Rumors: New Nikon Z9 Firmware Update With Enhanced AF Acquisition Coming Soon (or not 🙂)

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Both models of the Z7 - inaugural and vII - are still a first choice of landscape photographers, and not too shoddy for video either. Nikon must know the size of its working population of these cameras, and recognize they should not be left behind - especially as there's no Z7 III (yet).
Weird how Nikon takes literally years to recognize he importance of some features, before they are finally added/fixed. The AFmode+AFOn custom setting finally reached the Z6 line almost 6 years late. This feature is essential to use the MILC AF efficiently, so too bad for Nikon's lost traction with these otherwise very capable cameras.

A few features get comparatively quick attention: eg RSF [Hold] was quickly added to the Z9, already being in the D6, as were the Custom Area AF modes... April 2022. Agence France Presse and other sports Pros are likely the reason these features were fast tracked for the new Z9.

In contrast, enthusiasts, hobbyists don't have the clout and links into Nikon to get straightforward firmware fixes for the Z6 and Z7....

Another explanation is the very real Japanese philosophy of prioritizing a full house of functions in flagships, but culling the desirable functions from lower tier models, justified by their lower cost.

Conservatism is yet another - rigid seniority that kills off new ideas and demoralizes innovators. And, as Thom Hogan's often criticizes... too few of the managers and engineers understand how their products are used by experienced photographers. In short they don't shoot their own cameras!

Perhaps the biggest obstacle is the customer relations employees are too ignorant (also not photographers), and/or their feedback fails to get back to where it matters in Tokyo.
Anyone remember the senior Nikon USA representative at an on line technical review of the new Z9 in 2022... Under auspices of Paul's Camera? When challenged about the lack of PreCapture RAW, his response was wildlife photographers should be shooting jpg :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Such arrogance in the wrong places in a corporation often explains a lot, including why products fail because customers are alienated, and in this case critical feedback is blocked from reaching the appropriate experts
And, as Thom Hogan's often criticizes... too few of the managers and engineers understand how their products are used by experienced photographers. In short they don't shoot their own cameras!
i think this is a big thing.

and it’s multi-faceted; there are so many types of photography and skill levels within photography.

even if you talk to an xyz photographer, that particular photographer is going to know certain things, not know certain things, have a certain style and approach.

in reality you are going to need a very proactive and ongoing effort to really get a feel for any given photography area.
i think this is a big thing.

and it’s multi-faceted; there are so many types of photography and skill levels within photography.

even if you talk to an xyz photographer, that particular photographer is going to know certain things, not know certain things, have a certain style and approach.

in reality you are going to need a very proactive and ongoing effort to really get a feel for any given photography area.
I also wonder if the pros they interact with the most for these high speed cameras are mostly in sports and actually do shoot jpeg often, for the speed of uploading immediately. I could see the wrong executive having met them once and formed that in his head “it’s good enough for professional sports, it’s good enough for seagulls” kind of mentality. People who build products often dont actually use them in these businesses.

Eventually some marketing exec will show them that RAW is a feature stealing sales though and they’ll either fix it or bait everyone with it as a feature in the next series of camera. Nikon being way behind in market share probably shouldn’t play games like that though. They need to capture not tread water or lose customers.