nikon z9

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  1. lukemeup


    Nikon knocked it out of the park with this 105 Z macro lens. :) I'm just starting to dabble with macro & I'm super pleased with the performance. These are all handheld - I'll play with tripod & stacking on a non-windy days. :)
  2. fcotterill

    Z Nikkor 400 f2.8S TC and 800 f6.3S PF test images - Teleconverters

    by Andy Miller, UK. with the combinations of TC's on the Nikon Z9
  3. M R Opp

    Dead Z9 Battery Charger

    So...after months of waiting, I picked up my Z9 today. Rushed home ... unboxed faster than Jared Polin, plugged the charger into the wall, inserted the battery, and ... NOTHING. No blinking lights, no nothing. Verified socket worked ... nothing. Tried another socket ... nothing. Inserted battery...
  4. fcotterill

    Z9 Firmware 2.0: feedback on AF, RSF...

    It is great the current Nikon flagship has improved significantly. Here's a couple of initial observations after install and setup... 1. Initial testing suggests customizing one of the Wide-Custom AF modes to Single-Point with Subject-Detection has significant potential. As found previously...
  5. fcotterill

    Nikon Z System by 2025: 50+ lenses

    Published by Tokyo HQ yesterday.... Amidst the usual jingoistic speak of a corporate mgmt strategy plan, Slide #19 is an informative read: "For pros/hobbyists "Deploy advanced features from the Z9 across the lineup" Digital cameras •Concentrate management resources in high value-added...
  6. DougGood

    Lossless compression vs High Efficiency*

    I just received my Z9! I am requesting feedback on real world experience on tradeoffs of lossless compression versus high efficiency*. And yes, I have read what little Nikon has to say about it. Has anyone done objective comparisons on image quality differences? What about software support...
  7. fcotterill

    Nikon Menus with Nikon Technical Rep

    There might be a few insider tips and explanation in this talk under auspices of Paul's Camera
  8. fcotterill

    High ISO IQ in Nikon Z9, field tests - Jeffrey Wu

    Wildlife photographer based in Kenya - website. Be interesting to hear his comparisons of Z9 and D6, which has been his primary camera, apparently
  9. fcotterill

    Nikon TV Canada - recent Z Nikkors

    Fair amount about the 400 f2.8S TC, including very fast and highly precise AF.... and interview with Brad Hill on Z9 etc
  10. sid_19911991

    Z9 Buffer & memory card results

    I bought a Lexar GB CF express B card. Going by the following table, it seemed the best performer relative to price. Its buffer/write capacity is the 3rd best on the list! The results I got... 1) Lossless Raw only @ 20 FPS - 61 raw images - before buffer starts to slow down. But one can keep...
  11. sid_19911991

    Z9 Bird/Animal Eye AF Database!

    I thought we can make a database of how well the Z9 can track different animals/birds in different situations by collectively pooling in our first-hand experiences! Not sure if anybody is interested, but I am doing it anyway! It could help other photographers & perhaps even Nikon if they ever...
  12. sid_19911991

    Z9 AF as per first-hand shooters!

    Hi folks, as also suggested by one of the forum users, I thought we can have distinct thread on Z9 AF from the perspective of first hand users. In short, wide-area large mode with animal detection switched on, AF sensitivity set at 5, & subject motion set to erratic, yielded the best results...
  13. sid_19911991

    My initial Z9 with 500 pf shooting impressions - mindblown!

    I got the Z9 delivered to me the previous day late evening; shoutout to @lordofthelight for connecting me with the right dealer. A) AF impressions & settings: I played with the Z9 & 500 pf with FTZ 1 for about 30 minutes in dull cloudy weather shooting pigeons from my terrace & it did...
  14. L

    Nikon Z9 - Third Party & adapted Lenses.

    This thread is dedicated to discussing the performance of third-party & adapted lenses on the Nikon Z9. As the camera is now beginning to be available i am sure many, me included, are interested in knowing the performance of third party and adapted lenses on this camera body. At the...
  15. fcotterill

    Z9 Menu Settings....Overview

    Overall it is clear the Z9 menu system perpetuates the Nikon layout: albeit many new additions and also a few rearrangements etc in the details. Subject to release of the Z9 manuals [downloadable pdf's], this video seems to be the most complete coverage to date. A much safer subject for this...
  16. sid_19911991

    Z9 AF-Z9 tracks an erratic butterfly with background clutter! EVF Footage

    This is probably the best EVF AF recording of the Z9 that I have seen on the Internet. The shooter uses different modes to track different birds. At one point he tracks an erratic butterfly amidst a busy background with 3 D tracking. Going by the video, seems like 3D tracking is the best AF mode.
  17. fcotterill

    Z9 Countdown..... with Teaser 4 now uploaded. Page for pending video of tomorrow's launch -