Nikon 180-600mm lens ship date

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I'm still waiting. Pre-ordered June 22nd at B&H. Watching the threads of what others who have gotten theirs have said about it.
I buy a lot from B&H, however from following people who have ordered cameras and lenses early in the process I have learned that its customer service representatives are no more able to predict shipments and order listing than I am. Having said that, I ordered on the 20th, so I'll be happy if you got straight info. I think too many people have pre-ordered that lens because they have waited a long time and there are too many reviews, for everyone who ordered within the first two days to get the lens in the next shipment. .
I buy a lot from B&H, however from following people who have ordered cameras and lenses early in the process I have learned that its customer service representatives are no more able to predict shipments and order listing than I am. Having said that, I ordered on the 20th, so I'll be happy if you got straight info. I think too many people have pre-ordered that lens because they have waited a long time and there are too many reviews, for everyone who ordered within the first two days to get the lens in the next shipment. .
I haven't spoken to anybody at B&H. I was responding to Dave who said he talked to someone there. That said, it will come when it comes. I've been following threads posted by folks who got theirs, what they thought of it, and there's also a thread about getting Arca-style feet for it. I'm in no big hurry, I'm hoping Hejnar or Kirk or others will have the foot issue sorted by the time I get mine. I only hope to get mine when fall migration and eagle season begins the end of September. If Dave's info is correct, then I will.
Several resellers have already discounted the 180-600mm lens by a couple of hundred dollars here in Australia. I look forward to the November sales to hopefully pick up one for a good price, plus get a better replacement collar/foot at the same time.
Frustrating to see this lens so slowly leaking out. (I am not real good at waiting!) My order went in 6/20 to NikonUSA and non NPS, as of just now, still "processing".
Seeing mixed messages on how and from where to best order something expected to be wildly popular. Numerous times read that ordering from one of the big boys, e.g., B&H or Adorama, because of how many people order from there, increases chance of being lower on a larger list and thus taking longer. Yet, here it seems quite a few have ordered from B&H. So, is there any rhyme or reason to order from B&H or other large source, vs Nikon directly, vs a local brick and mortar (if one is available)? Got my Z8 very quickly from NikonUSA, so tried there again. Is it more of a factor of how in demand this lens is (more demand than for the Z8), or, as has been suggested, under preparation by Nikon?
Numerous times read that ordering from one of the big boys, e.g., B&H or Adorama, because of how many people order from there, increases chance of being lower on a larger list and thus taking longer. Yet, here it seems quite a few have ordered from B&H. So, is there any rhyme or reason to order from B&H or other large source, vs Nikon directly, vs a local brick and mortar (if one is available)?
My sense is that those who’ve so far received this lens from B&H are NPS members. Another retailer I’ve spoken with received three and they were used to fulfill NPS preorders. There have been reports that some retailers received none in the first shipment.

I have no idea how Nikon decides to allocate products globally to its geographic subsidiaries, nor how those subsidiaries decide how much to allocate to specific retailers. For new products I suspect it’s based on preorder volume but there may be other factors in play, too.

I wish Nikon would be more transparent but that’s not going to happen. I think it’s best to establish a relationship with a retailer you trust and which provides great service. Order from them and be patient. Just my 2¢.
Had a chat with B&H yesterday and was told "The 180-600mm is coming into stock on 10/9/23". By the way, if you ever have any questions about gear or whatever, their video chat is a great resource!
Frustrating to see this lens so slowly leaking out. (I am not real good at waiting!) My order went in 6/20 to NikonUSA and non NPS, as of just now, still "processing".
Seeing mixed messages on how and from where to best order something expected to be wildly popular. Numerous times read that ordering from one of the big boys, e.g., B&H or Adorama, because of how many people order from there, increases chance of being lower on a larger list and thus taking longer. Yet, here it seems quite a few have ordered from B&H. So, is there any rhyme or reason to order from B&H or other large source, vs Nikon directly, vs a local brick and mortar (if one is available)? Got my Z8 very quickly from NikonUSA, so tried there again. Is it more of a factor of how in demand this lens is (more demand than for the Z8), or, as has been suggested, under preparation by Nikon?’s hard. I actually ordered from both B&H and Nikon and will cancel one of them once I get a shipping or preparing to ship email from one of them…that will release a pre order one at the other. Nikon gets a lot of blame for “not anticipating demand”…but to be fair their lens production assembly line and its capacity is pretty much fixed and while they can at least theoretically shift production resources from lens A to lens B as needed…there is Some factor that’s limiting…lens grinding or whatever it is. Nikon builds out its production line capacity based on longer term lens demand forecasts…and the build time for a bigger line isn’t weeks, it’s months or maybe even years…and it’s not economical or feasible to build a much larger line than is needed for steady state output and then let most of it sit idle for a lot of the time…they obviously build in some surge/prioritization capability but they have a business to maintain and unused or partially used costly facilities are a drain on the financial health of the company. So…we get these inevitable delays…but Nikon has to think strategically for long term viability…I’m sure they’re not happy about the back orders…but just like Apple’s iPhone production lines…more capacity than will be used consistently is not good for the bottom line.
Had a chat with B&H yesterday and was told "The 180-600mm is coming into stock on 10/9/23". By the way, if you ever have any questions about gear or whatever, their video chat is a great resource!
9/28/23, 10/9/23... I think they just throw dates out there to make people happy. I'll believe it when I see it. I ordered from B&H to save sales tax money. I paid over $400 in sales taxes when I bought my Z9 along with the necessary accessories from a local camera shop. I got my Z8 from B&H. I can wait. Just hope it's not next year.
9/28/23, 10/9/23... I think they just throw dates out there to make people happy. I'll believe it when I see it...
Hey customer service people need a good laugh like anyone else.

Once I was in Atlanta airport on one of those days with dozens of cancelled flights. The place was a zoo in a state of general mayhem. I was sitting right beside the desk at a gate in easy earshot of conversations. Every person that walked up was getting a different answer from the gate agent. It was eye opening. Nowadays I wonder if the same thing happens when someone is entering the information that shows up in the airline app. Just make something up to mess with us... :confused:
Had a chat with B&H yesterday and was told "The 180-600mm is coming into stock on 10/9/23". By the way, if you ever have any questions about gear or whatever, their video chat is a great resource!
Just checked with B&H again regarding my. order. Same answer I got ten days ago: Expected to ship in late September.
Just heard from my folks, they received a couple more copies which were shipped out to waiting customers. Supposedly, I'm slated to receive one in the next batch depending on the number of lenses in the next delivery. From what the customer service agent told me, Nikon does not provide them with advance notice with respect to the date or quantity until the time of shipment.
I received an email for BH: B&H Photo Order #1101468070 Shipped

Excited as heck, until I read the full message and realized it was a battery shipment..

I ordered the lens June 21, can't recall the time of day.
I preordered from Bedford when the lens was announced. Contacted them today, they said the first batch went to NPS members (I was rejected fro NPS membership because I don't have a web site). They don't have a date for the next batch, nor do they know how many they are getting. BUT I am #20 on their list for the next batch. So, I'm hoping to have mine Real Soon Now ...
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