Nikon Zf

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There it is:

While it's certainly not a wildlife camera, it looks like we can expect some nice software upgrades for our Z8s/Z9s in the future.
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EXPEED7, Z8 Autofocus engine including C1 and C2 as well as 3D Tracking mode etc ..... looks like excellent high ISO performance....

Pixel Shift mode is a first for Nikon...
"... new Focus Point VR mode is a world first not just for Nikon, but for cameras in general...."

But SD storage only

".... for very first time on any Nikon mirrorless camera, the ZF offers touch control on the LCD screen whilst using the EVF.... can configure a customisable area of the LCD screen for touch control activation, assign a function to it from one of the five available, and then activate that function by tapping the selected area on the LCD while you're looking through the viewfinder.
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it’s certainly interesting. basically what we kind of expected for a z6iii.. but retro.

this makes me even more curious about a z6iii. does this mean they are going to skip it? or if they do it will they add an additional feature, and if so, what?

and if they do a z6iii, why this one first? i can’t imagine they will sell as many retro cameras as z6iii cameras? is this a way to throttle demand? or buy time for a z6iii feature?

inquiring minds…
and if they do a z6iii, why this one first? i can’t imagine they will sell as many retro cameras as z6iii cameras? is this a way to throttle demand? or buy time for a z6iii feature?

inquiring minds…
In this way, they will sell more Zfs as they normally would, because people want the new features.
Once the Zf market is saturated, they will announce the Z6 III...
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Once again we see a competitive product at a lower price from Nikon. In some respects, this Zf is almost a Pro camera in a Retro skin.

Nonetheless, considering the affordable price, it's somewhat surprising how Nikon has launched several entirely new features in this mid range FX camera :

Pixel shift, Touch Fn etc and the Improved IBIS, which is complemented by Manual Focus assist (see to the Peta Pixel overview)
Plus refined AF functions eg a total of 77 custom area options and the manual-focus assist: subject detection :

"... . If you engage subject detection while shooting in manual focus (MF), the Z f will recognise your subject and automatically move the focus point to it. It’s a real time-saver if you’re shooting portraits of people, animals, or birds, because you can rely on the camera to move the focus point to the face or the eye... "

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The Zf has a mechanical shutter with electronic front curtain, which limits the top performance specifications, so 11 fps RAW and 14 fps jpg and it appears the EVF refresh rate is not in the Z9 / Z8 league.

But it's impressive nevertheless, thanks to leveraging the EXPEED7 cpu. Thus, JPEG-only 30fps mode with PreCapture; Z9 9-type Subject Recognition and 3D Tracking; the new Z9 spec RAW High Efficiency Compression.

AF Modes​

Wide-area AF (S)
Wide-area AF (L)
Auto-area AF
Dynamic-area (S)
Dynamic-area (M)
Dynamic-area (L)
Subject-tracking AF
Pinpoint and Dynamic-area AF (S, M, L), 3D-tracking available in photo mode only
3D-tracking available in video mode only
Wide-area AF (C1)
Wide-area AF (C2)
I got the specs yesterday and was really impressed. In the past, I've not cared too much about retro cameras, but I have to admit, this one has me intrigued. One thing I saw on it and I wish they would add to their other bodies is that exposure comp dial at the top. I like the fully articulating screen as well, and it looks like it has a few other "exclusive for now" features - like pixel shift.

The thing that really has me curious is the AF point VR prioritization. I wonder if that will really help or if it's more of a gimmick. They claim 8 stops of VR, so we'll see I guess.
I kinda like it, but I think Nikon missed a huge retro opportunity. The old FM/FA/FE/etc. bodies allowed the addition of a motor drive. Looking at where the cards are (inside the battery compartment), I'm guessing this isn't going to be an option. I realize some modern DSLRs and MILCs don't need that to boost frame rate - my D500 is 10fps with or without the vertical grip, Z8 is the same. Thought it would be a cool retro look. Just my $.04 (adjusted for inflation)...