Wildlife Travel Talk Forum?

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I don't wish to be rude but to me it looks as if most members don't/can't think beyond the USA, and not realising there is a lot more to the world than theirs. ,For example places my wife and I have been to
Brazil-Egypt- Tunisia-Spain- Italy- Germany-Greece- Portugal-Iceland- Norway- Faroe isle- USA- Caribbean islands-Sicily- Brittany- China-Japan Argentina- some more than once to name but a few.
There is a lot of wildlife to be found in each that are native to one country only

In brazil as two examples both completely wild. the first beside a park cafe and the second where we were staying at my D-In-L's house

In the carribean




A very valid point but this site is predominantly American with mainly USA members and relative low number of European participants . It’s time for a European forum in my opinion and it surprises me that there isn’t one already. Most of the European sub forums on US sites fail or have very little traffic. I also think it’s a small number of American nature photographers that visit Europe for wildlife photography as they have generally easier access to prime wildlife photography areas on their doorstep whereas in Europe it’s on the whole more difficult and often the only and best way to get your images is from commercial hides of which there are very few in the USA. I think in all these years I only met 3 American wildlife photographers in Spain
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It’s time for a European forum in my opinion and it surprises me that there isn’t one already. Most of the European sub forums on US sites fail or have very little traffic
It is a discrimination o_O No, I am kidding, you are right.

Shall we look for the other forum or to build one?

No, I hope it will work with us as well. 😉 I love those US boys and girls here :D And I love the work of Steve! His books and videos! It is a lot of work and I purchased those books because they are valuable. So, I want to stay 🙂

It should not fail for us becasue we are Europeans 🙃 Perhaps, we can contribute somehow as well. It also depends on us.
There could more general titles on occasion I'm sure that could apply across destinations so we should allow for those I assume.

On another subject: I _love_ this forum and am based in the UK. I'm sure this has worked well so far and will work in future just as well. US destinations are only a pond to cross from here anyway :)
… It’s time for a European forum in my opinion and it surprises me that there isn’t one already. Most of the European sub forums on US sites fail or have very little traffic. …
I live in the US. I do travel outside the US for wildlife, landscape and nature photography.

I’d be glad to hear more about wildlife photography options in Europe. I’ve only done a bit in Europe: some bird photography in Majorca. Wildlife and landscape photography in Iceland. Does Greenland count?

I also appreciate the contributions of members outside the US. You add a lot.

And as to gear, technique, editing, and the value of Steve’s advice, we are in the same boat.