If you already have a z8/9 will you get a Z6iii? Why or why not?

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Honestly, how can you decide that you would buy until you've seen the exact specs, price, and heard from people who have had one in their hands?
Everyone has a different view of the importance of upgrading cameras - and the timing. When I was in the corporate world one of the company's stated core values was to make decisions based on 80% of the information. The cost and time to wait for 95-100% of the information was far greater than the cost of an occasional bad decision or pre-mature decision. What's more, we could make a decision and modify or reverse our decision if needed faster than competitors could make a decision with 95% of the information. I saw that in practice many times.

You can make some realistic assumptions based on earlier cameras like the ZF and Z8. For example, we know the body size will be no smaller than a Z6ii and no larger than a Z8. We have seen every camera deliver improved AF modes including subject recognition. We can also expect the EXPEED 7 processor which supports much faster frame rates and improved AF speed. Video specs are unknown, but you can rule out 8k if it has a 24 MP sensor. With EXPEED 7 and faster cards you might see faster 4k frame rates - certainly 60p but likely 120p or even 240p in some form. We can also expect to see pre-release capture and likely will see pre-release raw files in some form. The Cycle AF mode button that was introduced to the Z8/Z9 is extremely useful and should be added. Are all of these features certain? Of course not, but I'll bet that they are directionally correct and 80-90% accurate. To reach 95% I need to see someone like me use the camera in a similar manner to the way I will use it - complete with the learning curve required to optimize performance. With the Z9 that took 3-4 months after release and the early reports included both experts (like Steve, Ricci and others) and people who had no idea what they were doing (like Jared, Tony and Chelsea).

All of the items I listed are upgrades from the Z6ii. I have not heard anything about a Z7iii and don't expect to see one now. We might see that in the future - possibly with a new high resolution camera - but right now that is pure speculation and not even a rumor.

In my case, the Z8 is so much better than the Z7ii that I sold the Z7ii several months ago in anticipation of a Z6iii to be defined. I still have a Z6 as a capable backup camera and I'll probably keep it. The cost of keeping it is low since the value is only $600-700. I really like having a "standard resolution" camera providing 24 MP files rather than larger files. The smaller files are perfect for events, most sports, street, travel, family, and similar genres where I don't need heavy cropping or large prints.

There is always a bit of a guess as to the way a new camera works in my hands. While I could wait until I hear from others who have the camera, that would delay my order and receipt of the new camera. I know the camera will be an upgrade on multiple fronts - and I will use the newer features. Not having those features will limit my photography for some specific photos over the next 90 days. Waiting 30 days to place my order will miss those opportunities for a year or permanently.
I have 2x Z9 and a Z7ii. At this stage just cant see the need for a Z6iii. For what I shoot just dont see any advantage at this point.
I’m still stuck on waiting to see exactly what it is. My Z7II is currently my walking around and travel where photos aren’t a top priority and so a light kit is the goal camera…but the specs could make me swap it for one of these…maybe. TBH…the Z7II is about 750 if I sold it and the improvements in the Z6III and its price could convince me to upgrade.
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Rumors are rampant that the Z6iii will soon be released. the rumors suggest it will have a full frame 24mp sensor with certain enhancements in low light sensitivity, speed and autofocus upgrades. Some suggest it will be similar to the Zf.

My question is, if you are already a Z8/9 owner would you consider adding a Z6iii?

Why or why not?

Let us know what you hope to gain from this model?
Money. Mortgage. Food. Clothes. Domestic tranquility.
The Z6ii was my first mirrorless camera. It was an adjustment which forced me to rethink a few assumptions which were built in to the DSLR model. Deciding to get a Z9 was an easy decision. I ordered one more or less right away. I then found that the limitations of the Z6ii no longer bothered me and I started to enjoy the Z6ii even more because it was a much less complex piece of engineering. I enjoy the sophistication and brilliance of the Z9 a lot. The Z6ii is however very good at what it is designed to do. I don’t know whether I will opt for a Z6iii. Will it be better to have a second body with some advanced features and the ability to do action and wildlife photography? How people react to the Z6iii will depend on how well it fits there vision of what it “should be” . In my view it doesn’t need to be a mini Z9 at a much lower price. I think a lot of people will want that. I don’t want that, but I do want it to offer some of the benefits the Z9 established as desirable features. I like the sensor shield and the absence of shutter blackout. I like the brilliant autofocus. For me to opt for a Z6iii, it will need to offer at least five major benefits over the Z6ii.
I now have two z8s. I wonder why anyone would want to use a z6 for wildlife and not use the z8 for such things as to me that is what the z8-9 excel at. The z6iii would likely be a bit better in terms of high iso and dynamic range but by how much. For small subjects you would lose reach and have to crop deeper so you would lose most of any gains in terms of DR or high iso performance. I like to photograph caterpillars where you often have to hold the branch with one hand while holding the camera with the other so a small body with a built in flash is ideal so if I were to think about a third body it would have to be a z50 as this is the only body with a built in flash, ideal for this situation. With a small light lens that can get really close. However I’m not big on crop sensor bodies.
I purchased my Z6ii last September. My first mirrorless camera. It is a pleasure to use. It has primarily been used to photograph deer and large mammals. Last month, I bought a Z8. It is amazing! Immediately, I recognized the difference in ease of focus and tracking. Cropping is much better with the increased MP. Eventually, I will carry two bodes with different lenses. The Z6ii with the 24-120 will work well for close encounters with critters. I have had fox, rabbits, and deer almost crawl into my lap when tucked into the brush.

I use my Z6ii to document progress on our construction projects, etc. It works great for that. We have a couple of projects that are recently completed or about to be. I will be photographing those projects during the day and at night for promotional purposes.

Having said all of that, I am intrigued with the z6iii. Honestly, since getting the Z8, I think that I am set. Having better AF abilities and sensor shield might sway me to upgrade the Z6ii. I just don't know. Which probably means to wait and see if what I have works fine. And, I believe it will. But.......?
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I have a Z9 and i will not be interested in a Z6III. I'm a creature of habit and being an action/wildlife/BIF photographer, i need a 2nd or backup camera to be the same so when i switch I'll not make mistakes with accounting and mapped button layout.

If i was a portrait of landscape shooter it would make so difference but when you need to make split second, on the fly adjustments, I would only consider another Z9 or a duplicate of my main camera
I have had a 8 since November and love it. I got a Z6ii as a second camera when I need two lenses handy and no time to swap one lens with another. I like the smaller size for travel and family shots as well. So not likely to upgrade the Z6ii. I will wait until I can afford a second Z8.
Tricky for me, kind of. I LOVED my Z6II. Now I have the Z8 & Zf. I figured the Zf would eventually be swapped out for the Z6III + vertical grip, but the problem is, I absolutely love the Zf and it's a keeper.

I don't need a third body. But there's a chance I'll secure a pre-order, take my time and digest all the revealed Z6III info, then weight all my options. If it ends up as a pre-order cancel, no harm. I'm more likely to invest in another lens (180-600! waiting for stock). Reminding myself that the Z8 is now $500 less than it was at launch, just a year ago.

Either way, it'll be a fun launch event 🙂
Rumors are rampant that the Z6iii will soon be released. the rumors suggest it will have a full frame 24mp sensor with certain enhancements in low light sensitivity, speed and autofocus upgrades. Some suggest it will be similar to the Zf.

My question is, if you are already a Z8/9 owner would you consider adding a Z6iii?

Why or why not?

Let us know what you hope to gain from this model?
Not interested. I don't need another camera body. Have a Z9 and D850
Rumors are rampant that the Z6iii will soon be released. the rumors suggest it will have a full frame 24mp sensor with certain enhancements in low light sensitivity, speed and autofocus upgrades. Some suggest it will be similar to the Zf.

My question is, if you are already a Z8/9 owner would you consider adding a Z6iii?

Why or why not?

Let us know what you hope to gain from this model?
Your question is way premature as we don’t know the specs yet
Rumors are rampant that the Z6iii will soon be released. the rumors suggest it will have a full frame 24mp sensor with certain enhancements in low light sensitivity, speed and autofocus upgrades. Some suggest it will be similar to the Zf.

My question is, if you are already a Z8/9 owner would you consider adding a Z6iii?

Why or why not?

Let us know what you hope to gain from this model?
I have a Z8 and Z9.
But I'll either get a Z6iii or a Zf as a basher camera ...🦘
I too struggle with authority. It is a delicate balance. You got away with a lot already and sometimes you have to know your limit. A sense of humor helps.

i have been married to She Who Must Be Obeyed for 36 years if we make it to October.

For those not familiar the phrase She Who Must Be Obeyed it is taken from the old Rumpole of the Bsiley TV series. Well worth watching if you find it.
Intended use and need were the factors in my decision to get the Zf. With Z8&9 & D850, my need was for a smaller, simple, FX format camera for vacations, family outings and general use other than dedicated photography trips. My 45mp bodies and “S” lenses, while great, are large compared to the Zf. Airline travel these days is unpleasant for the most part and compact gear wins the day for my purposes. The Zf is actually smaller than the Df which filled this niche for “f” mount lenses. Paired with the 14-30 & 24-200 this Zf kit works for me.

Several photographers (that I greatly respect) have stated they just can’t retreat from the 45mp resolution cameras for the predicted 24mp of the Z6iii. I get that. It all comes back to intended use and need and how the forthcoming Z6iii works for Wotan1.
I too struggle with authority. It is a delicate balance. You got away with a lot already and sometimes you have to know your limit. A sense of humor helps.

i have been married to She Who Must Be Obeyed for 36 years if we make it to October.

For those not familiar the phrase She Who Must Be Obeyed it is taken from the old Rumpole of the Bsiley TV series. Well worth watching if you find it.
You’re both newlyweds…coming up on 48 for us. 😀😀😀
The Z6iii interests me but I will wait until Nikon releases it to see just how interested I might be. I have toyed with the idea of replacing my Z9 with another Z8 but that seems kinda silly in some ways (altho I much prefer the smaller Z8 size and weight and it gets chosen over the z9 most of the time). In all likelihood I probably won't be buying one tho...