If you already have a z8/9 will you get a Z6iii? Why or why not?

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I’ve had my Z8 since late October and soon afterward, could not stand to use my Z7ii. The autofocus issues with the Z7ii often created hair-pulling situations in post. I don’t know how many time I yelled, “WTF were you focusing on?”, but it was often enough that using the Z8 felt like the warm embrace from a gentle lover after being in prison for a couple of years.

While I have seriously contemplated getting another Z8, the expense, even with the sale price, is greater than I’m willing to spend. The rumors of a new Z6 have been swirling around since late 2023, so I have been biding my time. I have a Zfc, so the Zf had zero appeal to me.

Needless to say I’ve been eagerly awaiting for the arrival of the Z6iii. I ordered mine at 8:20am Tuesday and immediately put in a priority NPS request. Crossing my fingers that it arrives before June 28, as I’ve already shipped my Z7ii to MPB.

I’m planning on putting the 600mm f/6.3 on the Z6iii and the 70-200 f/2.8 on the Z8. Hoping the lower light capabilities of the Z6iii will help out with the slower apertures.
Im gonna keep thinking on it…but as long as I, interested in a 2 body/lens combos on a dual strap it’s a lot of weight although I need to add the numbers and see how the 2x Z8 with 600PF with the TC and 180-600 compares with the 400 on a Z8 and either the 100-400 on a second body or just the lens (or a 24-120) in a backpack or waist carry case. At 70 and comfortably retired…it’s more a weight and utility factor for me.

Regarding wife and weight…I hear ya, mine won’t carry any more than the Z50 2 lens kit. What the 400 would provide is lower ISOs for dim mornings in the woods…but then DxO is pretty wonderful and with 99% of my output gett downsampled for the blog posts most to all of the ‘better at 2:1 in LR’ disappears…and we are great believers in the bang for the buck and better is the enemy of good enough viewpoints…so I doubt I would ever spring that much for the lens. I ordered an 800PF back when but for FL and even in Serengeti while I had the TC on the 600PF about half the time…800 is just too much lens a lot of the time…and the size/weight reduces whatever else I might want to bring. If I was a shooter that said ‘today I will only shoot great gray owls’…then an 800 and single body might make sense…but I am like most of us I think a whatever I see today sort. Our buddy Hudson Henry had an 800 and recently sold it for the 400/2.8 and 1.4 external TC combo…and used it exclusively in CR…said he misses the 800 but is happy he switched. I’m a lot like Alton Brown…the 800 is a unitasker and flexible is more important than 2:1 in LR IQ…I’m an amateur that mostly puts photos on the travel blog and the cheaper, lighter and more flexible lenses are more than good enough for that.

Im surprised that your wife likes the Z7II for birds…the AF is fine for static ones but the frame rate and slower AF along with the lack of bird SD pretty much kills it for me for BIF..hence its going to MPB. The Z6III I’m seriously considering for a lighter travel kit like the Z7II was…except ypu can actually do some wildlife with it as well albeit not as well as the Z8/9. OTOH…ypu really don’t save all that much weight between it and the Z8…especially if you only take a super zoom single lens for travel…its only 5 ounces lighter after all but it is a little smaller as well…but my wife showed less than zero interest in keeping my Z7II with the 24-200 as her camera…because the Z50 is lighter by 12 ounces + whatever the 2 DX lens save over the 24-200…because she’s not really interested in long range wildlife…she goes with me but says ‘that’s too far, get a shot for me’.
She rarely does birds in flight not her thing. She got into photography in 1975 so she has been at it a lot longer than me (about 14 years). Z7II is 10.4 oz lighter than Z8 and to my wife that was a deal breaker ... LOL the Z7II over her Z50 was a big leap :)

Z800pf is the best birding lens I have ever had for out here where things are a long ways off ... I do id photos for e bird first and foremost ... pretty bird photos just if it happens.

I have been retired 15+ years and will be 76 in August. I have been blessed to be healthy and have had a 3 day a week workout routine of free weights, foundation exercises and high intensity interval training for a lot of years. But as I age I am sure I will be more and more delighted that I can use a Z800, Z600pf and Z mount Tamron 150-500 instead of the 600 f/4 E I used to use along with a Sigma 60-600 that was quite heavy and stayed in the vehicle far more than the Tamron 150-600 G2.
It is too soon for me to call.
In the UK several recent Nikon Z products have dropped at least 15% in price within 6-9 months of launch. What happens with the III is dependent on initial take up.
On the other hand a £/$600 saving might be possible in the UK January sales.

As some-one who prefers the extra ability to crop from 45 MP the 24 MP of the III is a limiting factor.
On the other hand the III has a lot of advantages - such as 8 stops IBIS for macro, similar to my Z8 & 9 controls, with reports of "very sticky" BIF AF.
It is becoming increasingly tempting - with the possibility of money in my pocket if I sell the Z9.
Nothing changes in my camera bag, although the Z6 III is certainly a more than capable camera.
Nikon's latest release, which packages some powerful Z9 features into a relatively affordable solid performer.

I much prefer the haptics and menus of Nikon's Pro ILCs: shooting banks etc, and preferably an integral vertical grip.

It is also likely the mid tier enthusiast MILCs will continue with the SD card slot, but I use the CFExpress B format only. But bottom line, no need for a new camera. The D6 and Z9 meet my needs, and more. However, PreCapture RAW will be welcome
I now have both the Z8 and the Z9, and I will not be even thinking about getting a Z6iii.

I haven't even paid my credit card bill for my Z8, yet! :rolleyes:
I had Z8 and Z9. Used the Z9 all the time. Sold the Z8. Saw the Z6III at a local Camera store Nikon meet and greet. It was very nice but I will not be buying one any time soon. I just use my Z9 all the time. I did receive a nice Nikon Z6iii shirt.
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Z6III has been the only camera I have been using since 6-26 as I test it out. This is a slower time of the year for birds in my neighborhood.

BIF's have been one Bald Eagle, Crows, Gulls and Cedar Waxwings. Some deep in the shade early morning birds.

Also indoors at home on my cat and at church on people.

Lenses used. Nikon Z600 f/6.3 PF, Z800 f/6.3 PF, Tamron z mount 35-150 f/2-2.8 (great on the indoor shots with this camera) Tamron z mount 150-500.

So far so good. The funkiest feeling one for balance, hand held, is the Z800 if feels a lot more natural on the Z9. The Z600 f/6.3 seems made for the Z6III.

As expected the best low light indoors combination has been with the Tamron 35-150 f/2-2.8.