Some Love for the Little Guys - Share your Songbird/Warblers/Wrens....

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Looked out the window this afternoon to see this White Breasted Nuthatch working his way down a tree. So I grabbed my camera and gently opened the window to capture this image as he looked my way.

D850, 500mm PF, f/6.3, 1/1000", ISO 3200
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Male and female Pine Grosbeak
D500 + 500 PF @ 1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 320 et 750

It's now the time when Highbush Cranberries, after many frosts, make the delight of those erratic birds.

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Winter is setting in but there's still a bunch of withered crab apples on the tree outside our kitchen window and its a magnet for various birds including this Mountain Chickadee

D850, 500mm PF, f/5.6, 1/1000", ISO 4500
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Images from my Portal, AZ trip
Pyrrhuloxia (Desert Cardinal) D700 with Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 with 2.0 TC at 400 mm focal length.
ISO 800 F/5.6, 1/2500 sec
I tried the new Topaz Sharpen AI to improve the softness out of the camera that I encountered with the long lens and teleconverter.
There was a noticeable improvement in the image quality after running it through the AI program
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Lazuli Bunting at Portal AZ
Nikon D700 with Nikkor 70-200mm with 2.0 TC at 400mm focal length
ISO 800 f/5.6, at 1/6400 seconds

I noticed a Western Bluebird in this thread and wanted to show the difference between it and the Lazuli Bunting in the southwest.
Black face mask, white wing bars and pale beak. All very difficult to see in the wild.