Wow! Did not see this coming. A1 vs R3 vs Z9 from DPReview

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The real point is: This is the most blatant waste of bandwidth I have ever seen on this forum, propagated by some people whose opinions I had come to value very highly. Yes, just my opinion, but it is valued by me above all else usually! Grow up! (n)(n)(n)(n)(n)
Thom's latest on Z9:
"...I've been relatively surprised by the number of Nikon pros I talk to and work with that all recently decided to opt for a Z9 to see what all the excitement was about and maybe stop them from thinking about Sony. And it did. Nikon has once again managed to pull off a "just in time" technology change that keeps them in the game.

It may surprise you to learn that I'm not as convinced about the Z9's prowess in focus performance as the general hoopla suggests. Yes, it's darned good, and for someone who didn't take the time to learn the older Nikon focus systems, the Z9 almost like magic improves their focus consistency and hit rate. But after now using the Z9 for over two months and testing it in a wide range of settings, I'm not as convinced that the Z9 is some sort of miracle focusing solution that's always right on its own.

I'll have far more to say about this when I eventually post my review and publish my Complete Guide to the Nikon Z9, but Nikon went a bit too far in on the all-automatic bit. Yes, it works, and is arguably one of the two or three best all-automatic focus capabilities you'll find in a camera (the Canon R3 and Sony A1 would be the others that rise to this level; the Canon R5/R6 and some other Sony models would be in a not-too-distant position behind). However, it's in the footnotes, caveats, and nuances that Nikon needs to work harder. I can't drive the Z9 exactly the way I'd like to, because there's a missing button. The alternative solution to the missing button isn't perfect. Moreover, Nikon still has that slight lag-to-initial focus that Canon certainly doesn't have (Sony is in between).

We pros notice those things. You might not, because you're achieving better results than you used to....."

I Don't get bothered with opinions, they will be endless each time a new model comes out...........judge what you do, with your hands, heart and mind.

Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes............they are all different cars but in their own right there still only cars.

Cameras, they only use a multitude of combinations of time light and speed to record an image, OK the focusing system is now playing more of a role.........

Yes mirror less is here but overall i feel as an industry still fruit on the tree that needs to ripen a bit be perfect or better.

I feel (Opinion) when the R1 comes out it will be quite a leap ahead, Sony will release its A1 II, again the whole level (Game) jumps ahead...and Nikon will likely be trailing again.

The game is endless, the only thing certain is we will continue to shell out a lot of cash to get that last 3% edge to compete, showing images on Instagram or our phones I pads Tik Tok websites LOL.....when the 97% that's you face more complications shooting a computer not a camera. Well for some its not an issue for others ?
I mean Steve has just released his A1 best set is the Z9 going to be more complicated ?

I look for what i enjoy using not what i have to.

What i have found so far with my limited time and experience with the Z9 is in ways the speed is handy, but i keep dialing it back to 12 or 15 fps and in certain creative ways i do use the 20fps but not that often.

The Z9 tracking is good in certain situations, in others well i need to think to much to get it right, this makes me somewhat distracted a little and it effects my creative composition, i feel that its a little over complicated at the moment and i don't want to become a Geek, Nerd photographer or a videographer.

I am on the fence at the moment, i do enjoy shooting the dslr ITS SIMPLE..........

The question is what dose the Z9 do for my photography......yes I may get a few extra keepers...but you would expect so at those frame rates, Tracking ???? the jury is still out in the enjoyment control department, now thats me that needs to step up sooner or later.