If you already have a z8/9 will you get a Z6iii? Why or why not?

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When the Z9 hit the market, I had the opportunity to test one of the "merry go round" units... back then I was shooting the D6`s and the D500. I must say I didn't appreciate it much, specially because of the (apparent) noise compared to the D6 (and the occasional freezing...).

I bought one anyway, thinking "I have to have one"... but I always hoped it could have been just a 24Mpx...

Then, the various FW upgrades were made available (I'm still on 4.10) and I (think) learned along the way how to deal with the massive 47Mpx... today, I have 2x Z9's and still holding the 2x D6's (the D500 is tucked away), I wouldn't go back to 24Mpx, couldn't think why would it be any better but hey, let's wait for Steve to tell us what he finds out. Regardless, to me, the grip is a "must have" thing so no, I doubt I'll jump for one right off...
My backup to my Z9 is my Z6 II. I would like a more capable Z6 II, didn't want to go to the Z8. This may be a good choice for me. I'm looking for a EVF experience like the Z9, frame rate in the 15 to 20 range and a 100+ buffer in lossless raw. Improved low light performance would be a bonus.
I didn’t think I’d be interested, but I just might be. I have a Z9, and I shoot almost exclusively wildlife and landscapes. But I also have two very young kids. This might make a perfect backup/kid camera.
I waited as long as I could for the release of the Z6III and ended up buying a second Z8, refurbished. Based on what we know - or is rumored so far - I expect the Z6III will be a very popular camera for all types of photographers, wildlife enthusiasts included...but the Z6III ship has sailed for me.
I have a lot of work that has no need for a high resolution camera. I have a Z8 when I need high resolution, but the Z6iii will pair with it perfectly to give me the best of both worlds.

I've already sold my Z7ii and will order the Z6iii as soon as it's available with NPS priority.

The main features I'm looking for are already in the Z8 and easily delivered - subject recognition, fast frame rate, and pre-release capture. I expect to see something extra and look forward to the details next week.
Rumors are rampant that the Z6iii will soon be released. the rumors suggest it will have a full frame 24mp sensor with certain enhancements in low light sensitivity, speed and autofocus upgrades. Some suggest it will be similar to the Zf.

My question is, if you are already a Z8/9 owner would you consider adding a Z6iii?

Why or why not?

Let us know what you hope to gain from this model?
As a Z8 and Z9 owner that shoots birds and appreciates the cropability of the 45mp sensor, probably not. But I am intrigued to see if it offers any technological advances that might be incorporated into a future Z9/Z8 upgrade. In particular, might the sensor offer a hybrid phase and contrast detection system like some of Nikon’s competitors?
In particular, might the sensor offer a hybrid phase and contrast detection system like some of Nikon’s competitors?
Perhaps I’ve misunderstood or misinterpreted what you’ve written, but Nikon all Z cameras have hybrid contrast & phase detection autofocus systems.
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Pinpoint AF is contrast only, but all the other AF modes are hybrid: Phase detection is used primarily but contrast detection is used to assist and enable AF lock when needed.
I sold my Z6 II in order to purchase my Z9, and I have to admit that I miss it. Maybe it's because it was my first mirrorless camera, but I definitely like the size of the camera for travel. Will I buy a Z6 III? I'll lust after it; maybe obsess a little in the wee hours. Eventually I'll crumble. However, it will take a couple years, and even then I'll buy a Mint/Ex Condition used body. As a hobbyist that shares his photos with a small collection of friends and family, there is little difference between 24 and 45 mp, except how much I can crop an image. Additionally, I worry less about diffraction issues with a 24mp sensor (not that I really worry; just more aware of it).

Since selling F mount and switching to Z system, I only have one body: Z8. I do need a second body once I can save up and based on the rumors it will likely be the Z6iii. I think that will become my main wildlife camera and Z8 will be landscape and architecture mostly.
Any camera can be a wildlife camera. Goodness, I'm living proof of that myself with many great images made with prosumer Nikons (D70, D90. D7000, D7100, D7500).
But here's the thing: It's a whole different ball game when you start shooting fast-moving action wildlife images. That's where high frame rates and capable autofocus capabilities differentiate the wheat from the chaff. Until I know those capabilities of the Z6III I would not even think of swapping my Z8 for the Z6III. Rolling shutter (or not) and frame rate and buffer will be a big factor in determining how widely the Z6III gets adopted by the wildlife photography crowd.
Nope, for me. Why? I already have the D6 for high ISO/low light performance (tho with contemporary noise reduction that's pretty much I think a moot point for my use case situation), prefer the big body cameras, and while continually gobsmacked by the AF 'detect' performance on my Z9, ultimately would be happy with AF as it exists in my D3 (eg not a decision making point for me when buying a camera -- for example if I could afford it I"d buy (not for wildlife, but still...) the comparatively horrible-AF equipped hasselblad X2D :)
I have a Z9 and it's all I wanted when I upgraded last year. I've still got my old Fuji and I'd consider another body from them in the future because I still enjoy their system, and the weight and size is more reasonable for travel yet still high quality results. I've only got 1 Nikon body and 2 lenses (186 + 24-70 2.8 Z) and I'm most likely to wait until there's a Z9 replacement to add that as a second body / backup.
I will think about a Z6III to join my pair of Z9's, of particular interest to me will be the High ISO/low light capability of this 24MP sensor and it's AF ability.
IF it can equal my (now sold) D5 for low light images and Z9 AF, that will make it a tempting purchase for me @ least.
What's an extra 700gm's when my Africa bag already weighs 18KG.!! :LOL:
My Z6ii is my alternate lighter camera when I don’t need the Z9. I like 2 camera bodies. I will wait and see what the Z6iii has to offer. It just isn’t a priority for me. If it offers a much closer experience to the Z9, I may be tempted, but the Z6ii image quality is very good. A second body for me is a body with a mid level zoom like the 24-120 or a 14-30 on it for wider angle shots. I keep my longer 180-600 on the Z9 but there are other shots where a wider lens is what I want. It is about not changing lenses really. It is nice if the second body is a lot lighter and smaller. The down side to that is that the Z6ii isn’t really a suitable back up body should I experience issues with the Z9 while travelling. So it may be “sensible” eventually after I have had a chance to update my aging desktop computer. This is about cost. Will it offer good value for the money involved in swapping it? I would need to see quite a substantial improvement in the usability and technical features to justify buying a replacement.
For me I already have the Z7ii which is quite light enough for carry-around use. I find it frustrating to use after the Z9 because it has a different menu system and I have to relearn things after working with the Z9 all the time.

I would be interested in something that is more closely mated to the Z9 system configuration but is very light and convenient. I am not sure about the 24mp sensor and I would need to seem some significant advantage.

I have always been a fan of higher resolution sensors and optics. The Z9 iis plenty fast enough for me. I don’t need more speed. I would want improvement in low light, autofocus and image stabilization. I would probably prefer to hold out for the Z7iii. I like the possibility of a slower 60 mp camera for landscape work.

Not that I need any of that. I am quite happy with the Z9. My GAS is leaning in the direction of a super prime telephoto, probably the Z 400 tc as well as the next Z9.

If I were to push for a major improvement I would ask technology to solve the issue of atmospheric diffraction. Now THAT would be a major advance. Imagine you are shooting some great scenes involving eagles and falcons killing sweet innocent harmless creatures. In one particular shot the eagles have got hold of a poor innocent Great Blue Heron baby. You have the opportunity to shoot the carnage complete with blood and guts. The problem is the damned atmosphere is all turmoil and nothing is really sharp. Now if you could turn on a setting in your i menu and all of a sudden t the atmospheric diffraction is retuned and now it is all super sharp. Now wouldn’t that be wonderful. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: