What’s your most used “great” lens

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General travel / backcountry hiking / restaurant - bar / street - 35mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH FLE II on Leica M11.

Wildlife / eclipses / airshows - EF 500/4L IS ASPH v1 on EF 1.4X II and EOS R7, or EF 400/4 DO IS on R7. I also use the RF 70-200/2.8L IS for air shows, dog mushers and Schutzhund.

Night sky /Milky Way / light painting - LUMIX 18mm f/1.8 or Rokinon SP 14mm f/1.4 on LUMIX S5 II, or LUMIX Leica DG-Summilux 9mm f/1.7 on OM System OM-1. I use live composite mode in both cameras all the time, especially useful for star trails and equalizing light painted exposures.

See https://markbohrerphoto.com for examples.
Nikon 500PF It's one of the few lenses that seems to really have the mojo of the classic primes like the 500f4G. (hint: it's not just sharpness).

Olympus 300f4 - OK, it's not quite up to the Nikon primes, but it does a damn good approximation.
Birds , wildlife and sport: Nikon120-300 f2.8 ,500pf, and 70-200f2.8
Street, travel and landscapes: Nikon Z24-120f4, Z14-30F4
Macro: Nikon 105f2.8
FTZ11 adaptor for non Z lenses.