Nikon 180-600mm lens ship date

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To be clear on my order (and I assume on yours too) they changed it to “will begin shipping Aug. 31” which is exactly what it says on the current listing for the lens if you were to order it today. So I don’t think this is specific to your or my order. I received my email confirmation 2 minutes after orders went live, but I won’t be certain I’ll get it in the first wave until I get an actual shipping notice. I’ve played this game many, many times with B&H……..
My order still has a backordered status. I ordered about fifteen minutes after orders went live. It’ll come when it comes.
To be clear on my order (and I assume on yours too) they changed it to “will begin shipping Aug. 31” which is exactly what it says on the current listing for the lens if you were to order it today. So I don’t think this is specific to your or my order. I received my email confirmation 2 minutes after orders went live, but I won’t be certain I’ll get it in the first wave until I get an actual shipping notice. I’ve played this game many, many times with B&H……..
Same here, I am not sure if I can get it in first wave either.
They all say backordered. At the bottom of your “Order Details” it should say “starts shipping Aug. 31”.
Thank you. I don't know about your order - but when I look at my order detail page it does say "will begin shipping on 2023-8-31" but it seems to just be the generic info of B&H's product page for this lens. Nothing seems specific to my order. I will be happily surprised if it does ship on Thursday, but it may well take longer. Good luck with your copy.
Thank you. I don't know about your order - but when I look at my order detail page it does say "will begin shipping on 2023-8-31" but it seems to just be the generic info of B&H's product page for this lens. Nothing seems specific to my order. I will be happily surprised if it does ship on Thursday, but it may well take longer. Good luck with your copy.
Yes that is what I said in a previous post—that is just the generic language and not specific for the order. It’s the exact language on the lens listing right now if you order today. Won’t know about my specific shipping date until I get a direct email about shipping, or my credit card gets charged.

Let’s hope we are both lucky—with both early shipping and copies!
Thom Hogan said this in an article that I can no longer find as stuff has moved around the site a bit.

The thing I suspect you may be missing based on comments above is that while you said the AF system is looking at the same pixels for FX/DX, that's probably not the case if, as Thom has said and camera behavior seems to confirm, the AF runs off the EVF. It would mean the AF has fewer than half as many pixels to analyze when in DX mode.

Even if it's not a question of speed, what that means is that there are fewer things for the AF to get distracted or confused by in DX. We all know mirrorless AF love to grab busy backgrounds, for instance, but in DX mode it would mean much less busy background for it to accidentally grab onto. A rough analogy may be to say that in DX mode the "signal to noise ratio" of subject vs. other stuff is higher.

EDIT: I just realized what is potentially a major point of confusion in terms of all of this. When you said that it's looking at the same pixels, I was thinking of the frame DX vs FX, but you may have been thinking of the AF area box which has the same number of pixels either way. However, if I understand correctly I don't think the subject detection works this way. I think subject detection is operating on the entire frame at all times. One point that confuses some new users of the Z AF system is that the subject detection will focus on an eye anywhere in the frame even if the AF box isn't on it. If you have the tiny 1x1 custom AF box on a cat's tail and the head is all the way at the other end of the frame, it might put the focus on the cat's eye even though the eye is nowhere near the box. it seems to work by detecting the subject anywhere in the frame and then checking for whether the AF box is on a part of that subject. Thus, in DX mode the subject detection algorithms have about half as many pixels to analyze as in FX no matter which AF area box one is using.
I was referring to the AF sites…aim in DX only some of them are being used…and subject detection only looks in whatever AF area you selected…and like I said…if it’s using the same AF sites then how it does any better at seeing an eye than when looking at the same AF sites in FX remains a mystery…at least to this recovering engineer…and it isn’t because the eye covers more AF sites because DX just uses only the center portion of the sensor…so I gave up trying to figure out why and just accept…it works because it does. Not my preferred outcome of the investigation…but the list of things I just accept as true is pretty big…
I was referring to the AF sites…aim in DX only some of them are being used…and subject detection only looks in whatever AF area you selected
I think this is your error. Subject detection does not only look at whatever AF area is selected. It runs on the entire frame (either DX or FX) at all times. If you have a 1x1 AF area mode that covers 1% of the frame or whatever it is, the subject detection is still analyzing all 19.2 or 45.7 MP.
…and like I said…if it’s using the same AF sites then how it does any better at seeing an eye than when looking at the same AF sites in FX remains a mystery
In DX mode the subject detection is analyzing less than half as much as in FX mode. It's only looking at what's contained in the DX frame and ignoring anything outside of that. In fact, as far as I understand it's not even ignoring everything outside of the DX frame per se - it's moreso that as far as it is concerned, nothing else exists while in DX mode.
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This morning I noticed on B&H that my 180-600 lens preorder has changed from "BACKORDERED" to " ORDER PLACED", but still listed as "BACKORDERED". Also listed as "DELIVERY ESTIMATE PENDING"

order placed.jpg
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I believe Nikon Rumors mentioned September 17, 2023 as a possible shipping date.
The initial shipment date reported by Nikon and every retailer I’ve checked with is Thursday, Aug. 31. There will be more shipments to follow, of course.
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This morning I noticed on B&H that my 180-600 lens preorder has changed from "BACKORDERED" to " ORDER PLACED", but still listed as "BACKORDERED". Also listed as "DELIVERY ESTIMATE PENDING"

View attachment 68412DELIVERY ESTIMATE PENDING".
This is what mine said last week. Prior to this, they were reporting a shipping date of 9-30-23 and it showed "Order Placed".
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This is what mine said last week. Prior to this, they were reporting a shipping date of 9-30-23 and it showed "Order Placed". View attachment 68494
Mine now says the same, except the statement "1-2 Business Days - Based on Destination". Everything else identical, except order #. Yours is 60056, and mine is 77xxx - I ordered mid-day PST - a 17,000 difference for B&H isn't as great as it sounds. May you be lucky. I have to decide whether to take my "local dealer" order to save tax, which is quite high on its list. I'm not desperate, but might be by Friday.
Mine now says the same, except the statement "1-2 Business Days - Based on Destination". Everything else identical, except order #. Yours is 60056, and mine is 77xxx - I ordered mid-day PST - a 17,000 difference for B&H isn't as great as it sounds. May you be lucky. I have to decide whether to take my "local dealer" order to save tax, which is quite high on its list. I'm not desperate, but might be by Friday.
"BH# NIZ18060056" is the B&H SKU (stock keeping unit) for this item. It's used for inventory management purposes and will be identical for each order of this lens. The Order # is shown near the upper left of the order details page.
Mine now says the same, except the statement "1-2 Business Days - Based on Destination". Everything else identical, except order #. Yours is 60056, and mine is 77xxx - I ordered mid-day PST - a 17,000 difference for B&H isn't as great as it sounds. May you be lucky. I have to decide whether to take my "local dealer" order to save tax, which is quite high on its list. I'm not desperate, but might be by Friday.
Not sure what you are looking at but the 60056 is part of the BH item number not order number.
I'm not sure either - only # on your post. My order # is 1778xx [last 6 digits]. Yours doesn't seem to contain an order #.
Mine is 2149xx (last 6 digits) ordered on June 22. The order number is in a different place on the order that shows shipping address and method of payment. I did not share that info here to the group.
Mine is 2149xx (last 6 digits) ordered on June 22. The order number is in a different place on the order that shows shipping address and method of payment. I did not share that info here to the group.
That sounds correct. My order was 6/21, so the difference seems right, with B&H taking about 35,000 orders per day. [That is for all products in the store]
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