Nikon Z6iii Review, Press Release, And Photos - Official Thread

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I have to admit…if I didn’t already have 2x Z8s the 6III would be an attractive second body for a variety of reasons. Holding off for now because it isn’t really much of a weight reduction over the Z8 body…and 3 bodies is more than I need.
The most recent bird ID photos with Z6III and Z600 f/6.3. Now with the battery grip it balances great for me with the lens foot resting in the palm of my hand. It gets into those bushy places with animal ID but with a lower success rate than bird ID with myZ9's.
ID in sequence: Gray Catbird, American Robin, Downy Woodpecker, Western Wood-Pewee

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Thank you ... I forgot to ID them in the post ... better do that :)
I am off to China next week, and then Thailand and and India the week after - just got my 100-400 in, a bit short for birding, I know, but I will probably drag it along with my Zf and 40 f1.2 MF, see if there is some fun to be had. Not sure I will have time between work-commitments, but let‘s see.
I am off to China next week, and then Thailand and and India the week after - just got my 100-400 in, a bit short for birding, I know, but I will probably drag it along with my Zf and 40 f1.2 MF, see if there is some fun to be had. Not sure I will have time between work-commitments, but let‘s see.
Enjoy .... not places I traveled to in my working days.