What’s your top five lenses

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Here are the 4 that I currently own, and their uses.

Nikon 200-500 (duh)
Nikon 35mm F/1.8G (For my son, dogs, and landscapes)
Nikon 50mm F/1.8 D (Somehow I recently lost it, but mostly for my son and dogs)
Nikkor 80-200 F/4.5 AI (Used for motorsports events)
Really seems like a lot of us tend to love the 100-400mm

Indeed, I love that lens. When I was shooting Sony for a while was that also 1 of my fav lenses. Never owned the 600mm f/4 from Sony but Sony Belgium was kind enough to load me this lens for a week to use in Africa and that was a gem of lens as well. Did like the 200-600mm also but not that much the 70-200mm f/2.8 (first version).
I did had the Nikkor AF-S 80-400mm zoom lens but this lens could never convince me in both speed and IQ but the Z mount 100-400mm will never be sold :)
Really seems like a lot of us tend to love the 100-400mm

I think much of that has to do with it being just about the ideal lens to complement standard zooms, 24-70 or better yet, 24-105 or 24-120...and gives one reach into bottom of the super tele range in a reasonable size/weight with outstanding IQ. It also fills in the gap below a 600mm very nicely if you want to carry two bodies and have a zoom available when a 600 or 800 is too long without the size and weight penalty of the much larger xxx-600 zooms.

Whether you're a Nikon, Sony or Canon shooter, you now have that option available to you. I don't recall the specifics of the Sony and Canon models, but if they are close to the MFD spec's of the Nikon version, that adds in another valuable capability that generally hasn't been available in this category.