Wildlife Travel Talk Forum?

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Well-known member
Last time there are a lot of questions concerning some travel destinations, condiions and tips.
Shall we perhaps, have a designated Travel Talk Forum?
It is interesing not only because of questions but maybe we can have reviews there as well? Or some kind of travel/trip reports. They can stay there and can be searched and found.
What are your thoughts?
Do you think we should have it as a normal forum though? I've been kicking this around for awhile now. I've thought about different approaches - like having article post options for people to sort of post all about a trip and give locations, restraints, hotels, etc. I've also thought about just a normal forum to start with and see where it goes.
Do you think we should have it as a normal forum though? I've been kicking this around for awhile now. I've thought about different approaches - like having article post options for people to sort of post all about a trip and give locations, restraints, hotels, etc. I've also thought about just a normal forum to start with and see where it goes.
Maybe start one and see where it goes? Many of us have tours or safaris or travel workshops we’ve enjoyed. There are so many places I’d like to visit to indulge my wildlife photography hobby. I’d love to know about the experience of others and share mine as well.

Also, your guidance about what to pack, how to pack, and what to be aware of while traveling with photo gear is invaluable. Perhaps that could be part of it, too?
I like this idea, and a lot of forums do this. A lot of forums I post on do this, some even narrow it down further and do sub-forums for specific regions locations. Travel advice and trip information often gets lost in the main forum as posts can get buried after a day or two.
The forum software should support tags. It could be required in that forum to put a tag for the general region concerned?
I thought of that as well. I was also thinking about using prefixes instead of subforums too. That way, everything is in one forum but it can be sorted as well. That way. If someone posts something more general or applicable to everywhere with a specific prefix or tag it wouldn’t get shuffled away under a specific region or something.
Yes, yes, yes! I mentioned a trip report forum in the site help section a few months ago. But I like this more general idea of travel talk, which would encompass both trip reports and queries for trip help or advice, including recommendations for tour leaders. I also like Steve's idea (based on Butlerkid's input) of having prefixes for continent.

I would love to see this idea implemented ASAP.
I'll be putting something together when I get a chance. I'm traveling right now but I'll put something up if I get the chance - otherwise, figure later next week :)

(I've actually been thinking about doing this for awhile now but have been so busy doing books, updates, etc., I haven't really had time)
I think a lot of people will be interested in reading a travel trip report forum!

However, I for one can't afford to go on organized photo tours costing multi $1000s.

So I will be looking for trip reports on self organized trips, which I've been doing with my wife for years. Hopefully these will be reported as well. I'll try to post some.

Maybe someday I'll go on photo tours, but I have a lot I can learn from what I'm doing now. Another idea is to add short photo tours or a class into a longer self planned trip.

A recent example of excellent trip ideas was a thread on Iceland where several people reported on organized tour experiences and others reported about their self organized trips.

Ebird users may know about the "Trip report" function in Ebird. It's a great way to share birding related destinations or trips with friends and family.
I got some good suggestions for an upcoming non photo trip to Peru (bringing camera, but photography isn't the reason for the trip) by posting in the general forum, but tags or a special forum might be useful.
I noticed in another thread running in this forum about photo travel places ("Best Bang" ... or something like that) that a number of posts surfaced that appeared to be advertisements by some individuals (new members?) trying to sell their 'guide' services. Now, I don't really object to that to options for travel etc. But my question is how would Steve and company keep any kind of photo travel 'discussion' forum from becoming too much like a classified advertisements forum?
I noticed in another thread running in this forum about photo travel places ("Best Bang" ... or something like that) that a number of posts surfaced that appeared to be advertisements by some individuals (new members?) trying to sell their 'guide' services. Now, I don't really object to that to options for travel etc. But my question is how would Steve and company keep any kind of photo travel 'discussion' forum from becoming too much like a classified advertisements forum?
This forum would be specifically for member travel experiences and advice - no advertising of trips would be permitted. If someone who does offer trips wants to participate and have something in their signature file, no objections, but no outright ads or it would kill it.
This forum would be specifically for member travel experiences and advice - no advertising of trips would be permitted. If someone who does offer trips wants to participate and have something in their signature file, no objections, but no outright ads or it would kill it.
Would there be any way to limit the visibility of this forum to members only? I love the idea of having this type of forum, but I am also aware that many places are being overrun with folks that limiting specifics to forum members might strike a better balance on this issue. Besides, it could be considered a perk for joining, not unlike the Marketplace Buy/Sell forums. Something for consideration if it is at all possible.

Would there be any way to limit the visibility of this forum to members only? I love the idea of having this type of forum, but I am also aware that many places are being overrun with folks that limiting specifics to forum members might strike a better balance on this issue. Besides, it could be considered a perk for joining, not unlike the Marketplace Buy/Sell forums. Something for consideration if it is at all possible.


Or better yet, for SUPPORTING members.