Z9 Firmware 3.0 Released

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IMO, Eric, their updates are often detrimental and costly to me as a user.

For instance, when we had to purchase new software because of the "free upgrade" from 32-bit OS to 64-bit OS.
Nobody forced ypu to upgrade…and the older version is still getting updates. They pretty much always update both the current and 2 previous major releases and sometimes 3 prior. Disabling auto update and auto download of updates (except for security files, can’t remember the exact name in System Settings) is easy.
Nobody forced ypu to upgrade…and the older version is still getting updates. They pretty much always update both the current and 2 previous major releases and sometimes 3 prior. Disabling auto update and auto download of updates (except for security files, can’t remember the exact name in System Settings) is easy.
Actually, they did because they stopped support to my first iMac's iOS security updates, which while old, was still working in good order.

However, IOT stay up to speed with the latest versions of photo processing software was a personal choice that I made. While I wasn't forced to do so, I had to upgrade another of my computer's OS keep up with the latest toolset.

Either way, sooner or later, I'd have to either change my computer's OS, or get left behind.

And, as far as I'm concerned, disabling any and all downloads and updates is not only easy as you say, but is also a necessity. I always want to know what is upgrading in my computer, and when it is doing so.
A Nikon executive admitted as much a few years ago. To improve delivery on new updates. Reading between the lines, It's sounds like his division received a well needed kick in the proverbial to return to reality .

I was at the leading edge of Nikon's major shift from DSLR's to MILC's when I got my Z7 at the beginning of October 2018 and initially I really battled with what I perceived as the limitations of the Z7 compared with the D850. However, I persevered with the Z7 and by the time Nikon released the second Z7 firmware update I had adjusted to the mindset that I was no longer using a camera incorporating electronics (DSLR) but a computer designed to take pictures and video (MILC). This mindset was further reinforced when I got my Z9 just before the FW2.00 update last year.
I also bought a Z7 kit in October 2018 and the camera proved to be excellent in many contexts, but obviously not in the league of D850 Autofocus reliability
Regardless of Nikon's business plan for their imaging division and related internal decision making processes it is therefore perfectly logical to me that Nikon are emulating the computer software industry by releasing each MILC camera body with a reasonable set of features in a timely manner and then where necessary and/or justified and/or possible within the limitations of the on-board processor further adds to and/or improves those features via firmware updates over time.

Personally I am delighted each time Nikon releases a firmware update for one of my MILC's and I have no problem with the prospect of any additional learning curve that might be necessary due to the update.
This is the reality going forward. One adapts and enjoys the benefits