Thoughts on lens covers

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I use lenscoat covers for now, but might remove portions of them. I have found that they get in the way of focusing rings etc, as they stretch out. The edges fray. I may switch to rolanpro to try them.

I started using wraps when I noticed that with hiking, I was rubbing finish from the outside of a lens. I've knocked my hoods off and had them roll down hills bouncing off of rocks. I've worn lettering off my lenses rubbing against my body.

But the lenscoat neoprene wraps also obstruct function buttons and I needed to exacto knife access for some of them. That's just lazy design and why I won't buy another lenscoat version unless they address that. I may try taking it off and see if I like it better.
Never used them for Nikon as those lenses don't seem to lose paint or scratch. I do continue to use them on white paint Canon/Sony. Only use RolanPro, don't like LensCoat. Thinking of trying the vinyl wraps in the future.
Agreed, I really dislike neoprene lens covers with the exception of one aspect and that is travel. Because of the difficulty with limitations of carry on sizes, one strategy I've used to pack more gear in my bag is to wrap the lenses in neoprene and pull the bag dividers. See: It has been working great and I can carry more gear. Likewise, I'm considering vinyl wraps to reduce abrasions from carrying and using the lenses in the field.
I used both in the past. From Lens Coat and Roland Pro. Despite they provide protection up to a certain degree I didn't like it. Recently I started to use skins (first one was for the Z8 body) from these guys:
Quite happy so far.
At least for the last 10 years or so, I have typically bought camera lens covers for protection often from LENS coat and ROLAN pro. For the last year or so I have completely quit using them because I feel they make using the zoom ring and focusing difficult. They also stretch out over time making them annoying when you’re trying to shoot. The only thing I use now is the front hood of the 600 mm prime lens. This is only because that hood cost so much. I just think it’s a more enjoyable and much easier experience using the lens without these things on there and honestly don’t plan on ever buying one again at this point. I keep all my gear insured and God forbid something happens, I’ll just turn in a claim I suppose. It is also very nice having the switches exposed at all times on the lens in case you need to make a quick change without having to remove the Velcro cover. I honestly can’t believe you how much better of an experience it is especially with the big prime lens not having one on there anymore. Just curious if others find these things as annoying as I do lol.
I could not agree with you, more.
After reading the praises on the protection stickers from Alphagurd did I just ordered a trial for my Z8 and the 600mm VR. I just do not like it when my gear get scratched or smeared even so I do not hesitate in using it in rain, snow, desert, ... Curious on how it will protect and how the gear will look like :)
After reading the praises on the protection stickers from Alphagurd did I just ordered a trial for my Z8 and the 600mm VR. I just do not like it when my gear get scratched or smeared even so I do not hesitate in using it in rain, snow, desert, ... Curious on how it will protect and how the gear will look like :)
It will look great ;)
It is not difficult to put all the stickers on the right place. However, two pairs of hands make the task easier and faster. One holding the camera/lens and the other person taking care of the stickers, it worked for me :)
I use self cling wrap. Probably offers some protection and helps grip on bigger lenses. Cheap and works for me.
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I used that on my 180-600. Very pleased so far.
At least for the last 10 years or so, I have typically bought camera lens covers for protection often from LENS coat and ROLAN pro. For the last year or so I have completely quit using them because I feel they make using the zoom ring and focusing difficult. They also stretch out over time making them annoying when you’re trying to shoot. The only thing I use now is the front hood of the 600 mm prime lens. This is only because that hood cost so much. I just think it’s a more enjoyable and much easier experience using the lens without these things on there and honestly don’t plan on ever buying one again at this point. I keep all my gear insured and God forbid something happens, I’ll just turn in a claim I suppose. It is also very nice having the switches exposed at all times on the lens in case you need to make a quick change without having to remove the Velcro cover. I honestly can’t believe you how much better of an experience it is especially with the big prime lens not having one on there anymore. Just curious if others find these things as annoying as I do lol.
I do the same as you, I just cover the hood. I bought the LensCoat cover for my Z600 tc, and I could not access most of the switches. The part that covers the tc was also annyoning. I don’t use this cover coat anymore. I always carry the thin towel ( travelling towe) to cover my lens while shooting in dusty and wet condition, just to give little protection for the lens if I need it.
I do the same as you, I just cover the hood. I bought the LensCoat cover for my Z600 tc, and I could not access most of the switches. The part that covers the tc was also annyoning. I don’t use this cover coat anymore. I always carry the thin towel ( travelling towe) to cover my lens while shooting in dusty and wet condition, just to give little protection for the lens if I need it.
Yeah I had the full cover on my 600f/4 for about a year and after removing it I was like wow, this is so much easier to use in every regard! I try to be as careful as possible and always clean my gear as soon as I get home. I think the $1k hood on these larger primes is most likely to suffer damage and I have no problem leaving the cover on there.
If talking about a lens Coat/Cover I won't go without one. Keeping the lens scratch and scuff free is important to me. The RolanPro cover is easily the best on the market for protection, durability and quality.

As far as a rain coat, i did buy one but unless I'm doing video, I haven't used a tripod in 4 years. I'll hand hold all the time with the occasional monopod. So i never get to use the rain coat. For me there isn't a useful situation to use it if hand holding with a sling.

I've been caught out in a heavy rain 3 or 4 times with my Z9 and Z800mm with no issues. I'll be in my frog gear and just unzip the jacket and cover it in between shooting. Till i make it back to cover or my vehicle
And I guess for us here in the EU is this small newish Polish webshop a possible source for neoprene covers:
And I guess for us here in the EU is this small newish Polish webshop a possible source for neoprene covers:
I fully endorse Huga Natures product, they were the last I used prior to switching to vinyl wrap. Very well made, with cutouts for buttons. Still have the cover for my 800PF :)
At least for the last 10 years or so, I have typically bought camera lens covers for protection often from LENS coat and ROLAN pro. For the last year or so I have completely quit using them because I feel they make using the zoom ring and focusing difficult. They also stretch out over time making them annoying when you’re trying to shoot. The only thing I use now is the front hood of the 600 mm prime lens. This is only because that hood cost so much. I just think it’s a more enjoyable and much easier experience using the lens without these things on there and honestly don’t plan on ever buying one again at this point. I keep all my gear insured and God forbid something happens, I’ll just turn in a claim I suppose. It is also very nice having the switches exposed at all times on the lens in case you need to make a quick change without having to remove the Velcro cover. I honestly can’t believe you how much better of an experience it is especially with the big prime lens not having one on there anymore. Just curious if others find these things as annoying as I do lol.
Yup I did and no longer use them
I went down this rabbit hole recently and finally found the only correct solution. I was looking into the various lens covers for my 800mm and there have been good discussions on this forum

I was between the neoprene covers and skins. I previously had an alphagvrd skin for my 400mm but wanted something more robust. But I didn't really like the available options (lenscoat, rolandpro, fujing, outdoor photography). Mainly the designs. I did like the options for skins though. I really couldnt decide which to go with though. As I was looking into this my wife asked "why do you even need a cover for your lens?" She is right, you don't need A lens cover, you need both!

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I went with the outdoor photography for the rubber/grip parts and the skin for others. I fully recognize neither of these are needed, and using two different camoflauges are likely a fashion faux pas. But I think it looks cool and I have the option to cover more of it as needed. Just figured I'd share this monstrosity in case any one needed inspiration!
I use the fujing cover for bigger lenses I use i the field.

I prefer to use the neoprene covers because they provide protection against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" when working in the field. I tend to pick my shooting days according to the weather and for the most part I avoid shooting if it is raining a lot. So my lenses don't get all that wet, and they have plenty of drying time in between shoots.

I live in Seattle and we are thought of by outsiders as a place where it rains all the time. While that is true certain times of the year, our annual rain accumulation is not more than east coast cities like New York and Washington, DC. Most importantly it is generally not humid out here and our summers are usually dry and sunny. OOPS I was not supposed to say that, we are encouraged to tell outsiders how bad it is out here so new people will STAY AWAY.

The neoprene covers work for me, they protect the lens and feel good on the hands. The Fujing covers seem to fit well.
I've used Lenscoat religiously on all my equipment. I am not always the most careful, and after shooting Canon and seeing how many used lenses were cosmetically beat up (this is more evident with Canon due to the big white lenses), I wanted to prevent that for my own equipment.

I can count on one time the number of times I've used the focus ring or any of the additional buttons on any of my lenses, so there is no issue there.

I've also shot with them plenty of times in snow/rain and had no issues with them holding water. I just let them dry like normal. Once I put a lenscoat on my gear, it never comes off until I go to sell it.
I never used one until I purchased the 800pf. I decided on the Roland Pro and really like it so far. I like the peace of mind it provides when I want to lay my lens down on the ground for brief periods. Wedding rings have also been know to scratch lenses. I understand the down sides with them in rainy/humid weather, but the Roland Pros are made up of several individual pieces that are easy to remove with the simple velcro tabs.
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I never used one until I purchased the 800pf. I decided on the Roland Pro and really like it so far. I like the peace of mind it provides when I want to lay my lens down on the ground for brief periods. Wedding rings have also been know to scratch lenses. I understand the down sides with them in rainy/humid weather, but the Roland Pros are made up of several individual pieces that are easy to remove with the simple velcro tabs. View attachment 83454
Yeah, wedding rings are trouble; I only wear the silicone rings when handling my gear.
I never used one until I purchased the 800pf. I decided on the Roland Pro and really like it so far. I like the peace of mind it provides when I want to lay my lens down on the ground for brief periods. Wedding rings have also been know to scratch lenses. I understand the down sides with them in rainy/humid weather, but the Roland Pros are made up of several individual pieces that are easy to remove with the simple velcro tabs. View attachment 83454
I purchased Roland Pro for my 180-600. What a pain to put it on but fits very well. My only concern was that it was too tight but I'm guessing all of the models are like that. Seems better built than the lens coat I had in past.