What’s your most used “great” lens

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The Nikon 500PF might has well have been super glued to my D500 and then my Z8 as it was used for easily 95% of my photos for a couple years there.

I bought the 800PF earlier this year and expected it to be a sort of specialist tool that I would only use some of the time, but really it's been going with me on most trips. This is probably affected by the factor of it being my newest lens and thus current favorite toy, but honestly 800mm is not the crazy extreme focal length that I'd imagined it to be. I should have known, since I was using the 500PF on an APS-C body previously for 750mm equivalent. Regardless, I can easily see this becoming my most used lens for birds long-term.
I'm still shooting f mount.

For birding, 500mm pf
For landscape, 16-80 f2.8-4
For general purpose, 300mm f4 pf with or without 1.4tciii, because of its excellent MFD, I like it for botany and macro. It's also good for birding.