Wildlife Travel Talk Forum?

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But this is a WILDLIFE forum...there are many other travel forums out there on the web that people can go to.
only since the heading has been changed. I have to say that it is so annoying if the original heading is not what was meant and altered at a later date. Don't blame me I was only posting as per original heading. I don't think Steve (admin) should allow headings be altered after there have been posts relating to the original. It makes a mockery of the whole thread
Old adage… “buyer beware”… Let’s say I get a travel and photo package to Costa Rica with XYZ tours. I had a great trip, good photo ops, great lodging, food, etc. At what point does a glowing report become an endorsement? That’s close to advertising. Then you book with XYZ and nothing goes right. You might want to discuss your disappointment with the source. I liken this to “product reviews” you read online at “Amazon”.

If Steve decides to go forward with this it would be helpful for many wanting to expand their skills and experiences. However, a pointed disclaimer needs to be part of any recommendation……
If you have financial links to the provider, it should be disclosed. If you're enthusiastic about a great tour for you, what's wrong with a simple YMMV? We all know stuff happens. So much of what happens is beyond the provider's control like weather or the personality of a first-time attendee.

I have a selfish reason for not wanting tour reports to be discouraged. Google search, the various review sites, even provider websites... none of that can be trusted any longer. Only direct recommendation. I miss the days of early internet when only a seemingly small circle was online and if some stranger online said they'd meet you somewhere new, they'd just... make it happen. That was great but that's also impossible now because of the influx of AI, scammers, etc. We need those enthusiastic reports from real people! My regular guys, like myself, are getting older...
Can I point you to the thread heading " Travel Talk Forum" Not limited to just wildlife but to everything concerned with travel. if your not happy with my posting then may I respective ask you not to post on this thread but find another relating to wildlife. there is a thread called " Wildlife Photography (Presentation)" which you have totally ignored, and rather make adverse comments totally unrelated to the thread heading
To be fair the thread is about whether a travel talk forum is a good idea or not…so the comment isn’t out of line for the discussion. Steve says it will be wildlife travel…so there’s that, but like the response about China…whether a post in the potential forum is wildlife travel or just travel is an open question…and I for one would not like to see heavy handed moderation in it. Steve should promulgate the rules for posting in the forum and then he can see what happens, I like to think that generic travel won’t be there because most to all of us are here for wildlife photography purposes anyway.

I was only too willing to discuss personal experiences re travel of which I have done a lot of. What I don't like is how a thread heading is changed, after having spent a fair bit of my time posting on the subject. This is so disrespectful not only to me but others doing the same thing.

I was only too willing to discuss personal experiences re travel of which I have done a lot of. What I don't like is how a thread heading is changed, after having spent a fair bit of my time posting on the subject. This is so disrespectful not only to me but others doing the same thing.

What you don't seem to realize is that the original topic of the thread was to discuss whether this bcgf wildlife forum should have a subforum for destinations to take wildlife photos. It wasn't asking us to post travel destinations. Rather, it wanted our opinion whether or not it is a good addition to this forum to include that sort of subforum. Here is a quote from the original post which asks us, "Shall we perhaps, have a designated Travel Talk Forum?"

Yours was an in depth post, but alas it was off the topic being discussed.
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only since the heading has been changed. I have to say that it is so annoying if the original heading is not what was meant and altered at a later date. Don't blame me I was only posting as per original heading. I don't think Steve (admin) should allow headings be altered after there have been posts relating to the original. It makes a mockery of the whole thread
I think that is a bit harsh, about Steve, this has always been a wildlife and nature forum, that is why I belong to it. I do belong to other forums, but this is the only forum I know of dedicated primarily to wildlife and I'd like to keep it that way...there are many other options for different types of forums to meet our needs as photographers.
That's actually one of the benefits of a travel forum. For example, there are lots of places in the US where you can go for a great 1-2 week trip or even a long weekend. Concentrating on one area gives you a chance to get to know the wildlife hotspots, lighting, and even good restaurants or daily routines.

For example, the Yosemite area has some very good bird photography near mono lake and some of the big meadows. But it also has great landscapes that are infrequently visited when you stay away from the named locations made famous by Ansel Adams or Carlton Watkins. People like John Sexton, Charlotte Gibb, and William Neill seek out river walks and trees in meadows that can make much more original compositions.

The Mono lake area is fantastic for photographic opportunities. It's one of our favorite spots. Lundy canyon has great beaver ponds with willow habitat that supports many breeding birds in the Spring and summer. The lake is fantastic for phalaropes and other shorebirds. Many migratory birds can be seen at the well watered Mono county park near the northwestern end.

From the lee vining area, you can drive into a wide variety of habitat. The Bodie hills are amazing with high desert flora and fauna. Jack rabbits, pronghorn, sage Thrasher, Brewer’s sparrow, and many others can be seen from the dirt roads in the Bodie hills (high clearance, 4wd preferred). And the ghost town makes for dramatic photography.

Up the tioga road, you can access higher altitude terrain with gray crowned rosy finches, ptartigans , and alpine flora. But yosemite has become very crowded, so we concentrate on the lesser known areas on the east side.

Lee vining has a good rv park. And decent hotels and restaurants. Or nearby camping.

I like Steve's approach for a nature and wildlife travel forum. When I go back to Mono lake, I'll be photographing astro, birds, flora, landscape, and dramatic historical locations like Bodie. My photography is a way to immerse myself with that environment.
Do you think we should have it as a normal forum though? I've been kicking this around for awhile now. I've thought about different approaches - like having article post options for people to sort of post all about a trip and give locations, restraints, hotels, etc. I've also thought about just a normal forum to start with and see where it goes.
I think this would be a good forum or two. You raise several interesting points. Topics which may not overlap are:

Tips and tricks when traveling. Could even subdivide this into travel by car, domestic vs international travel though those distinction may be too narrow.

Location advise.
Could even subdivide this into travel by car, domestic vs international travel though those distinction may be too narrow.
We should divide it into continents at least (America, Europe, Africa, Asia...) Because what for you is domestic, for me - international and other way around. I can read under your profile photo: "From Outside The Windy City" :D So, who knows where you are at home :cool: I assume it is near Chicago :sneaky:
Theoretically, we can have the most popular destination standing alone (Like Lofoten, Pantanal, Tanzania, Kenya, Florida, Alaska) but to start with perhaps, the contents are enough.
... I hope the new addition will include not only those amazing organized $15k African trips that capture the headlines, but the self-organized long or short trips as well. And I would think it would even include someone's local wildlife opportunities too.

I'm in Northern AZ so I usually travel Arizona as well as New Mexico, Colorado, etc. And I occasionally make the longer trips to Texas, Florida, and the likes. For me, I'd be much more interested in hearing about locations, ideas, tips, etc. relating to wildlife destinations in the US. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about trips to the Serengeti...but for me, CONUS locations are more realistic and information more usable. Just my $.02.

I'm certain it's going to be awesome no matter what!
I also favor nearby trips, and being in the US and of thrifty nature, reasonably attainable North American information interests me most. Let's also not forget that home for forum members and consequently reasonably attainable travel isn't limited to the northern Western Hemisphere.
We should divide it into continents at least (America, Europe, Africa, Asia...) Because what for you is domestic, for me - international and other way around. I can read under your profile photo: "From Outside The Windy City" :D So, who knows where you are at home :cool: I assume it is near Chicago :sneaky:
Theoretically, we can have the most popular destination standing alone (Like Lofoten, Pantanal, Tanzania, Kenya, Florida, Alaska) but to start with perhaps, the contents are enough.
I'd like, initially, to just have it all thrown in together, maybe using the title in some fashion to let people know where the trip is. I don't visit places by location, I visit them by animal I want to photograph. For me, that could be in the states or out, I'm willing to travel wherever the animal is.
I think this would be a good forum or two. You raise several interesting points. Topics which may not overlap are:

Tips and tricks when traveling. Could even subdivide this into travel by car, domestic vs international travel though those distinction may be too narrow.

Location advise.
Definitely location advice, and maybe predominate wildlife you spotted, best time of year, etc. I'm not looking for someone to do my work for me (scout locations, etc.). Rather, I'd be looking for good suggestions of new (to me) locations, your experience there, suggested hotels, maybe some spot tips, etc. And we get to see some great pictures from your trip as well :).

I'm excited about the idea! Thanks @ElenaH for posting the suggestion and lighting a new fire under the discussions that many have been poking at for a while.
maybe using the title in some fashion to let people know where the trip is
Exactly. We need to have some guidelines! Some kind of title from which it will be clear what it is a post about.
Like dividing Travel Reports from Planning and Tips. Because in Planning members will be asking questions and Travel Reports will be for reading and sharing the info. The location also must be included, I think. Animals - perhaps! I think, there will be a pool of ideas.
Exactly. We need to have some guidelines! Some kind of title from which it will be clear what it is a post about.
Like dividing Travel Reports from Planning and Tips. Because in Planning members will be asking questions and Travel Reports will be for reading and sharing the info. The location also must be included, I think. Animals - perhaps! I think, there will be a pool of ideas.
If I understood @Steve correctly he will have some guidance on the forum, or perhaps will have posted the forum itself, later this week. Let’s see how he prefers to organize it.
This site has three showcase forums: wildlife, landscape, macro. As such I understand it to be a nature photography forum, but not strictly a wildlife photography forum (since nature includes landscape without animals). My hope would be for a nature travel forum, which includes both wildlife and landscape photography opportunities. Some here seem to want wildlife only, without landscape. We'll see what Steve decides, just throwing in my two cents. I think I am in agreement with the majority here (including Steve) that it is not fitting for this site to host a general travel forum (Carnival of Venice, Downtown New York, etc). BTW this is coming from someone whose favorite photo travel subject is European architecture. Even in the existing landscape forum, some people are pushing the boundaries of what this site is intended for IMO.
This site has three showcase forums: wildlife, landscape, macro. As such I understand it to be a nature photography forum, but not strictly a wildlife photography forum (since nature includes landscape without animals). My hope would be for a nature travel forum, which includes both wildlife and landscape photography opportunities. Some here seem to want wildlife only, without landscape. We'll see what Steve decides, just throwing in my two cents. I think I am in agreement with the majority here (including Steve) that it is not fitting for this site to host a general travel forum (Carnival of Venice, Downtown New York, etc). BTW this is coming from someone whose favorite photo travel subject is European architecture. Even in the existing landscape forum, some people are pushing the boundaries of what this site is intended for IMO.
I'm fine with landscape and nature along with wildlife, just not a general travel forum or "here are my vacay pics from some town or city and I took my camera along." I'm hoping for serious, even detailed, information on a specific site that will help photogs figure out if that site is right for them and will provide a basis for a start to their trip. It's always nice to have inside information on a trip. We all provide this kind of information often when people ask about Yellowstone, which happens frequently, so that kind of thing.
I'm fine with landscape and nature along with wildlife, just not a general travel forum or "here are my vacay pics from some town or city and I took my camera along." I'm hoping for serious, even detailed, information on a specific site that will help photogs figure out if that site is right for them and will provide a basis for a start to their trip. It's always nice to have inside information on a trip. We all provide this kind of information often when people ask about Yellowstone, which happens frequently, so that kind of thing.
This is what I want for it as well :)
We should divide it into continents at least (America, Europe, Africa, Asia...) Because what for you is domestic, for me - international and other way around. I can read under your profile photo: "From Outside The Windy City" :D So, who knows where you are at home :cool: I assume it is near Chicago :sneaky:
Theoretically, we can have the most popular destination standing alone (Like Lofoten, Pantanal, Tanzania, Kenya, Florida, Alaska) but to start with perhaps, the contents are enough.
Yes I am outside Chicago, 2nd suburb north of the city, WIlmette. But for most people Outside Chicago is more meaningful. Chicago earned the name "the windy city" not due to meteorological events, but rather the politicians toting the 1893 world fair.
I'm working on the forum and have it mostly done. Right now, I have two custom fields with different values - one for region (like North America South America, etc.) and another for popular parks / areas in the North America (since 90%+ of the questions seem to be about the US/Canada). These include popular parks we see all the time- Yellowstone, smokies, etc.

I'm also going to put in a prefix requirement as well - for Trip Reports, Questions, Hotspots, Gear, etc. These will be a drop box before the topic to help narrow things down even more and you'll be able to filter them as well.

The idea is that anyone searching can quickly narrow down the topic list to the type, area, and even park they are interested in very quickly.

I need help with two things:

1. What are some popular parks that are always coming up here in the forums that should be in the popular parks list? (We don't want every park or the filtering process will become unwieldily - but we do want to cover the top 10 or 15.)

2. Do you have any additional thoughts on prefixes beyond what I mentioned?

Thanks in advance. Once I have answers to the above questions I'll make the forum live.
I'm working on the forum and have it mostly done. Right now, I have two custom fields with different values - one for religion (like North America South America, etc.) and another for popular parks / areas in the North America (since 90%+ of the questions seem to be about the US/Canada). These include popular parks we see all the time- Yellowstone, smokies, etc.

I'm also going to put in a prefix requirement as well - for Trip Reports, Questions, Hotspots, Gear, etc. These will be a drop box before the topic to help narrow things down even more and you'll be able to filter them as well.

The idea is that anyone searching can quickly narrow down the topic list to the type, area, and even park they are interested in very quickly.

I need help with two things:

1. What are some popular parks that are always coming up here in the forums that should be in the popular parks list? (We don't want every park or the filtering process will become unwieldily - but we do want to cover the top 10 or 15.)

2. Do you have any additional thoughts on prefixes beyond what I mentioned?

Thanks in advance. Once I have answers to the above questions I'll make the forum live.
Are you thinking US only @Steve ? Not sure on your website stats, but I am in the UK and would very much value experiences of others that have travelled in Europe and beyond.
I'm working on the forum and have it mostly done. Right now, I have two custom fields with different values - one for region (like North America South America, etc.) and another for popular parks / areas in the North America (since 90%+ of the questions seem to be about the US/Canada). These include popular parks we see all the time- Yellowstone, smokies, etc.

I'm also going to put in a prefix requirement as well - for Trip Reports, Questions, Hotspots, Gear, etc. These will be a drop box before the topic to help narrow things down even more and you'll be able to filter them as well.

The idea is that anyone searching can quickly narrow down the topic list to the type, area, and even park they are interested in very quickly.

I need help with two things:

1. What are some popular parks that are always coming up here in the forums that should be in the popular parks list? (We don't want every park or the filtering process will become unwieldily - but we do want to cover the top 10 or 15.)

2. Do you have any additional thoughts on prefixes beyond what I mentioned?

Thanks in advance. Once I have answers to the above questions I'll make the forum live.

Bosque del Apache

How is Hotspots different than Destinations?
Parks-the obvious, Yellowstone and Grand Teton NPs, probably Glacier NP, Arches NP. Maybe Denali NP, seems like I've heard questions on that one. Maybe Katmai NP. Just my thoughts on it.

Destinations, agree with ButlerKid. Add Africa of course.

On the prefix, maybe add transportation as sometimes that can be a problem, just a thought.

If I think of anything else I'll throw it in. I think once a couple of us put a recent trip in that will help in tweaking it more.
Are you thinking US only @Steve ? Not sure on your website stats, but I am in the UK and would very much value experiences of others that have travelled in Europe and beyond.
For popular parks and for now, just the US. However, all world regions are covered. This is a travel forum for everywhere, it's just that there are popular parks in the US that always have questions and I wanted to sort that down a bit. If we try to put popular parks all over the world, the filtering will become a mess. Plus, there are still tags and search available, not to mention region. Also, keep in mind that this can be adjusted - for now I just want a place to start that I can expand from and that won't limit me in the future.