Z6iii dynamic range vs other Z bodies

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I think the Z6 III is bang on with speed, colour, ISO Performance and more than good enough focusing, and is a lighter smaller all round excellent camera with excellent colour if the Z6 II is anything to go by. It can match up perfectly with a hopefully 61mp Z7III LOL, this would make a great pair and really compliment the lighter new glass overall weight.

I personally like the Z6III very much from what i have seen so far, i lived happily with 25 mp in my D3X thinking i was king of the pixel heap, 45mp has spoiled me a little in what i now do using a D850 Z9 Z8, other than that i would buy a Z6 III in a heart beat, its FF with some really good new tech, IBIS, LL focus, new EVF, extra speed, high iso capability.

Go Nikon just cut the price 20%.

D6 D850
D5 D810
D4s D3X
Z8 ?
Z9 ?
Z9II ?

For me there all tools for different purposes.

Only an opinion from a real world coal face photographer ;)

Z6III first shots indoors. Raw files dragged and dropped to my desktop and then exported as jpgs using BCC forum preset with NX Studio no edits

From @Steve set up video thread my first test shots with the Z6III exported jpgs from NX Studio indoors with Z600 f/6.3 no edits. The files at high ISO 20,000 to 45,600 are better than any I got with Z9, D6 or D4S. I got it for high ISO low light projects indoors and outdoors for low light birds. I used it indoors at church on people with Tamron Z mount 35-150 f/2-f/2.8 (I can not share those images because of privacy issues it was for test purposes only and not a "requested" and delivered project for the church) I can only say that it performed better than the Z9 with the same lens and let me use higher shutter speeds and hence higher ISO.
Thanks, Ken. This is what we need to hear

Z6III first shots indoors. Raw files dragged and dropped to my desktop and then exported as jpgs using BCC forum preset with NX Studio no edits
Are these shots attached to this forum somewhere?