Nikon 180-600mm lens ship date

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I preordered yesterday from B&H. Before I hit order I did the online customer service chat and was told orders placed that day are scheduled to ship on 8/18. 🤞 🤞 🤞
I just spoke with a customer service rep at B&H. She said they’re expecting the first shipment of this lens between Aug 5 and Aug 16. They’ll begin shipping to customers within a day or so following that. It’d be interesting to know when other retailers expect to receive their allotment.
I just noticed this announcement on Adorama this morning:

"Manufacturer will start shipping this item on 08/30/2023. Orders will be filled on a first come first serve basis."

I have my pre-order for this lens on B&H. B&H has no shipping date listed yet. I made my 2nd pre-order on 7/7 with B&H, so I will most likely miss the first shipment. I had a previous pre-order on Nikon USA in June, but canceled it in favor of emptying my bank account (and wife's permission) to buy a Z8.
I ordered mine a Couple of days after it’s launch & was told the end of August, but then she said that the pre order list for the lens was very long & doubted I’d be in the first shipment.
They may well start shipping in August, but it depends how many the outlet can get in that first shipment & how many people are in front of you!
I think they’ll still be people waiting for this lens well into 2024. 😱😱 ( but am sure it will be worth the wait!😁)
I received an email from Amazon dated 7/11/2023 indicating delivery date was updated from 8/3 to 8/1. Presently the order on my account indicates:
I received an email from Amazon dated 7/11/2023 indicating delivery date was updated from 8/3 to 8/1. Presently the order on my account indicates:
View attachment 66605
That screenshot looks to be solid info - has the lens been shipped by Amazon? Can you track it already?
An Amazon email from 7/11 that announces an updated arrival date 3 weeks later is possible, but then Amazon would seem to have a lot of confidence in when Nikon would begin delivering the lens. Most other retailers at best seem to have an indication of the arrival date of the first shipment.
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That screenshot looks to be solid info - has the lens been shipped by Amazon? Can you track it already?
An Amazon email from 7/11 that announces an updated arrival date 3 weeks later is possible, but then Amazon would seem to have a lot of confidence in when Nikon would begin delivering the lens. Most other retailers at best seem to have an indication of the arrival date of the first shipment.
Just checked. Indicates ordered but not shipped yet. Still indicates delivery 8/1.
I preordered yesterday from B&H. Before I hit order I did the online customer service chat and was told orders placed that day are scheduled to ship on 8/18. 🤞 🤞 🤞
If you order much from B&H, a great store that gets a lot of my business, you will learn that their customer service personnel dealing with pre-orders don't have a clue about shipping dates; they seem just as likely to report rumors as anyone else. For the 180-600, I pre-ordered from B&H the morning of June 20th. If the lens arrives before the end of August, I'll be surprised and pleased; it is a high demand product, and likely to be back ordered for awhile.

I received an email from Amazon dated 7/11/2023 indicating delivery date was updated from 8/3 to 8/1. Presently the order on my account indicates:
View attachment 66605
This is an example of why we shouldn't get information in writing from people who know how to use Photoshop. :)
B&H sent me an email stating that the lens is out of stock.
We will continue to try and secure stock to fulfill your order, however at this time we do not have an exact date on when we can fulfill it.
This was posted today by Nikon at the link below (translated from Japanese):

“We have received a lot of reservations for ‘NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR’ which is scheduled to be released in August 2023. Therefore, it takes time to adjust the release date, and we are planning to inform you of the release date around August 17.”

This was posted today by Nikon at the link below (translated from Japanese):

“We have received a lot of reservations for ‘NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR’ which is scheduled to be released in August 2023. Therefore, it takes time to adjust the release date, and we are planning to inform you of the release date around August 17.”

This information might be meant only for the Japanese market, but I’ve posted it here because this lens appears to be a popular option for Nikon Z users.
This was posted today by Nikon at the link below (translated from Japanese):

“We have received a lot of reservations for ‘NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR’ which is scheduled to be released in August 2023. Therefore, it takes time to adjust the release date, and we are planning to inform you of the release date around August 17.”

More Nikon Mumbo Jumbo
This information might be meant only for the Japanese market, but I’ve posted it here because this lens appears to be a popular option for Nikon Z users.
Thanks. Even if it is only for the Japanese market, it gives some indication of the demand and dates.
BTW the German store Calumet has an expected date of August 3 on its website - but I would be surprised if that turned out to be accurate.
My dealer has said many times in the past that Nikon USA only notifies them of shipping dates when the product has shipped, ie, "today we have shipped you x number of y product". If Nikon announces availability dates before that, the dealers know when we do.
I've heard shipping begins "first week in August" to "last week in August" and everything in between :) I'm expecting the latter, and maybe I'll get a nice surprise if I'm wrong. I ordered within an hour of announcement so we'll see. Already sold the 200-500 & FTZ, a bittersweet sale but I have no need to keep two long zooms.
Thanks for checking. Please let us know how things unfold.
Just received the following email from Amazon after earlier notice of planned receipt on 8/1:

We're encountering a delay in shipping your order. We’ll make every effort to get the delayed item to you as soon as possible. If you still want this item, please confirm below. We apologize for the delay.

It appears there has been a delay in shipping from Nikon.
My dealer has said many times in the past that Nikon USA only notifies them of shipping dates when the product has shipped, ie, "today we have shipped you x number of y product". If Nikon announces availability dates before that, the dealers know when we do.
If I had a "dealer" shipping "product" to me - I would also want a confirmed date for delivery as sitting too long on the street corner might be regarded as quite suspicious 😂

Judging by the number of threads and posts on the 180-600, I am convinced it is going to be the best selling long lens ever.
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