Over time, we all learn clever little tricks and techniques that was use in the field and I thought it would be fun to have a thread where we shared those. (Also, I may use this info for an upcoming video
I'll start by tossing out a couple.
1. On trick I use when photographing in windy conditions is to take off the lens hood. When shooting long glass, the wind often shakes the entire rig and a hood dramatically increases the "sail" area. So, when it's windy, I often take the hood off and enjoy more stability. Note that I only do this is the front element isn't in any danger and I'm not facing into the sun
2. Another handy trick is using a Wimberley M-8 adaptor on a gimbal head when you're trying to mount a rig to it that doesn't have a lens foot. (
https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/303253-REG/Wimberley_M_8_Module_8_M_8_Perpendicular.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI:514&gclid=CjwKCAjwx46TBhBhEiwArA_DjM0Ubnaw3DjH_QHFsnOXFd_omi5zITjNz9QPeKshpezS_hX3SaGRRBoCEfAQAvD_BwE _
3. Finally, one last trick to get the ball rolling. Another helpful tip is to keep a "cleaning" toothbrush with you for getting sand / dirt out of hard-to-reach places in your lens (like the switches and feet) or camera (like all the knocks and crevices).
So, that's the idea. What kind of field "hacks" do you use that others may not have thought about?