If you already have a z8/9 will you get a Z6iii? Why or why not?

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Rumors are rampant that the Z6iii will soon be released. the rumors suggest it will have a full frame 24mp sensor with certain enhancements in low light sensitivity, speed and autofocus upgrades. Some suggest it will be similar to the Zf.

My question is, if you are already a Z8/9 owner would you consider adding a Z6iii?

Why or why not?

Let us know what you hope to gain from this model?
Since selling F mount and switching to Z system, I only have one body: Z8. I do need a second body once I can save up and based on the rumors it will likely be the Z6iii. I think that will become my main wildlife camera and Z8 will be landscape and architecture mostly.
Most unlikely. I have a Z9, a D850 and a D5. I take the point that I have mixed lens mounts but I am not lacking any focal lengths or lens quality. If I can’t get the shot with what I have, then I don’t deserve the equipment I already have!.😀
Ask me if I would like another Z9! And also what Joel said. Not looking for a 24 Mp camera.
With two Z9's and a Z7 I will not be buying another camera in the foreseeable future unless there is something truly revolutionary and groundbreaking in a new camera. My current cameras exceed my capability.
I much prefer the haptics and menus of Nikon's Pro ILCs: shooting banks etc, and preferably an integral vertical grip.

It is also likely the mid tier enthusiast MILCs will continue with the SD card slot, but I use the CFExpress B format only. But bottom line, no need for a new camera. The D6 and Z9 meet my needs, and more. However, PreCapture RAW will be welcome
Probably not…with 2xZ8 for primary wildlife and photo outings…gotta love all those MP…and a Z7II for light kit walking around/travel…I don’t really need the far better AF and FPS in my travel body. If it turned out to be say 33MP so that a decent crop could be handled as well as AF and FPS better than old models but not necessarily Z8/9 level…maybe. I can afford it, I’m 70, so why not…can’t take it with you.
Probably not, as I have a Z9 and Z8. But we don’t know the specs yet, so who knows for sure. Whenever I say to my wife I think I have all the camera gear I need, she gets a funny smile on her face (a product of experience, I’m sure).
Sincem starting this thread an official announcement is set for the 17th and we know that Steve has been given early access and has already prepared a long video review.

Based on what I have seen in the past there is often a wide gap between what is rumored and what is actually released.

the big question in my mind is whether the predictions of 24 mp is accurate or if it might actually be a 33mp camera. We will know on the 17th.

Will be interesting to see if peoples’ opinions change after viewing after seeing the actual specifications.

The way they set this up there are going to be many reviews available on the 17th,

For me personally, I already have two Z9’s and one Z6ii.

I understand there are some speed and low light sensitivity advantages with a lower MP sensor and that was the thinking on the D series pro level cameras culminating in D6. I always favored higher resolution capability and I instead went for the D800 series. I remember the original ‘d800 was a 30 something MP camera.

I am open to suggestion here. I am listening to your ideas and thoughts and will be doubly interested after the 17th disclosures.
I am looking for another Z body to complement my Z9 and "replace" my Z6. This could be it, or I would look 47mp body to convert to Infrared and keep the Z6,Z9 combo. Too many variables and questions to decide at this moment, but it will be an option I consider depending on final specs and costs. Too many choices - too little cash.
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I would only be interested if it is the same size as a Z6. I would like to have something for travel and street photography.
For that I use an old Fuji kit that I got involved with before the Z mount came out. The original cameras did not do enough for me to move.
But now that I have a Z8/Z9 and Z glass, it is more appealing to me to make that move.
I have thought about adding a Zf.
Sincem starting this thread an official announcement is set for the 17th and we know that Steve has been given early access and has already prepared a long video review.

Based on what I have seen in the past there is often a wide gap between what is rumored and what is actually released.

the big question in my mind is whether the predictions of 24 mp is accurate or if it might actually be a 33mp camera. We will know on the 17th.

Will be interesting to see if peoples’ opinions change after viewing after seeing the actual specifications.

The way they set this up there are going to be many reviews available on the 17th,

For me personally, I already have two Z9’s and one Z6ii.

I understand there are some speed and low light sensitivity advantages with a lower MP sensor and that was the thinking on the D series pro level cameras culminating in D6. I always favored higher resolution capability and I instead went for the D800 series. I remember the original ‘d800 was a 30 something MP camera.

I am open to suggestion here. I am listening to your ideas and thoughts and will be doubly interested after the 17th disclosures.
I expect this the Z6iii to offer strong video capabilities so making it a 24MP sensor makes sense and don’t expect it to see a resolution bump. If they kept it at 24MP but were able to get a fast readout speed to reduce rolling shutter and offer high fps 4k or even 6k open gate it would be a huge win in this class. It would also possibly give them the ability to do raw pre-capture. using a slower, higher resolution sensor would almost guarantee average specs. I’m hoping to see some class leading technology with the long wait for release.
I only have the Z7II. I purchased it as a smaller, lighter weight alternative to my D850 as I am primarily a landscape shooter. Over the past two years I have been asked to shoot several events and portrait sessions. The idea of adding the Z6III for that work is very appealing. One of the things I love about having 45mp is the ability to crop a little to refine the framing. The thought of the Z6III having 24mp is a little disappointing in that regard. I almost certainly will get the Z6III (with hopes that a 60+mp Z7III is released in the next year for my landscape work).