If you already have a z8/9 will you get a Z6iii? Why or why not?

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What would be some defining characteristics of that?

I'm a D500 owner looking to upgrade to a Z8 one day (but keeping a close eye on these Z6iii threads 🔍).
I always enjoyed shooting a DX body for BIF, especially smaller birds or in areas where birds could not be easily approached. If a mirrorless version of the D500 was released with a stacked sensor, AF “borrowed” from the Z9, no mechanical shutter, 24 MP, and a decent EVF, 20 fps in RAW, I’d likely sell my Z8 and pick up that as my second body.
For me the fact that I had a Z9 and the Z8 is sooo close to the Z9 I decided a few weeks ago to get the Z8 as my backup/second camera (even though I was expecting the Z6 iii to be so good). I'm perfectly happy w/ my choice.
For me the fact that I had a Z9 and the Z8 is sooo close to the Z9 I decided a few weeks ago to get the Z8 as my backup/second camera (even though I was expecting the Z6 iii to be so good). I'm perfectly happy w/ my choice.
The Z8/9 situation is the first time in Nikon's digital lineup that there has been such close matching specs between a pro body and the next level down. Previously I've had the combo of pro body for wildlife and higher rez/lower fps body for landscape and backup in a pinch. Now we get the high rez pro body and the only thing we give up with the second body is battery life(and the second CFX card for those who write to both).
The Z8/9 situation is the first time in Nikon's digital lineup that there has been such close matching specs between a pro body and the next level down. Previously I've had the combo of pro body for wildlife and higher rez/lower fps body for landscape and backup in a pinch. Now we get the high rez pro body and the only thing we give up with the second body is battery life(and the second CFX card for those who write to both).
agreed. it's pretty amazing.

that said, and it's a pretty narrow use case, but i covered a dog show this weekend, so shooting three long days with an unusually heavy shooting schedule (>70k photos taken), and i did notice that the z8 fatigued me noticeably more than the z9 (i was using both).

so there are cases where pro body ergos are a real benefit, even if everything else is the same
FWI worth currently use Z9 with three Z lenses, D500 and couple of F mount lenses that owe me nothing. Current plan is an additional Z lens for versitility and travel, then calm down on the spending for a wee while. Will eventually get 2nd mirrorless body probably a Z8 when prices drop or secondhand copies become available.


* Big muckle hands so not sure about the small form factor of Z6iii.
* Would prefer a 2nd body with everything much in the same place as Z9.
* No doubt firmware updates may bring the extra subject detection options but I’d miss the bird one that is on the Z9 at present.
* So used to cycle AF modes with one button, I could be wrong but I believe you can’t do this withbthe Z6iii at present.
* Smaller sensor size although not a huge problem.

All in all Z6iii not for me, at present, but you never know.
I have the Z8 & Z9 and just preordered the Z6III -- as a video-centric shooter I wanted the 240p option and really missed having it after I sold my Sony equipment. For video work Z6III is very close to the Z8 so there's a possibility the Z8 will eventually be sold, but that's a decision for another day.
I may have misunderstood this, but is the 240p only with 1080 video? And is the 120p 4k video full frame like the Z8?
Owning a Z9 and a Z8, I don't see anything in the Z6III that would tempt me to buy one; I don't need three bodies and the Z9 and the Z8 compliment each other well for my needs. However, if Nikon would ever release a mirrorless replacement for the D500? THAT would be a heavy temptation for me.
Other than being FF instead of DX…isn't the Z6III pretty much the much ballyhooed mirrorless D500? Or the Z8 since it is similar MP to the D500 in DX. Sizewise…the Z6III is pretty much the same as the D500 and the Z8 not much bigger…and I personally think that in 2024 Nikon has a price range they want their crop sensor bodies to be in…and anything with the capabilities everybody wants in the mirrorless D500 isn't going to fit into that price range. The Z8 size and weight differences to the D500 are negligible.
Other than being FF instead of DX…isn't the Z6III pretty much the much ballyhooed mirrorless D500? Or the Z8 since it is similar MP to the D500 in DX. Sizewise…the Z6III is pretty much the same as the D500 and the Z8 not much bigger…and I personally think that in 2024 Nikon has a price range they want their crop sensor bodies to be in…and anything with the capabilities everybody wants in the mirrorless D500 isn't going to fit into that price range. The Z8 size and weight differences to the D500 are negligible.
As I posted on another thread, to me the Z6iii is not a good replacement for our D500s which my wife still uses. Being a cropped body, she gets many more megapixels on the subject with the D500 and does not want a heavier lens to compensate. So she prefers sticking with the D500 though I offered to buy her a Z6iii.
I always enjoyed shooting a DX body for BIF, especially smaller birds or in areas where birds could not be easily approached. If a mirrorless version of the D500 was released with a stacked sensor, AF “borrowed” from the Z9, no mechanical shutter, 24 MP, and a decent EVF, 20 fps in RAW, I’d likely sell my Z8 and pick up that as my second body.
But isn't that just about what a Z6III is except for the mechanical shutter? And while Nikon could produce what you've described…would it be at a price you were willing to pay? The no mechanical shutter would probably force a fully stacked sensor for sufficient speed…and that would raise the price of the Z6III from 2500 to something closer to 3000…and at that point (a) would they sell many of them and (b) a Z8 in DX mode is essentially the same size, weight, capabilities that you've described. I'm sure the D500 was and is a well respected camera but it seems like it's become a legend in it's own time…but in 2024 do we really want a DX body when an FX body that can also do DX is the same size and weight and pretty much the same capabilities?
As I posted on another thread, to me the Z6iii is not a good replacement for our D500s which my wife still uses. Being a cropped body, she gets many more megapixels on the subject with the D500 and does not want a heavier lens to compensate. So she prefers sticking with the D500 though I offered to buy her a Z6iii.
That may be true for her…but you have to look at Nikon's price bracket points and how many of them would they sell? The biggest problem with the mirrorless D500 is that their current crop sensor price range doesn't and can't support all the goodies that provide the performance in the Z6III/8/9…component cost is the issue and size/weight/heat dissipation is the other issue, the latter is why IMO there's not a high performance crop sensor Z body…it's economics and physics.
The Z8/9 situation is the first time in Nikon's digital lineup that there has been such close matching specs between a pro body and the next level down. Previously I've had the combo of pro body for wildlife and higher rez/lower fps body for landscape and backup in a pinch. Now we get the high rez pro body and the only thing we give up with the second body is battery life(and the second CFX card for those who write to both).
I think Nikon made a smart financial decision there. They leveraged their Z9 engineering to produce more sales via the Z8, (non recurring engineering for the Z8 had to be far less than the Z9) and now some of that heavy lifting has passed down to the Z6iii. Smart move again, that's a feature packed $2500 cam that will sell well.
It will be interesting to see whats next for the Z9....
I have the Z8 & Z9 and just preordered the Z6III -- as a video-centric shooter I wanted the 240p option and really missed having it after I sold my Sony equipment. For video work Z6III is very close to the Z8 so there's a possibility the Z8 will eventually be sold, but that's a decision for another day.
Looking forward to your review. Gerald Undone did a glowing review and the FF 24mb is really the best size for most vid applications. I pre-ordered the C400, but this might replace my FX3.
I think so. Travel camera (not a wildlife trip) - lighter kit than my Z9, better low light, my wife might actually try it, can be used for some wildlife if I can get close enough, and if I can't, oh well on these trips. Main lens will be 26, 135, 24-200 or 100-400 depending on circumstances.
Backup for wildlife trip to Z9, especially for video and low light, or take it hiking with the 600PF with 1.4X. In Jan's video his shots with the 2X were even great.
Adobe's new tools factor into my thoughts.

Since it's not a specific wildlife body for me, I am not as concerned with the matching camera controls. Learning something new in photography keeps my mind going and will be easier to carry at other times.
As I posted on another thread, to me the Z6iii is not a good replacement for our D500s which my wife still uses. Being a cropped body, she gets many more megapixels on the subject with the D500 and does not want a heavier lens to compensate. So she prefers sticking with the D500 though I offered to buy her a Z6iii.

D500 has high PPD (pixels per duck). I'm not sure where I read that, wish I could credit the person who came up with this clever term. :)
Reading some of the comments there are some interesting and informative comments...........

I feel the range of lenses Nikon has in its stable is amazing, as usual over priced in my mind, but a huge selection, you could build a great system around the

Z6III especially with a 28-400 and a 50mm 1.8s, or 24-120, 100- 400 and a 50mm 1.8 S.

For myself the Z6 III is an exciting and welcomed up grade model from the original Z6, it also highlights some of the new features no doubt will be forth coming in other camera model upgrades.

24mp is perfect for so many people and applications especially when you look into what the camera or tool actually achieves.

Cropping or more so switching to DX mode on a 45 or 60 mp camera is one thing, doing that on a 24 mp FF is another.

For myself there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Z6III, its a brilliant tool that has a purpose, i would be happy to have one but it just doesn't suite my tool box for what i do or need at this point in time.

If your not doing wild life sports action all the time then a combo of

A Z7 III and a Z6III especially with a 28-400 and a 50mm 1.8s, or 24-120, 100- 400 and a 50mm 1.8 S. is nice tool kit to start with, also when you work out the cost you nearly get 2 for 1 cameras.

Only an opinion
Reading some of the comments there are some interesting and informative comments...........

I feel the range of lenses Nikon has in its stable is amazing, as usual over priced in my mind, but a huge selection, you could build a great system around the

Z6III especially with a 28-400 and a 50mm 1.8s, or 24-120, 100- 400 and a 50mm 1.8 S.

For myself the Z6 III is an exciting and welcomed up grade model from the original Z6, it also highlights some of the new features no doubt will be forth coming in other camera model upgrades.

24mp is perfect for so many people and applications especially when you look into what the camera or tool actually achieves.

Cropping or more so switching to DX mode on a 45 or 60 mp camera is one thing, doing that on a 24 mp FF is another.

For myself there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Z6III, its a brilliant tool that has a purpose, i would be happy to have one but it just doesn't suite my tool box for what i do or need at this point in time.

If your not doing wild life sports action all the time then a combo of

A Z7 III and a Z6III especially with a 28-400 and a 50mm 1.8s, or 24-120, 100- 400 and a 50mm 1.8 S. is nice tool kit to start with, also when you work out the cost you nearly get 2 for 1 cameras.

Only an opinion
I have some very specific uses all low light related and 24mp a plus rather than a negative and the brighter view finder and better AF in low light. Indoors variable light and can not use flash and with people moving but not sports movement and outdoors in variable light with the same subjects = Z6III + Tamron 35-150 f/2-2.8 model A058Z.

Outdoors ie. Owls early and late in very low light and other low light birds at relatively close range with need for variable focal length and no flash = Z6III + Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 diIII VC VXD model A057Z.
I have some very specific uses all low light related and 24mp a plus rather than a negative and the brighter view finder and better AF in low light. Indoors variable light and can not use flash and with people moving but not sports movement and outdoors in variable light with the same subjects = Z6III + Tamron 35-150 f/2-2.8 model A058Z.

Outdoors ie. Owls early and late in very low light and other low light birds at relatively close range with need for variable focal length and no flash = Z6III + Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 diIII VC VXD model A057Z.
Sounds excellent, you know your needs well and fit the right tools needed for the best outcome, i respect your Tamron selection you refer to.
Several club members have also spoken highly of them.
I think the Z6 III is a exclent tool................
I noticed the in the beginning of the Peta Pixel review the host was on a swing set swinging and it showed an annoying in and out of focus position when the presenter was near or far, they said the video was being taken on a Z6III is this normal ????
Only an opinion

Sounds excellent, you know your needs well and fit the right tools needed for the best outcome, i respect your Tamron selection you refer to.
Several club members have also spoken highly of them.
It is a fairly small niche for a bird photographer with 2 Z9's who dabbles in some low light extremes :)
It is a fairly small niche for a bird photographer with 2 Z9's who dabbles in some low light extremes :)
Awesome your living the dream and doing what you love, doing something different is the art and making something interesting and can be very rewarding.

I do portraiture and street photography at times with a16mm F2.8 D fish eye, other times i dust of my old DF and do low light iso 8 to 12K night street shoots with a Ziess 50mm 1.4 manual lens, its all different and fun, its surprising what works at times.

Only an opinion

I currently use a Z6ii alongside my Z8 and for sports (rugby) I use them alternatively... which tends to reveal the huge gap between the 2 in terms of speed, af, etc... (the Z6ii still being a more than fine camera with superb IQ taken alone).
So the Z6ii will be replaced by the Z6iii some time later.
You don’t need to own an 800mm pf if you are not shooting birds or other distant wildlife. But for that purpose it is a wonderful tool and my current favorite lens.

I think you know that.

Now if someone will just give me their 400mm f2.8 tc vr I will feel complete. I keep saying that but nobody gets the hint. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Nikon is offering 24 month 0% APR financing on the Z 400 f/2.8 ... You can ask She Who Must Be Obeyed if $583.34/month is in the budget and you won't get a new car for the next two years and and and ... :LOL:
But isn't that just about what a Z6III is except for the mechanical shutter? And while Nikon could produce what you've described…would it be at a price you were willing to pay? The no mechanical shutter would probably force a fully stacked sensor for sufficient speed…and that would raise the price of the Z6III from 2500 to something closer to 3000…and at that point (a) would they sell many of them and (b) a Z8 in DX mode is essentially the same size, weight, capabilities that you've described. I'm sure the D500 was and is a well respected camera but it seems like it's become a legend in it's own time…but in 2024 do we really want a DX body when an FX body that can also do DX is the same size and weight and pretty much the same capabilities?
It’s a matter of choice…if a mirrorless D500 was available, 24MP or higher resolution, I would still prefer that over shooting in DX with the Z8 or Z9 (which puts me a tad under 20MP).