lot, Using this tool the health check was clear and clean, the cards where fully sanitized stripped back to OM specification, then the latest update was installed, Pro Grade even has the same tool for the card reader with firmware updates.
the latest firmware was updated, a tick of success.

Importantly the cards then installed in the camera, then formatted to that camera before taking a photo, this all gave the cards a new refreshed life.

Ok from here on in if there is any issue with freezing or issues reoccurring etc going forward, would it not then point the issue is in the camera, a reasonable assumption i feal.

Regardless of the issues being the card or the camera or a combination there of, it shouldn't be up to myself or the customer to be dealing with the issues and consequences or even subjected to the issues especially at this level of product and price point, sorry its unacceptable.

The public over expects so politicians over promise, what actually eventuates is a lucky dip.

Use your camera follow carefully the protocol’s reformatting cards and cameras, learn to pull batteries to unlock you high end pro camera, offer all the excuses to your clients or rebook your $15 K trip again next year when either the camera or card company may have firmware fixes for you.

A customer spending a lot of serious money in high end gear wants to be able to simply make photos.

Only an opinion
Hi, New here but looking for others that have their Nikon Z9 freezing also, I found your forum.

I shoot very high volume sports and runway fashion 5000 to 10,000 shots a day for SI and others and my Z9 has frozen on many occasions during important shoots.

Im shooting full size RAW and JPEG to same card. All my cards are on Nikon's approved list for the Z9.

I was recently with over 50 fellow professional photographers at an event and those with Z9's I spoke with all had the freezing problem and since this was recent, all of us have ver 5 firmware.

Has anyone else contacted NPS? They know of the problem but no fix as of yet.

Anyone here here back from NPS?

Thank you, Tony
I've had issues with one of my Z9's (the early one) but not the other. The issue seems to be confined to a 325 gb Delkin Black card. Talking to Delkin, I re-formatted in camera using the full format. Delkin recommends this once in a while. They also had me re-format on the computer. Neither seemed to make a difference and they replaced the card. I have 2 other 325 Delkin Blacks that have not been troublesome. The one in question was the oldest, being over a year old. Either a bad sector or possibly a firmware issue. My issue started right after I installed fw 5.0.
I did notice that it happened more predictably after the card was about 50% full. The first few thousand shots were ok, but after that, the lock ups seemed to increase as more shots were added. I have not filled the replacement card so hard to say for sure if it is a card issue.
I've had issues with one of my Z9's (the early one) but not the other. The issue seems to be confined to a 325 gb Delkin Black card. Talking to Delkin, I re-formatted in camera using the full format. Delkin recommends this once in a while. They also had me re-format on the computer. Neither seemed to make a difference and they replaced the card. I have 2 other 325 Delkin Blacks that have not been troublesome. The one in question was the oldest, being over a year old. Either a bad sector or possibly a firmware issue. My issue started right after I installed fw 5.0.
I did notice that it happened more predictably after the card was about 50% full. The first few thousand shots were ok, but after that, the lock ups seemed to increase as more shots were added. I have not filled the replacement card so hard to say for sure if it is a card issue.
Even with Prograde and the most expensive cards with yhe fastest read/ write speeds it happens. It's horrible not knowing when the Z9 will fail but it does and it's the lost shots and time that are gone forever.
Excuses, ignorance, perceptions, don't fix things. Your Clients ask you why did you miss the key moment, OH why did we have to do several video takes over again because you camera froze, Or we cant re do our wedding vows again...........

The issue clearly is
1) the camera's
2) the cards
3) a combination of both
Or is it possibly sometimes other things?

The camera cannot be nitrogen filled as with some binoculars to prevent internal condensation etc forming inside; otherwise it would not be possible to change lenses, cards or batteries.

Another possibility is not keeping the lens mount, lens throat and battery contacts clean with the result they can fail to work as intended over time.

So far, I have not had a problems with the Z8 or 9 but appreciate some have.

Whether those experiencing occasional problems would have fewer issues if they followed Nikon's guidance to avoid condensation, keeping electrical contacts clean etc is unknown.

Some have reported problems with a specific card, successfully replaced under warranty - something outside of Nikon's control.

I like others recognise this type of occasional problem is not exclusive to Nikon, or to cameras.

As cameras cannot be made airtight and not everyone cleans all electrical contacts perhaps once a month and before a critical shoot or takes care to avoid sudden temperature changes it seems difficult to completely avoid occasional issues while at the same time keeping cameras relatively light weight, relatively compact and relatively affordable.