Official Nikon Z9 Launch, Info, and Discussion Thread

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Great points!

I'm about to update - Matt Grainger had a better CFexpress card and while it didn't look like he tested lossless compressed, it looks like he got like 1800 or so using enhanced - the buffer's gotta be bigger than 40 based on just that.
Nikon stated 1000 images at 20fps is what I believe I ready on the Nikon website.
I think I'm going to the closest camera shop to me "ProCam" tomorrow and see about pre-ordering. Now, over the next few months, I have to figure out 1) how to pay for it, and 2) how to convince my loving, dear, beautiful, long-suffering, nearly perfect wife (honey, you reading this?) that it is a good investment.

FTZ (1 or 2)
Maybe one Z lens (24-20?)
Future, Z 200-600 to replace my 200-500.

Oh boy, it may be a long drive to Amelia Ohio tomorrow morning.
I am shocked at the price. Some will say that 20fps is not up to the competition (a1/r3), but for me that is plenty fast enough. I hope there is an option to slow it down below 20fps as well. There are lots of times (most) where you don't need to be taking that many pics. If the af performance is as they say, this camera is a winner. It will straddle the line between the best prosumer body (canon r5) and the more expensive pro bodies (a1/r3). To my eye it makes those two bodies seem well overpriced. I hope nikon has figured out a way to make a lot of these because at the lower price point demand is going to be that much higher. The only advantage I see to the competition (in theory) is 30fps vs 20 in the a1, and eye driven af in the r3. The latter is a big deal imo...

Did I say I am shocked at the price!
The A1 is only 20fps on full raw. 30 fps on lossless compressed according to Steve's video. Same as the Nikon. The Nikon also has eye and object training for birds humans and mammals along with many other common objects it states. The video of it in action is awesome of course. It also states it will lock on the eye even if covered by hair or goggles. I suspect a lot of AL in action. No one has said anything about the 120fps 11 megapixel shooting speed. That is very interesting if you can fill the frame. It also has the ability to pull a single photo from 8k video at 33 megapixels. Lots of very interesting stuff if you look at the Nikon website fully
Are you sure about this? There seems to be multiple reports that you can't get 20FPS in lossless raw or if you can it is only a buffer of 40 images which is pretty much useless for action. It would be mind blowing to me if you can't but more then a few have called that out. With CFB cards I couldn't imagine they don't have a 200+ buffer at 20FPS but not what is being reported.
The Nikon website states full raw at 20fps and a 1000 image buffer. Going up from there as you compromise on file size. It also says 33mp pics pulled from 8k video
No it is 30fos in what we call lossy raw and jpg. Just like Sony. Sony has limitations to 30fps also.

On top of that (which I agree with), it's hilarious that we're now arguing between 20 and 30 FPS. At 45+ MP. Is the megapixel war over, so that now we're no longer pixel-peeping, but rather… frames-per-second-peeping?

Anyway, let's raise Nikon's 120FPS @ 11MP 😛
...ordered mine this morning. Looking forward to reducing my "fleet!" Shoot, I'm quite happy with 14fps or even a little less...20 is unreal to me. That said, I plan to use crop mode quite a bit and gain the stretch...I imagine my rate of fire would go beyond 20 shooting RAW. I really don't care, this thing is going to be great...and the price is definitely right; I used my Payboo B&H card for no tax and will pay it off in a month.
With the current Z cameras, F mount glass focuses at about half the speed (on average) as it does with an F-mount camera like the D850 - at least when going from min to mx focus distance.

More significantly though, in my experience the Z mount native glass is a noticeable step up in IQ. It's just outstanding.
The only F mount lens I've used that seems to match up with the Z lenses is the 70-200/f2.8 fl. That's a great lens.
Well, here goes an obvious newbie question but they haven’t banned me from the group yet. I’m going to preorder this camera. What’s the best way to do it. I’m not a pro so I can’t go NPS. Is it best to go through Nikon, or one of the really big mail order stores, or go local, or place orders with a couple of places. What’s the best way to do this. You assistance will be, as always, much appreciated.
Try to use a local store. The large online retailers will have a massive backup of orders.
Well I have to post something here or I will feel totally left out. @Steve what is the record for the most posts in a thread in the first 24 hours? I am certain this will be the most popular thread for the week.

I am looking forward to more complete hands on evaluations from people I trust. There will be a lot of social media influencing going on for quite awhile and it is going to be difficult to sort it all out.

The speculation now will be how soon will users get their Z9s if they order one. I ordered an Apple Watch a few days after announcement. There where websites created that allowed purchasers to enter their order dates and times and then update when the watch was received. From the data received projections were created on how many watches were being produced vs how many were actually ordered and you could get an approximation of when you would receive your watch. Maybe these will exist for the Z9 as well?
It’s so nice to see Nikon back in the race and I have to say, the price did blow me away. I guess if you remove mirror and shutter, you can save a lot on cost of manufacturing.
Both the A9ii and R3 suddenly got seriously outgunned and even the A1 will need some serious firmware upgrades to justify its premium. Competition is a good thing :)
Number 4 on my local shop list and I preordered directly through NikonUSA at 8:02 am as well to give myself a better chance....Im all in Ive seen enough. The difference between brands is so small I would prefer to stay with Nikon!
I feel the same way. I am greatly relieved by this announcement. I did not want to sell all my Nikon gear and start over.
The more I read the more I’m convinced that the Z9 is an engineering tour de force. And even at $5500 I don’t have a compelling need for it for my own photography. (Though the ‘starlight mode’ for the EVF looks intriguing). I was chasing desert bighorns today and the 100-400 would have helped a lot, though. :)
No it is 30fos in what we call lossy raw and jpg. Just like Sony. Sony has limitations to 30fps also.
My understanding is that 30FPS is jpeg only on the Nikon. Sony can do either (and there is a big difference between lossy RAW and Jpeg when you get to a photo editor). Honestly though, I'm really finding 20FPS is enough for pretty much everything. From time to time I toy with 30FPS, but 95% of the time I'm at 20. I think 30FPS, while handy at times, is really a minor practical jump from 20 for most work.

Small differences aside, I think at $5500 this is probably the best bang-for-the-buck camera on the market. Probably - gotta get one to know.
A lot of used Sony might be on the market soon?
Nikon was smart in allowing us to use our CFexpress type B cards, our EN-EL18 ( a,b,c )batteries and our old glass with an adapter.
Good things come to those who wait.