Wildlife Travel Talk Forum?

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Would there be any way to limit the visibility of this forum to members only? I love the idea of having this type of forum, but I am also aware that many places are being overrun with folks that limiting specifics to forum members might strike a better balance on this issue. Besides, it could be considered a perk for joining, not unlike the Marketplace Buy/Sell forums. Something for consideration if it is at all possible.

This is something I've thought about quite a bit and I'm a little stuck. On one hand, it's an incentive to join the forum and we can keep our secret spots more or less to ourselves. On the other hand, having it open would help search results for the site resulting in more traffic, potentially adding more members than having it closed off. It's tough to tell which way it would go.
Do you think we should have it as a normal forum though? I've been kicking this around for awhile now. I've thought about different approaches - like having article post options for people to sort of post all about a trip and give locations, restraints, hotels, etc. I've also thought about just a normal forum to start with and see where it goes.
Unless you cast the line you will never know if there are any fish or how many.
Go for it, the more lines the better. The internet is a big pond to go fishing in.

Great suggestion by ElinaH the original Post here in.

Personally i find for Google rankings its better to have one big website rather than several individual ones, that said, i would simply incorporate this new line amongst everything here in, even in the "Last week's most popular topics" we can only flog the subject of cameras and lenses so much if you know what i mean.

Only an opinion
This is something I've thought about quite a bit and I'm a little stuck. On one hand, it's an incentive to join the forum and we can keep our secret spots more or less to ourselves. On the other hand, having it open would help search results for the site resulting in more traffic, potentially adding more members than having it closed off. It's tough to tell which way it would go.
Understandable. And yes, having the forum public would help with traffic. But I will say that when I find information from a web search, I am rarely inclined to join a forum that shows up in the results, but that is just me. I would imagine supporting whatever decision is made, and I do understand that this is a business decision, so you should proceed with the best interest of the forum.

Great suggestion by ElinaH the original Post here in.
Thank you very much! :)

Just a gentle reminder to get heavy users to support the forum.
The question is how heavy users are defined?

However, I think limiting it further to supporting members is overkill.
I also think so.

Actually I am a member of two Africa-Travel forums: Safaritalk.net and Namibia-forum.ch
Both of them are not photographic forums. Some of the members are very good photographers but there are not much photography info, the forums focus on travel.
The forums are also different. Whereas Namibia-forum.ch focuses more on Namibia and self-driving, Safaritalk focuses more on lodges and fly-in safaris. Safaritalk has also other destinations (Pantanal, Alaska, etc) Both forums have great ideas. Namibia-forum is in German language however, there are posts in English. Both host extensive trip reports. Here, in BCG I would rather see shorter reports focused on photography and video.

You can have a look how forums are structured.
There are a separate sub-forum for tour-operators, guides and safari-deals. Tour-oparators and guides must register before posting something. But this sub-forum is not overloaded! I'd rather see more information in it!
There are some sub-forums which are closed to public. Public authorisation is read-only for an entire content. So, they can read but cannot ask questions or help for destination or itinerary. If forum-guests are really planning an adventure and have questions then they join the forum.

I assume BCG is also read-only for public.

Interestingly, I have met already two Safaritalk members on safaris ;-) and hopefully, I see one BCG member this year if everything goes ok :cool: I go for self-driving budget safaris now but I attended also 4 photographic safaris with South African and German tour-operators and visited many lodges and camps in Botswana and Zimbabwe.
This is something I've thought about quite a bit and I'm a little stuck. On one hand, it's an incentive to join the forum and we can keep our secret spots more or less to ourselves. On the other hand, having it open would help search results for the site resulting in more traffic, potentially adding more members than having it closed off. It's tough to tell which way it would go.
I’m a supporting member and I would like to see it open to all members. I think it would get more use and be more useful as it would possibly have more information.
This forum would be specifically for member travel experiences and advice - no advertising of trips would be permitted. If someone who does offer trips wants to participate and have something in their signature file, no objections, but no outright ads or it would kill it.
And based on photography, I hope, not just general trips for travel.
A bit of both I would think. I mean we want photo advice, but we also need to know where to stay!
I mean that the trip "talk" should be based on a photography trip, not just a trip to somewhere that did not include photography or was not primarily about photography. Of course I would expect the talk to include where to stay, experiences, etc. Sorry if I was unclear about my comment.
Last time there are a lot of questions concerning some travel destinations, condiions and tips.
Shall we perhaps, have a designated Travel Talk Forum?
It is interesing not only because of questions but maybe we can have reviews there as well? Or some kind of travel/trip reports. They can stay there and can be searched and found.
What are your thoughts?
It's a great idea, and something that's been suggested previously several times (https://bcgforums.com/threads/new-forum-category.27320/). I think it could be very helpful, provided folks followed a simple protocol for posting, so that it would be relatively easy to find things.
I'll be putting something together when I get a chance. I'm traveling right now but I'll put something up if I get the chance - otherwise, figure later next week :)

(I've actually been thinking about doing this for awhile now but have been so busy doing books, updates, etc., I haven't really had time)
But there's always the wee hours to do this work, when everyone else is sleeping. 🥴
I mean that the trip "talk" should be based on a photography trip, not just a trip to somewhere that did not include photography or was not primarily about photography. Of course I would expect the talk to include where to stay, experiences, etc. Sorry if I was unclear about my comment.
Ok, I misunderstood. In that case, I agree completely.
Only got back from Portugal a week ago. My wife and I went down the River Douro in a boat that only had about 100 passengers on it. the temperature varies from 32 %c to 42%c so yes it was hot. Let me tell you right now I had what is known as a "frozen shoulder" painful from the neck to the shoulder. I have had this for a few months and little can be done about it so I read. Well the 8 days we were in Portugal the heat has done its job and now no more pain..
I suppose my wife and I are fortunate enough to have travelled to many countries rom Japan to China, Brazil to Egypt, the Caribbean to Norway and Iceland . Not forgetting the USA visits and many European countries as well .These are just a few. spent our honeymoon in Tunisia and when engaged Spain was a holiday destination we went to.

my camera went as well.

One thing I learnt very early on is, always ask if a person doesn't mind their photo being taken. No language problems as sign language is universal. What i do is point to my camera then to the person with a thumbs up, never failed even with the guards around the Forbidden City In China. The worst one can do is shove a camera in a persons face expecting them not to object..
Yes here are some countries I am not interested in such as India and that area of the world and others I would love to visit such as Australia and New Zealand as i have relatives in the former.

So many places come to mind as to what we saw etc, but one of he things that make me still smile is Japan. you don't need to be in the country that long before you find yourself bowing just like the Japanese do, you can't help yourself from doing the same :ROFLMAO:. We could not get over how nice the Chinese were and the personal tour guides we had in Beijing and Zian, nothing was to much trouble to please us.

Far too much to mention here as regards different company cruise liners we have been on or even airports at home and overseas. I guess I could write a book on the experiences we encountered. What I would say if we never go abroad again I am so glad I have so many memories to look back on

Chinese guard I mention who was not allowed to move but with sign language he gave a big smile, so I got the picture without any issues
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Old adage… “buyer beware”… Let’s say I get a travel and photo package to Costa Rica with XYZ tours. I had a great trip, good photo ops, great lodging, food, etc. At what point does a glowing report become an endorsement? That’s close to advertising. Then you book with XYZ and nothing goes right. You might want to discuss your disappointment with the source. I liken this to “product reviews” you read online at “Amazon”.

If Steve decides to go forward with this it would be helpful for many wanting to expand their skills and experiences. However, a pointed disclaimer needs to be part of any recommendation……
Old adage… “buyer beware”… Let’s say I get a travel and photo package to Costa Rica with XYZ tours. I had a great trip, good photo ops, great lodging, food, etc. At what point does a glowing report become an endorsement? That’s close to advertising. Then you book with XYZ and nothing goes right. You might want to discuss your disappointment with the source. I liken this to “product reviews” you read online at “Amazon”.

If Steve decides to go forward with this it would be helpful for many wanting to expand their skills and experiences. However, a pointed disclaimer needs to be part of any recommendation……
I don't think one actually has to mention if a place is liked or not as if a promotion. Just the experience of being there should suffice describing what one observes. for example in my post above I could easily have said something like "China is a place one should visit at least once in a lifetime , , so many interesting places to see and the cost and who to use as a travel company " etc etc, but I didn't. If anyone needs to know more about a particular country a member has visited then general description can be given without sounding like a promotion. Obviously what one likes another may not that is up to the individual to decide
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I will be looking for trip reports on self organized trips, which I've been doing with my wife for years.

Ebird users may know about the "Trip report" function in Ebird. It's a great way to share birding related destinations or trips with friends and family.

A travel talk forum is a wonderful idea! I'm at the bottom of the wildlife trip hierarchy so I hope the new addition will include not only those amazing organized $15k African trips that capture the headlines, but the self-organized long or short trips as well. And I would think it would even include someone's local wildlife opportunities too.

I'm in Northern AZ so I usually travel Arizona as well as New Mexico, Colorado, etc. And I occasionally make the longer trips to Texas, Florida, and the likes. For me, I'd be much more interested in hearing about locations, ideas, tips, etc. relating to wildlife destinations in the US. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about trips to the Serengeti...but for me, CONUS locations are more realistic and information more usable. Just my $.02.

I'm certain it's going to be awesome no matter what!
This is primarily a wildlife forum and I’m happy with that, that is the reason I joined. I’m not interested in hearing about someone’s vacation to China or about travel in general. Could it be limited to wildlife photography trips only since this is a wildlife focused forum?
Can I point you to the thread heading " Travel Talk Forum" Not limited to just wildlife but to everything concerned with travel. if your not happy with my posting then may I respective ask you not to post on this thread but find another relating to wildlife. there is a thread called " Wildlife Photography (Presentation)" which you have totally ignored, and rather make adverse comments totally unrelated to the thread heading
Can I point you to the thread heading " Travel Talk Forum"
we are just discussing to have a Travel Forum designated to wildlife photography. So, "Wildlife Travel Talk Forum"
It was my mistake as a thread-starter to abandon the word "wildlife" . But here is definitely meant wildlife travel even wildlife photographic travel or travel with focus on wildlife photography.
There are definitely other travel forums for general travel in internet.
There are even travel formus for wildlife sightings but there are not a designated Wildlife Sigtings Photographic Travel forum. At the end BCG is a Wildlife Photographic community. And everything here is circling about photography of wildlife and not only about photography or only about wildlife sightings.
So, actually our forum shall answer the question: Where shall I travel to get great wildlife photos?
I think a lot of people will be interested in reading a travel trip report forum!

However, I for one can't afford to go on organized photo tours costing multi $1000s.

So I will be looking for trip reports on self organized trips, which I've been doing with my wife for years. Hopefully these will be reported as well. I'll try to post some.

Maybe someday I'll go on photo tours, but I have a lot I can learn from what I'm doing now. Another idea is to add short photo tours or a class into a longer self planned trip.

A recent example of excellent trip ideas was a thread on Iceland where several people reported on organized tour experiences and others reported about their self organized trips.

Ebird users may know about the "Trip report" function in Ebird. It's a great way to share birding related destinations or trips with friends and family.
That's actually one of the benefits of a travel forum. For example, there are lots of places in the US where you can go for a great 1-2 week trip or even a long weekend. Concentrating on one area gives you a chance to get to know the wildlife hotspots, lighting, and even good restaurants or daily routines.

For example, the Yosemite area has some very good bird photography near mono lake and some of the big meadows. But it also has great landscapes that are infrequently visited when you stay away from the named locations made famous by Ansel Adams or Carlton Watkins. People like John Sexton, Charlotte Gibb, and William Neill seek out river walks and trees in meadows that can make much more original compositions.
This is primarily a wildlife forum and I’m happy with that, that is the reason I joined. I’m not interested in hearing about someone’s vacation to China or about travel in general. Could it be limited to wildlife photography trips only since this is a wildlife focused forum?
It would be for wildlife and related nature photography travel.
I recently had a trip where I flew business class and had such a positive experience that I wanted to share it somewhere. Having a space for travel reports and reviews would be helpful for everyone planning their next adventure. I’ve found tips and personal stories to be way more useful than just reading generic travel guides. Plus, it would be cool to read about places I haven’t been to yet and get inspired. A designated forum would make it easier to find specific info and share experiences without everything getting lost in the shuffle.
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I posted under a specific heading therefore related to travel only . This gives more scope for taking photos than being restricted to wildlife. Maybe USA members go no further than in their own country and have, with all due respect, very little idea of other countries and what can be photographed that is interesting including wildlife. There is a whole world of difference from seeing places on TV.

Take for example on the Brazilian/Argentina border worth the fabulous iguazu falls

How many have even been to my country the UK and seen places away from london the tourist trap of England
near me is Scotney Castle which is actually the remains of a fortified house

Travel includes everything including wildlife and the only way is to go and find out for ones self
I posted under a specific heading therefore related to travel only . This gives more scope for taking photos than being restricted to wildlife. Maybe USA members go no further than in their own country and have, with all due respect, very little idea of other countries and what can be photographed that is interesting including wildlife. There is a whole world of difference from seeing places on TV.

Take for example on the Brazilian/Argentina border worth the fabulous iguazu falls

How many have even been to my country the UK and seen places away from london the tourist trap of England
near me is Scotney Castle which is actually te remains of a fortified house

Travel includes everything including wildlife and the only way is to go and find out for ones self
But this is a WILDLIFE forum...there are many other travel forums out there on the web that people can go to.