Z9 Firmware 3.0 Released

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Started to read this discussion and yesterday night I updated to 3.0
I had a go today with the 600FL and I did not like it at all compared to the 2.1
On perching birds, the 3d (on AF-on) was so unrealiable. Several times going on the branch and staying there.
Wide large too, looks don't see the eye as before with the 2.1.
The wierdest was , I set the DISP button to Dynamic small+AF on , when I press, it start as a "3d" and after a moment start to be Dynamic!!
With the native 28 2.8, instead I don't have these issues. I have my photos of birds on the wall, and even from distance, see the eye and stick to it.
Same with the Z 70-200 2.8. Is fast and great to see the eyes.

Today I had so many missed shots because of the eye detection

Is it possible to roll back firmware?

I'm going to reset the camera, and spend the afternoon to set it up again without load the file with the setting.
@simo - I think you are having the issue I brought up in the thread. 3D tracking using AF-ON set to the AF-ON or other buttons does not work properly in the WA and Auto AF modes. Doesn't work in single point if you move the point off center. Your mention of the Disp button issue is interesting as a part of what's up.
Like many of forum members I updated my Z9 to firmware v3 this week, no issues so far although to be honest I don’t have alot of experience with the camera to make comparisons having only had it a couple of weeks at the previous version of firmware.

I do have question regarding focus peaking as when Ive been checking out some of the issues people have been reporting on the forum I noticed a little anomaly with iMenu behaviour and the PEAK button.

This is more of an observation as the focus peaking functionality is OK.

I have PEAK in my i Menu and when I turn it on peaking works OK but the i Menu icon always says PEAK OFF never ON, all the other i Menu icons seem to change to what you set them to.

Very minor thing and as I say just a random observation.
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Like many of forum members I updated my Z9 to firmware v3 this week, no issues so far although to be honest I don’t have alot of experience with the camera to make comparisons having only had it a couple of weeks at the previous version of firmware.

I do have question regarding focus peaking as when Ive been checking out some of the issues people have been reporting on the forum I noticed a little anomaly with iMenu behaviour and the PEAK button.

This is more of an observation as the focus peaking functionality is OK.

I have PEAK in my i Menu and when I turn it on peaking works OK but the i Menu icon always says PEAK OFF never ON, all the other i Menu icons seem to change to what you set them to.

Very minor thing and as I say just a random observation.
Nice catch. Yes, mine says "Peak Off" even when turned On.
Not sure what is going on! Now I am getting a totally black screen through the viewfinder - no matter WHAT I change the exposure settings to!

I updated to v3 yesterday. Just picked up the camera on the desk to check out Peaking..... No idea what setting is causing this.

I have 2 Z9's and I loaded the 2nd one with my saved settings from the first. It is the first that is acting up. The 2nd Z9 is fine. Guess I'll reload my saved settings........

I get the feeling that resetting the camera is good practice following changes that affect menus and settings, I am now going to save the settings to files based on firmware version numbers. It didn't take me that long to put them back in, using a spreadsheet that another member in this post kindly shared, glad I filled it in!
Found the problem. Off to get a cup of coffee........

Years ago I created a spreadsheet of ALL my settings. With each new camera I update it. So I have a digital copy, a printed copy and the settings saved on a card! ;)
Hi Karen, based on your last post Ive also been playing around a bit. Here is what Ive found with a 500mm pf attached. If the lens switch in the M position then the icon in the i Menu displays ON, if in the A/m or M/a positions then always OFF even though peaking works as it should.

Now IMO it could be a bug but it may also be specific to adapted lenses rather than native Z ones, not having a Z mount lens I can’t check.

Not concerned as it appears to have been the same in v2,1.
Hi Karen, based on your last post Ive also been playing around a bit. Here is what Ive found with a 500mm pf attached. If the lens switch in the M position then the icon in the i Menu displays ON, if in the A/m or M/a positions then always OFF even though peaking works as it should.

Now IMO it could be a bug but it may also be specific to adapted lenses rather than native Z ones, not having a Z mount lens I can’t check.

Not concerned as it appears to have been the same in v2,1.
My Z 105mm shows OFF when it should be on, I'll carry on playing...

Edit - I have no idea, but now it's working! Z 105mm will try on my 500 PF later
Yup confirmed, so this maybe by design. Now I feel stupid :-(
Nope no feeling that way; the Z9 is a complicated beast. They clearly don't have everything right with this FW. In fact this am I made sure I have 2.11 around. Going to Africa next month and I have to decide about the 3D tracking bug. It works ok with eye detection on so I will probably leave it and have backup buttons set up for 3D without AF-ON and turning off eye detection.
Nice catch. Yes, mine says "Peak Off" even when turned On.
I have focus peaking set to on on my Z9. If I have a lens attached and the lens focus mode switch is set to M, focus peaking shows as on in the iMenu. If the lens focus mode is set to A, focus peaking shows as off in the iMenu. Not a great UI design choice, as focus peaking works in A if you turn the focus ring on the lens.
I have focus peaking set to on on my Z9. If I have a lens attached and the lens focus mode switch is set to M, focus peaking shows as on in the iMenu. If the lens focus mode is set to A, focus peaking shows as off in the iMenu. Not a great UI design choice, as focus peaking works in A if you turn the focus ring on the lens.
As others noted, peaking shows as on in the iMenu if the lens is set to A and you are actually using peaking by turning the focus ring on the lens. But that is not a time when you would typically look at the iMenu or any other menu.
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Thanks for feedback, and raising a strange feature I'd not paid any attention to.

Yes I think I understand how the icon is working. Makes logical sense as it's indicating when Focus-Peaking is actually engaging ie when AF is switched to Manual on my 400 f4.5S or focus dial is engaged by hand.

In most cases the focus is indeed in Automatic. Probably a better way of implementinh this icon but no a bug.
As others noted, peaking shows as on in the iMenu if the lens is set to A and you are actually using peaking by turning the focus ring on the lens. But that is not a time when you would typically look at the iMenu or any other menu.
Thanks for feedback, and raising a strange feature I'd not paid any attention to.

Yes I think I understand how the icon is working. Makes logical sense as it's indicating when Focus-Peaking is actually engaging ie when AF is switched to Manual on my 400 f4.5S or focus dial is engaged by hand.

In most cases the focus is indeed in Automatic. Probably a better way of implementinh this icon but no a bug.
Agreed no bug just a bit odd logic. 👍
Usually they are busy helping roast coffee, but they must have run off to do some software work. Now if they would only fix the 3D-AF-ON issue.

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NPS event this afternoon.....just in time!
The video record button was already customizable. Guess the question is if something new was added that it could control.

It appears that Fn4 could be utilized for a LOT more things - if they would enable it.
Agreed. Prior to FW 3 I reprogrammed the record button in still shooting mode to switch from FX to DX. Didn’t/don’t understand the point of the adding that in the announcement.