z6iii rumor

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The 7ii was 3K.
The Z8 was 3500 on sale.
Too close of a gap
Price-wise, there is room for a Z7iii. The Z8 is $4000/3500 on sale, the Z7iii could be $3000/2500 on sale and the Z6iii could be $2500/2000 on sale give or take a few hundred either way. The Z7iii does need to distinguish itself from the Z8 in terms of a new key feature or two that the Z8 does not offer.

Price-wise, there is room for a Z7iii. The Z8 is $4000/3500 on sale, the Z7iii could be $3000/2500 on sale and the Z6iii could be $2500/2000 on sale give or take a few hundred either way. The Z7iii does need to distinguish itself from the Z8 in terms of a new key feature or two that the Z8 does not offer.

I don’t believe there’s going to be a Z 7III. Nikon would be foolish to cannibalize Z 8 sales so early in its lifecycle. I suspect a Z 6III (if it will indeed exist) will have similar features to the Z f but in a traditional Z body style. Pricing may be $2300 to $2500 but that’s just a guess. We’ll see. Maybe we’ll all be surprised.
Looks like the Z6III will be officially announced on June 17, 2024.

Smart of Nikon to quash the rumors. There will be precapture capability. We’ll see how different (or similar) it will be from the Z f and how much Z 8/Z 9 technology is included.
Interesting it shows a quote about precapture but then shows a bird taking off with no rolling shutter. Precapture is only really possible with e shutter but if the sensor isnt fast enough it would show rolling shutter. So is it stacked? did they figure out how to get a high scan speed with a "normal" sensor?
Interesting it shows a quote about precapture but then shows a bird taking off with no rolling shutter. Precapture is only really possible with e shutter but if the sensor isnt fast enough it would show rolling shutter. So is it stacked? did they figure out how to get a high scan speed with a "normal" sensor?
My guess is it’s electronic shutter only with a stacked sensor. Maximum fps? We’ll see!
I would get the z6-3 only to replace the z30…

I would want to see a size by size comparison, and how it fits in a pants pocket

But, Now I have to wait for the Z8-2 for its flippy screen.

Nikon should offer to send in my current Z8&9 to swap to the new screen